Drop Servicing Blueprint is a course from Dylan Sigley..

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this training program including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if Drop Servicing Blueprint is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Drop Servicing Blueprint Summary

Creator: Dylan Sigley 

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? Not really.

   Overall rating: 3/5

Drop Servicing Blueprint is an interesting course and I think drop servicing can definitely make you money with it.

I just personally think the business model will require more work than regular dropshipping/ecommerce.

Not only will you have to advertise for your service but you'll have to make sure the service is delivered right.

A lot can go wrong and you have to build out a team.

Better opportunity: If you're interested in building an ecommerce business click below.. there you'll see my favorite ecommerce course.

Who Is Dylan Sigley?

Dylan Sigley is the creator of Drop Servicing Blueprint and there's not really too much out there about him.

His story is pretty similar to mine. 

He got his degree and was working a corporate job. However, it left him feeling unfulfilled.

He turned to making money with drop servicing and found enough success to do it full time.

Dylan has a Youtube channel where he mainly talks about drop servicing as well as other financial tips.

He has 14k subscribers at the moment and he posts a few times a month:

His marketing isn't too crazy which is refreshing. He's not jamming his nice cars and wealth down your throat to convince you to buy his course.

He sticks mainly to informational stuff on his Youtube channel.

What Does Drop Servicing Blueprint Teach?

Like the name suggests this course teaches the drop servicing business model.

Essentially as a drop servicer you act as a middle man between people who need something done online and people that can fulfill that need.

For example, let's say you're marketing online to make people's websites.

You'd run ads claiming to be able to do this and if someone is interested they'll buy from you.

Then you outsource the job to someone for cheaper and they deliver the final product.

You make the difference between what you advertised the service for minus the cost of advertising and paying the person you outsource to.

I personally prefer dropshipping over this model.

The reason is you really have to deliver on the service you're providing with drop servicing... more so than if you're selling a $50 product online with drop shipping.

The person you outsource might deliver a low quality product and that's going to be a disaster.

At least with dropshipping you can test out products before you sell them.

If you're interested in learning dropshipping instead (a better business model), click below:

#1 recommended dropshipping course

Drop Servicing Blueprint Overview

Drop Servicing Blueprint is broken up into a 6 week course and comes with various bonuses.

Here's a look at each week and bonuses:

Week 1: The Foundations

The first week really doesn't come with much training.

Instead it focuses on mindset training and getting yourself mentally prepared to start a drop servicing business. 

Week 2: Build Your Business

Week 2 is about getting your business set up so when you get clients everything is ready to go.

This includes setting up your website, picking a brand, learning copywriting to make your offer irresistible, building a funnel and more.

This is an important step in getting clients and should be done before anything else. 

Week 3: Get Clients With Free Marketing Methods

The bulk of your business will come from paid methods but you'll also get some clients with free methods.

That's what you'll learn how to do in week 3.

This involves strategies like cold emailing, cold calling, SEO, using social media and things like that.

Week 4: Get Clients With Paid Marketing Methods

This is by far the longest module in the course and for good reason.. paying to get clients is where you'll be spending most of your money.

This covers all the main paid method platforms including:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Linkedin Ads
  • Youtube 

And more. You'll also get training on retargeting ads as well.

This traffic training is very good and diverse.

Week 5: Automate Your Business To Work On Autopilot

Week 5 teaches you how to build out your team that will actually be delivering the services for you.

This includes training on how to train your team, how to automate processes to save yourself some time and email marketing. 

Week 6: Scale To The Moon

Once you start finding success it's time to scale and that's what week 6 will show you how to do.

You'll get various scaling strategies, learn upsells and get tips on managing and accounting.

Bonus 1: Inside My 6 Figure Drop Servicing Business

Bonus 1 will show you one of Dylan's drop servicing businesses.

You'll be able to look at how he markets his services, his team, his backend setup, scripts and more.

Bonus 2: 7 Day Accelerator - First Sales Fast And Free

This bonus is broken up into 7 days and will walk you through your first sales.

This includes choosing your offer, building your business, planning and executing your launch.

Bonus 3: Group Coaching

In this bonus you'll get access to group coaching where you can ask questions and get answers.

You'll also get access to a private Facebook Group where you can do the same.

Want The Best Dropshipping Course?

I've reviewed all the top dropshipping courses.. to see my favorite, click below:

Drop Servicing Blueprint FAQs

1) Is Drop Servicing Blueprint worth $997?

$997 is a high price for what you're getting.

There's not too many drop servicing courses out there so I can see why the price would be this high.

But there's courses that teach similar business models that are a fraction of this.

2) Is Dylan Sigley legit?

I think he is.

It's always hard to tell how much someone makes on the internet and whether or not they're faking.

The best way is to just look at what they're teaching and to see if they're just showing off rented cars.

Dylan clearly knows what he's talking about so he does know drop servicing.

3) What does Drop Servicing Blueprint teach?

This course teaches drop servicing.

This is a business model that works like dropshipping but instead of selling products, you're selling services.

Additionally, instead of having a supplier deliver the product for you, you outsource the service.

4) Is there a refund policy?

Yes there's a 30 day refund policy but it's not no questions asked. You have to show that you applied the training.

5) How much can I make with drop servicing?

I can see a person making 6 figures with this business model.

However, it's going to scale up a lot slower because you need to build out a team to deliver products.

You can't just take 100 orders at once because you'll need 100 people to deliver the service. 

6) How much will I need to get started?

Besides needing money for the training the main costs will come from advertising for your services.

You'll need to run ads on Facebook, Google, Youtube and Linkedin.

You'll want thousands for this.

Additionally, you'll need money to pay your team and the people you outsource to.

7) Is there a better alternative?

Yes.. I'd personally go with drop shipping instead because it's easier to scale.

To see the best dropshipping course, click below:

#1 recommended dropshipping course

Drop Servicing Blueprint Pros And Cons

  • Good traffic training: Many courses only focus on one type of traffic. However, this course goes over all the most popular traffic sources.
  • Decent refund policy: 30 days is a good amount of time to get your money back.
  • Expensive: This course gives 6 weeks of training and less than 90 videos.. $997 for that seems too much.
  • Tough business model: I personally don't like drop servicing that much. You have to build a team and it's difficult to scale. The upside isn't that high with this business model.
Is Drop Servicing Blueprint a scam?

No, definitely not.

This is a legit course and comes from a legit instructor. The training is pretty solid too.

However, I'm not a fan of the business model. I think there's easier and more affordable ways to make money online.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd personally pass on the Drop Servicing Blueprint.

Personally I like dropshipping more.

It's similar but it's easier to scale and it's cheaper to get started with.

If that interests you, check out Ecom Elites.

It's an affordable dropshipping course and is taught by an expert.

To learn more, click below:

Dominate Ecommerce!

Ecom Elites is the best dropshipping/ecommerce course.. to read my full review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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