Affluent Academy is a course from Jordan Platten that teaches you how to build a digital marketing agency.

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or legit..

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, content overview and more.

By the time you're done reading you'll know if this is right for you.

Let's get into it!

Affluent Academy Summary

Product: Affluent Academy

Price to join: $947

Rating: 60/100

Do I recommend? Read summary

Summary: Affluent Academy is a very thorough course that will teach you how to create a digital marketing agency (SMMA).

In terms of content this is a good course and will take you through all the steps needed to operate a social media company.

However, it's pricey and there's courses that are just as good and cost less.

Better opportunity: I've made over 6 figures online as a complete beginner.. to see where I learned how to do this, click below:

The Truth About Digital Marketing Agency

There's a need for people that can do Facebook ads for small businesses. 

The only problem is this is a tough business model.

You're not going to be able to send out a few emails or make a couple calls to succeed here. 

You're going to have to work your ass off to make money running a digital marketing agency.

It requires cold calling, meeting with business owners, drawing up contracts, negotiating and this is just to get their business.

Next, you have to get customers for them and convert.

It's a lot of pressure.

I started making money online to have less stress in my life, not more.

That's why I rather do things like ecommerce or affiliate marketing

Who Is Jordan Platten?

Jordan Platten is the creator of Affluent Academy and he's pretty popular on Youtube with over 80,000 subscribers.

One thing I really like about Jordan is he doesn't sell a lifestyle and he's not just showing off cars/his travels to get subscribers.

There's a few videos about his cars but it's nothing over the top

Going through his channel you see tons of real value on how to build a social media marketing agency.

Most of the videos are informational in nature and you can really tell Jordan knows what he's talking about.

He's not one of those people faking it just to sell courses.

He definitely makes money on social media and seems to be pretty damn good at it.

Affluent Academy Overview

Overall this is a very thorough course and goes over every step you need to take if you plan on being successful building a digital marketing agency.

Here's a breakdown of each module and what to expect in each:

Module 1 - Foundations

Module 1 is just an introduction module to the course and social media marketing. Here you'll just learn basic principles that you'll need to be successful.

Module 2 - The Launch Sequence

The launch sequence is about getting everything set up before you go out and try to get clients and customers.

Here you'll learn about pricing, selecting a niche, creating a website and building your brand. 

Module 3 - Sales Prospecting

Prospecting is about getting clients to work with and this section comes with 7 videos that teach you different ways to do this.

Some of the videos in this section are pretty long and go over 45 minutes. 

Module 4 - Securing Meetings

Like I said before this business model isn't one where you can just sit back and make money.

You're going to have to go out and meet business owners to convince them to work with you. 

Here you'll learn all the different ways to get the attention of clients including cold calling, emailing, social media messaging and meeting in person

Module 5 - How To Close Clients

This section is one of the biggest and includes hours of videos.

Here you'll learn how to close clients and actually get businesses to work with you. 

Module 6 - The Science Of Getting Results

Here we have a module that's more about mindset and the psychology of customers.

You'll learn various proven methods of marketing as well as an introduction to Facebook and Instagrams ads. 

Module 7 - Comprehensive Ad Creation

Here there's only 6 videos about building ads to get customers for your clients. 

Module 8 - Skyrocketing Return On Investment

This module builds on the last module and is a more advanced look at building ads to get customers.

Here you'll learn different strategies for Facebook and Instagram including retargeting, creating lookalike audiences, scaling, building funnels and more. 

This is one of the most important modules in the entire course!

Module 9 - Mastered Strategies For 2020

Here you'll learn about actual niches like fitness, restaurants, dentrists, and more that you can target and how you would do so.

Module 10 - 7 Figure Agency Scaling And Automation System

This section is another important one and it will teach you how to grow your agency when you start having success. 

Module 11 - Bonus Lessons

Here you'll learn a few more things that can help you on your journey to building a social media agency.

This includes getting Facebook likes, managing your agency and more.

Want To Make Money Online?

I've reviewed 400+ courses that teach making money online. Below is my favorite:


With the course you also get a few bonuses which are:

  • Private Mastermind Facebook Group
  • Email support with Jordan
  • Script, contracts and funnel templates

The Facebook Group doesn't have a ton of members yet because this is a new course but it is growing.

The email support is another nice touch but you really have no clue if Jordan is actually responding to your or not.

Lastly, the scripts, contracts and funnel templates are a nice useful. 

What I Like About Affluent Academy

Here's the main things I like about Affluent Academy:

Comprehensive course

Overall the training in this course is very strong.

You'll learn everything you need to know about launching a successful digital marketing agency including getting clients, customers, paid advertising, and modules on marketing psychology.

Jordan is successful

The make money online world is full of fake it until you make it types. These unethical marketers rent cars and jets to sell a lifestyle - their main source of income is course sales and youtube ad revenue.

Jordan makes money on both but he also clearly knows what he's talking about when it comes to creating a digital marketing agency. 

He's knowledgeable as well and his Youtube channel gives away a bunch of awesome information as well.

What I Don't Like About Affluent Academy

Here's what I don't like about Affluent Academy:

Expensive course

For some reason most digital marketing and social marketing courses are very expensive.

My guess is it's kind of a new industry and isn't saturated with courses yet (that's changing, though).

This course is $947 which isn't crazy high but it's a big investment to make considering you'll need to spend thousands on ads too.

Most people fail when creating an online business and $947 will hurt most people if they don't succeed.

Is Affluent Academy A Scam?

No definitely not.

This is a legit course from a legit marketer.

Affluent Academy teaches you everything you need to know about creating a digital marketing agency. 

You'll understand how to launch your agency, get customers, get clients, close meetings and you'll get contract templates and more.

So in terms of training it's good.

There's definitely a need for social media marketers and it can work too.

The problem is the course is just expensive and there's courses that are just as good but cheaper.

Here's A Better Opportunity

Affluent Academy is a good course but there's better out there.

I've reviewed HUNDREDS of courses and programs that teach making money online and from home.

Some are good but most aren't.

To see the very best course to learn making money online (which is affordable and perfect for beginners), click below:

#1 Course To Learn How To Make Money Online


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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