7 Figure Agency Sales System 2.0 is a Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) course taught by Michael Laurens.

He claims this course can teach you how to build a 7 figure social media agency..

Is it true?

That's what this review will answer.

Below you're going to find everything you need to know about 7 Figure Agency Sales System including background information, price to join, course overview and more.

You'll know if this program is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

7 Figure Agency Sales System Summary

Product: 7 Figure Agency Sales System

Price to join: $7000 (discounts to $5000)

Rating: 70/100

Do I recommend? Yes, if you want to do SMMA.

Summary: 7 Figure Agency is a course that teaches you SMMA. This course is definitely quality and Michael Laurens is legit.

If you're looking to build a social media agency and make a full time living doing so, 7 Figure Agency is a good choose.

However, SMMA is a difficult and fairly expensive way to make money. 

There's ways to make money online that are much easier and less expensive.

Better opportunity: If you want to see how you can build a 6 figure online salary with basically no money, click the button. There you'll see the easiest and most cost effective way to make a lot of money online.

The Truth About SMMA

Before we get into the course I just want to talk about the SMMA business model.

While there's definitely people making money doing this money making method and I think helping local businesses get more business is good, SMMA is tough.

This is the kind of business you can't just give a couple hours a week or just sit around and make money.

SMMA requires hours of work everyday and it requires you to actually go out and get business.

SMMA requires:

  • Cold calling 
  • Negotiating deals and meeting with different business owners
  • Will need to learn Facebook ads
  • Will need to learn sales funnels
  • Have to deal with legal contracts 

And more. You'll also need thousands for a paid traffic budget because you're going to be getting leads that way.

With something like affiliate marketing there's none of that. You can do it for basically free, there's no cold calling or dealing with legal contracts. 

It's also less stressful and more easy going.

So if you just want to make money online I would consider affiliate marketing before SMMA. 

Who Is Michael Laurens?

There isn't a ton of information out there about Michael Laurens.

Apparently he started his SMMA career in his dorm room and has since made millions doing so.

Also, he's involved in a consultancy startup that raises money for blockchain projects. 

There's a lot of people in the make money online world who are fake until you make it types.

Meaning they rent nice looking cars and houses to make it seem like they're rich and they try to sell a lifestyle.

They don't actually make money online and instead are just trying to get you to buy their crappy course.

Michael Laurens doesn't fall into that category. He's the real deal and the stuff he's involved in shows he's very smart/capable.

7 Figure Agency Overview

Michael Laurens offers a free training webinar that's high quality if you want to get a feel for his teaching style before spending money on his main course.

Overall, 7 Figure Agency Sales System is a high quality course that will take you through all the steps needed to run a social media agency.

Here's the following modules you will get in this course:

  • 7-Figure Mindset
  • Appointment Setting
  • On-Boarding System 
  • Employee Portal For Appt Setters
  • Client Relationship Manager 
  • Automating Proposals
  • Scripts and Employee Resources
  • Employee Portal (Closers)
  • Building and Managing Your Team

Many other low quality SMMA courses will leave out key steps but every step is covered here from getting clients, building a team, getting customers, cold calling scripts and more. 

The only thing really missing is in depth Facebook Ads training. 

Along with the course you will get:

  • Private Facebook group
  • Lifetime access to course updates
  • Access to different funnels that Laurens has used in the past

Price And Refund Policy

This course is supposedly $4997 but has been marked down to $997.

This is pretty expensive but SMMA courses tend to cost a little extra for some reason. My guess is it isn't saturated with courses yet so the course cost can be higher.

The good news is there is a 30 day refund policy if you decide this isn't for you.

You do have to show that you tried what was in the training before getting a refund, though.

UPDATE: The price up top was just offered to beta members. The course is $7000 with discounts to get it at $5000

What I Like About 7 Figure Agency

Here's the main things I like about this course:

Great course for getting clients

There's a lot of steps to making money with SMMA and one of the most important is getting clients.

The training on getting clients is top notch here.

Taking this course will put you in a good position to get clients and make money.

Good Facebook group

The good news is there's not a lot of people in the Facebook group (there's a little over 100) and it's very active.

That means you'll get more attention and get answers quickly. 

What I Don't Like About 7 Figure Agency

Here's what I don't like about this course:

Not a fan of SMMA

This really has nothing to do with the course but instead the business model.

There's a lot of different ways to make money online - some easy and expensive while others are hard and pricey.

SMMA is in the second group.

SMMA takes a lot of effort, money and guts. It's not a passive way to make money and you'll be for sure getting out of your comfort zone here. 

Could use more training on Facebook Ads/customer acquisition

The course does a good job on getting clients but not so much on getting customers.

This will include Facebook Ads, Google search and more.

You'll most likely need a course on getting customers for your clients if you buy this one. 

Is 7 Figure Agency Sales System A Scam?

Definitely not.

It's expensive but if you're dead set on doing SMMA this course is worth it.

This course is definitely geared towards getting clients which is very important and it will be hard to find a course that's better in this regard.

It's not that great on getting customers for your clients but there's other courses you can get to fill in the gap.

However, the SMMA business model isn't easy and I'm guessing most people won't be successful here.

The problem is the SMMA business model is expensive so failing is costly and will likely cost thousands.

You have that to risk?

Here's A Better Opportunity

7 Figures Agency Sales System is a good course but there's better ways to make money.

If you're interested in seeing the best course on making money online, check out Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate teaches affiliate marketing which is 100X times better and easier than SMMA.

Also, it can be done for practically free and you can make serious money from it. I personally make 6 figures because of the training at Wealthy Affiliate.

Since joining I've even been able to quit my job to work full time from home.

The best part?

Wealthy Affiliate is free to try!

To learn more, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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