Better Ecom Course is a new dropshipping/ecommerce course from Peter Chan Jr.

If you're here you're probably wondering if this course is a scam or not..

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, course overview and more

You'll know if Better Ecom Course is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Better Ecom Course Summary

Creator: Peter Chan Jr.

Price to join: $197

Do I recommend? Yes!

   Overall rating: 4/5

Better Ecom Course is a quality ecommerce course that does a good teaching the ecommerce process. 

This course stands out in two ways.. The first is there's loads of traffic training and the second is it's affordable.

It's not the best course out there but it's an excellent value!

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Peter Chan Jr?

Peter Chan Jr. is the creator of this course.

There's not a ton of information out there about him besides a few social media profiles.

On Youtube he has just over 6k subscribers and seems to post a couple times a week:

Most of his videos are interviews with successful ecommerce people.

They share secrets and talk about how they became successful.

His instagram is more about showing off his cars and money. There you'll see his watches and sports cars.

In some ways Peter is a pretty typical ecommerce personality.

Ecommerce is full of people selling the lifestyle, which isn't exactly realistic.

Better Ecom Course Overview

Better Ecom Course is broken up into 10 modules and comes with 5 extra bonuses.

Here's a breakdown of each section:

Module 1: The Basics

The first module is a pretty typical introduction module.

Here you'll learn about dropshipping basics as well as a birdseye view of the course.

You'll get a peak at the components of a profitable ad campaign as well. 

Module 2: The Essentials

Module 2 looks into more of the basics of dropshipping and ecommerce.

You get a look at the differences between a niche store and a general store.

You'll also get information on building a Shopify store which is the platform you'll be building your ecommerce business on.

Shopify is the most popular ecommerce platform and it's pretty easy to create a store on it.

Module 3: Dropshipping, POD and High Ticket Products

This section clears up what kind of business you should build between dropshipping and POD.

The dropshipping method pushed in this section is high ticket dropshipping.

This means picking products that get you at least $100 per sale.

There's pros and cons to high ticket dropshipping and they're explained here.

Also, you get training on POD which stands for Print On Demand. This business model is creating shirts, mugs, pillows, etc., to specific niches.

Module 4: Basic FB/Instagram Traffic

Facebook and Instagram are the first two traffic sources taught in this course. These both are very popular for dropshippers. 

In the Facebook section you'll learn about the account manager, Facebook pixel and how to set up fan pages.

You'll learn how to set up an Instagram account as well.

Module 5: Additional Traffic Sources

In this section you learn about often overlooked traffic sources like:

  • Bing
  • Snapchat
  • Youtube 
  • Google Shopping

You'll also learn how to scale your Facebook Ads as well.

Module 6: Google Shopping Network

Google Shopping is mentioned in the last module but it's expanded more in module 6.

In this section you learn how to be profitable on this platform and how to convert at the highest rate possible. 

Module 7: E-com Marketing Automations

A lot of you money is done with automatic processes. 

For example, abandon cart email sequences can help you get a ton of more sales. If you don't do this you'll lose out on revenue.

You'll also learn more about email sequences and how to make sales with them.

Some people believe you should make 1/3rd of all sales from your email sequences!

Module 8: Outsourcing And Process Automation

Eventually you'll want to outsource daily tasks to free up time for yourself.

Luckily outsourcing online tasks is VERY cheap because you can access a global talent pool. 

This section will teach you how to hire a virtual assistant for as little as $2 a hour.

Module 9: Systematizing Your Business

This section is about setting your routines and using systems to profit the most possible.

You'll learn how to create plan tasks, to do lists and templates to email potential customers with. 

Module 10: Best Shopify Apps

In the last module you'll learn about which apps you'll need and which apps you won't need. 


You'll also get a bunch of bonuses if you buy this course.

Some of these bonuses include:

  • High ticket dropshipping suppliers from the US
  • Bing ads video course
  • Free updates
  • Facebook mastermind 
  • Free shirt

Want The Best Ecommerce Training?

I've reviewed all the top ecommerce courses. To see my top pick, click below:

Very Diverse Training

A common criticism I have for ecommerce courses is they tend to focus on only Facebook and maybe Google.

Which traffic source you should target depends on your skills, what niche you're in and the type of products you're selling.

Because of this you need to learn about ALL traffic sources.

Better Ecom Course covers all the major traffic sources.

You learn about Facebook, Instagram, Google Shopping, Bing, Snapchat, email marketing and more

Great Price And Refund Policy

Ecommerce courses are usually overpriced. Some are overpriced by hundreds of dollars and some are overpriced by thousands of dollars.

However, Better Ecom Course is priced perfectly at $197 (it honestly could have been higher).

Making this price even better is there's a 30 day refund policy.

Many refund policies come with a lot of strings attached. For example, you have to prove you built your store and ran ad campaigns.

But that's not the case here.

It's a no questions asked refund policy.

Better Ecom Course Pros And Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about this course:

  • Good training: The training here is very solid. You'll learn everything you need to know to have a thriving ecommerce business. Also, you get a ton of traffic training which is awesome.
  • Good price: Some ecommerce gurus price there courses as high as $5000 and their courses aren't even as valuable as Better Ecom Course. At $197 this is one of the best values out there.
  • Good refund policy: No jumping through hoops to get your money back here. You have 30 days to decide if this course is right for you. That's a good amount of time to test the training!
Is Better Ecom Course A Scam?

Absolutely not.

Better Ecom Course is one of the better ecommerce courses I've reviewed in awhile and definitely one of the best values.

I'm most impressed with the traffic training.

You'll learn about all the most important traffic sources in this courses which is most important. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

Better Ecom Course is a good course but there's still higher quality training out there.

If you want the absolute best ecommerce course, check out Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites is taught by an absolute ecommerce master, has great traffic training and is affordable.

To learn more, click below:

Dominate Ecommerce!

Ecom Elites is the best ecommerce course out there. To read my full Ecom Elites review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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