Deepwork Labs Ecommerce Accelerator is an ecommerce course from Matthew Sabia..

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything there is to know about his course including background information, price to join, course overview and more.

You'll know if this program is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Ecommerce Accelerator Summary

Creator: Matthew Sabia

Price to join: $47 per month

Do I recommend? Sort of.

   Overall rating: 3.5/5

Ecommerce Accelerator is an awesome course that does a good job teaching ecommerce.

You get a lot of traffic training and you'll learn everything there is to know about ecommerce from this program.

The only flaw is that it's a monthly cost which can add up overtime.

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Matthew Sabia?

Matthew Sabia is the creator of this course and he's definitely a successful guy.

He makes his money through internet marketing, ecommerce and real estate investment.

It would seem most of his time is spent on his ecommerce brands and marketing Ecommerce Accelerator. 

He doesn't really have much social media presence.

He has an Instagram account but doesn't seem to post there too much.

He also has a Youtube channel with over 50,000 subscribers but doesn't post too many videos there either.

Matthew seems a little vain but he's still more mature than 90% of the people in the ecommerce world.

Ecommerce Accelerator Overview

Overall this is a quality course with a lot of training. 

There's over 15 hours of course material here and a lot of different bonuses.

Here's a breakdown of each module:

Module 1: Introduction

The first module is a standard introduction module. 

You'll  learn about ecommerce in general and about the course. 

You can't access the rest of the course until you watch the video in this module.

Module 2: Quick Start Course

This is a nice little module and it's an over the shoulder look at how Matthew creates his ecommerce brands.

He builds a store right in front of you and gives you all the tips he uses when building a store.

Then he runs a Facebook ad campaign and makes money right in front of you.

Many fake it until you make it types never actually show you there stores. Matthew proves he's clearly legit.

Module 3: Choosing Your Niche And Doing Product Research

Module 3 is all about finding which niche is right for you and which products you should be selling on your store.

Matthew doesn't think you should try to make a general store. 

Module 4: Sales Funnel Crash Course

Sales funnels help you make more money when visitors land on your product page.

The steps people take to buy something is pretty universal and a sales funnel helps you hack this process.

Here you'll see step by step instructions from Matthew on how to build your sales funnel.

You can also download his templates into your Clickfunnels account if you have one. 

Module 5: Free Traffic Strategies

This section is pretty important and shows you how to get free traffic from various sources.

You'll learn about Instagram, Google, Facebook, Pinterest and Reddit traffic in this training. 

Module 6: Email Marketing Strategies

This is another important section and email marketing can really be a game changer for your ecommerce store when used right.

According to Matthew 35% of your sales should be made through email marketing. 

Here you'll learn how to collect emails before making sales and how to follow up with customers to make more sales down the road.

Module 7: Facebook Messenger Marketing

Module 7 is dedicated to using Manychats and getting sales through Facebook messenger.

In total you get 5 videos in this module.

Module 8: Video Marketing

This section goes over an often underused way to make sales.. which is with video ads.

Video ads are a little more work but they do convert at a high level.

This module will show you how to master them and run Youtube video ads.

Module 9: Unlocking The Power Of Facebook Ads

This section is actually pretty short for Facebook Ads. My favorite ecommerce course has 40+ Facebook training videos and this course only has 6 videos. 

Here you'll learn about common Facebook Ad mistakes as well as practices when it comes to creating your ads.

You'll also get training on installing your Facebook Pixel, creating a Lookalike Audience and retargeting ads. 

Module 10: Unlocking Google Shopping And Retargeting Ads

Next up you'll learn about my favorite traffic source, Google.

In particular you learn about Google Shopping Ads and how to run Google retargeting ads.

Module 11: Other Paid Ad Methods

In module 11 you'll learn about running paid ads on Instagram and Pinterest.

These are overlooked traffic sources but can make you a lot of money when done right.

Module 12: White Labeling Products

This module covers white labeling and private labeling products. 

You'll also get training on when it's appropriate to use fulfillment centers for your store and products.

Module 13: VIP Tips And Tricks

This section covers two topics.. The first is to avoid chargebacks which is when people commit fraud against you and essentially steal your products by claiming their charge was fraud.

The second tip is to link products with Oberlo, a tool that gets products from Aliexpress to your store.

Module 14: Ecommerce Business Blueprints

This section is a quick module on print on Demand and how to use it to quickly scale your business. 

Module 15: Flip Brand New Shopify Stores For $500

This module is about making fast cash and flipping stores for profit.

Module 16: Bonus - Transcendence Focus Workbook

This book is about time management and productivity.

I kind of find this stuff to be corny but if you're terrible at managing your time it could help you a bit.

Module 17: Website Store Reviews

This section goes over reviews of stores of students who took this program.

You can also submit your site for review after 30 days of completing the program.

Want The Best Ecommerce Training?

I've reviewed all the top ecommerce courses and programs. To see my top pick, click below:

Many Traffic Sources Covered

My main criticism for most ecommerce courses is they don't cover enough traffic sources.

Most go over Facebook and maybe Instagram or Google.

But this course covers every kind of traffic source you can imagine.

You get Facebook, Google Shopping, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Reddit, Facebook messenger and more.

This is important because each traffic source is different. 

You need to find which traffic sources work best for your skills and niche.

Some products convert better with video and others convert best on Facebook.

You'll be able to find which traffic source is best for you with this course.

My only criticism is the the Facebook traffic isn't long enough. That's a complicated topic and needs to be more than 6 videos.

Mastermind And Live Weekly Calls

Along with the training you also get access to a private Facebook Group and weekly calls from Matthew.

Most courses offer a private Facebook group and they're pretty useful.

You're going to have questions about the training and ecommerce in general.. it's good to have a place where you can get answers.

Additionally, the weekly calls are a nice touch.

These calls aren't going to be one on one but you will see live training every week.

This is good if a topic needs further explaining or if a new strategy comes out. 

Price And Refund Policy

You usually don't see a monthly cost with an ecommerce course but there is one here ($47 per month).

I guess you're paying monthly for the weekly live calls.

Not sure if that's enough to justify the price but if you stick around for less than a year you're getting good value for what you pay.

The refund policy is good as well.

It's a 14 day, no questions asked refund policy.

Many courses either don't have a refund policy or make you jump through a bunch of hoops.

Nice to see that's not the case here.

Ecommerce Accelerator Pros And Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about this course:

  • Good training: The training pretty much covers everything you need to know about starting ecommerce business. Also, the traffic training is very diverse and covers all traffic sources you can think of.
  • Live weekly calls: This is another feature that I like. You get access to live weekly calls where you can learn new strategies.
  • Good refund policy: The refund policy is good as well. It's just a straight up 14 day refund with no questions asked. Not bad!
  • Not enough Facebook training: Facebook is probably the most popular ecommerce traffic source. There's only 6 videos in the Facebook training module - this just isn't enough.
Is Ecommerce Accelerator A Scam?

Definitely not.

This is a very good course that is worth getting.

You'll learn just about everything there is to know about creating an ecommerce brand. You'll also get a community to get help if you need it.

Overall a very solid course.

Here's A Better Opportunity

Deepwork Labs Ecommerce Accelerator is a good course but there's better out there.

If you want the absolute best ecommerce training you should check out Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites has high quality training, is taught by one of the top ecommerce gurus out there and is affordable.

This course has helped thousands and I know it can help you as well!

To learn more, click below:

Want To Dominate Ecommerce?

Ecom Elites is the best ecommerce course. To read my full review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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