Affiliate Marketing Is The Best Way To Make Money Online

There's a lot of ways to make money at home and on the internet but affiliate marketing beats them all

There's A LOT of ways to make money online..

I mean A LOT.

There's ways to make money online that I haven't even heard of too and I've been doing this for 5 years.

But one thing I've learned in these last 5 years is affiliate marketing is by far the best way to make money online and this is especially true if you're a beginner.

Here's my 7 favorite things about affiliate marketing and why I love it so much:

1) It's so cheap to get started

Do you know how much it costs to start a brick and mortar business? Over $100,000..

That's a HUGE risk and enough to ruin a person if they don't succeed.

Do you know how much it costs to start with affiliate marketing? Around $50 per month.

All you really need is training, website hosting, a couple tools to help you succeed and you're pretty much set.

How many other businesses or careers can you make 6 figures per year, from your home, and spend only $50 per month? 

There's basically no other business model you can say this for.

2) No special skills are needed

20 years ago making a website was difficult.

But it's 2020..

Making a website takes about 30 seconds and 4 clicks now.

There's nothing technical about affiliate marketing and running a website is as easy as operating your phone.

3) No bothering friends and family

Have you ever been recruited to join a Multi-Level Marketing company? 

If you have then you know the main way to make money is to throw parties and try to sell your friends and family different products.

You also have to try recruiting them into your downline and other awkward things like that.

With affiliate marketing you don't have to bother your friends and family.

Your customers are complete strangers.

4) Make money with a hobby

Another awesome thing about affiliate marketing is you can make money in any market or niche.

There's people that do affiliate marketing with camping, fishing, bowling, tennis, homesteading, cars, bikes, home improvement, basketball, and more.

Any hobby you have you can turn into an affiliate marketing website/business.

If you have no ideas you can make money by promoting Wealthy Affiliate as well. There's plenty of people making a full time income doing this.

5) No buying products or shipping products

Other popular methods to making money online are dropshipping and Amazon FBA.

In both of these instances you have to buy products (which can cost thousands) and you have to figure out shipping.

This means paying to store products in a warehouse and more.

These costs really add up and makes those business models too expensive.

With affiliate marketing there's no buying products and no shipping. That's dealt with the company you're an affiliate for.

All returns and customer service is dealt with the affiliate company you're working with too.

6) Create your own hours

This is what drew me to affiliate marketing and making money in the first place.

I didn't want to have set hours and have to wake up at the crack of dawn everyday. 

I also didn't want to be told when I could take lunch and how long I could eat for or anything like that. 

If you succeed at affiliate marketing you are literally in charge of all aspects of your job.

No commute. No boss. Make your own hours.

Nothing in the world beats this. 

7) Can make a lot of money

Affiliate marketing doesn't have a ceiling.

Almost everyone that I know that succeeds with affiliate marketing creates multiple profitable websites.

Once you start making money you can create new websites and try new ways to make money.

Some people create up to 100 different money making affiliate sites!

I know people that make millions PER MONTH doing affiliate marketing.

You can truly make CEO money doing affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn affiliate marketing

I've reviewed hundreds of different make money online opportunities.

None of them even come close to matching Wealthy Affiliate in value or price.

Wealthy Affiliate gives you everything you need to succeed with affiliate marketing.

You get top of the line training, a large community to ask help from, tools to give you an edge, website hosting, website builders, support, email and more.

There's simply no place like it.

If you're still on the fence about Wealthy Affiliate I'm BEGGING you to give it a shot - it's FREE to try!

So if you're ready to test it out, click here

If you're already signed up and haven't talked to me yet make sure to send me a message and let's chat!
