Ecom Domination 5 is a course by James Beattie and if you're here you're probably wondering if his course is a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below is everything you need to know about Ecom Domination including background information, price to join, course overview and more. 

You'll know if this course is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it.

Ecom Domination 5 Summary

Product: Ecom Domination

Business model: Ecommerce, dropshipping

Price: $497

Do I recommend? Not really

Overall rating :  3 / 5

Ecom Domination is a pretty well made course that teaches you how to start an ecommerce store on Shopify.

Overall it's pretty standard and I think you can have success if you buy this course.

There's just better ecommerce courses out there that are more affordable.

Better opportunity: If you want to see the best overall ecommerce course (that only costs $197 to $297) click below:

The Price Has Been Reduced A Lot

This is currently the 5th version of Ecom Domination. 

The 4th version was really expensive and cost $1997 but this one only costs $497.

So what made the course go down so much?

No clue.

I definitely DON'T think this course is worth anywhere near $1997 and my guess is people weren't buying.

There's a lot of different ecommerce courses out there and most courses are much cheaper.

You weren't getting anything special enough to make Ecom Domination several thousands. 

$497 is much, much more reasonable but it's still probably a little too pricey. 

Who Is James Beattie?

James Beattie is the creator of Ecom Domination.

He's a fairly popular dropshipper on Youtube and creates content there.

Overall he has 34,000+ subscribers and has gotten over 1.5 million views from Youtube.

He seems to upload a video about 4 times a month. 

His content on Youtube is half informational and half clickbait.

In some videos he'll show you tips that are actually helpful when creating an ecommerce store and other videos that show off his cars/houses.

This is what typically happens with ecommerce content creators on Youtube.

He makes a good amount from ad revenue so he constantly has to create videos to build his income.

Course Overview

Overall this is a quick course that is broken up into a 9 week program. 

There's also 2 extra modules that go over case studies and different bonuses.

Here's a breakdown of each module and what you get:

Week 1: V5

The first week is just an introduction module and it comes with 8 different modules.

You'll get basic training on setting up your store, setting up your payment processor, how to increase traffic, how to get increase your profit margin per sale, how to get repeat customers and how to deal with customer service.

Nothing here is groundbreaking but it's very important to learn this stuff if you're a beginner. 

This section is also one of the most updated from version 4.

Week 2: Product Research V5

This is another module that was updated from the 4th version.

In this section you'll get 6 training videos on how to find winning products to promote on your store. 

You'll get various strategies on picking products, writing product descriptions and finding local suppliers.

Week 3 + 4: Facebook Ads Fundamentals And Facebook Ads Advanced

Facebook is definitely the most popular way to advertise products on your ecommerce store.

It's also the traffic source that gets the most attention in Ecom Domination.

Overall it's a decently thorough Facebook section and in both sections combined there's 16 videos.

You'll learn the following:

  • Setting up Facebook ad account
  • An explanation on how the targeting works
  • How to create ads that get attention and convert
  • Understanding Facebook data
  • Understanding audiences
  • Scaling
  • Retargeting
  • Manual Bidding

And more.

Week 5: Email Marketing

This is a very short section on email marketing and is very to the point.

There's 4 videos and you'll get the following training:

  • Overview of email marketing
  • How to sequence abandon cart emails
  • How to email new customers 

And you also get some advanced tips on email marketing as well in the last video.

Week 6: Alternative Traffic Sources

In this section you'll learn about additional traffic sources - Instagram is the main focus.

You'll learn how to find good influencers and to negotiate prices. 

You'll also get some training on using Youtube as well.

Week 7: Managing Operations

These are more tips that have to do with growth and investment.

Here you'll learn about building a team, bulk fulfillment and more.

Week 8 and 9: 7 Figure Mindset

This section is kind of a throw away module that a lot of courses include.

I don't think it's important to actually running an ecommerce store.

Here you'll learn about productivity, focus and tips on creating a daily routine. 

Case Studies And Bonuses

The last two modules are case studies and bonuses.

The 4 bonus videos go over 100K case study using Facebook and shows the scaling process in action.

The bonuses include things like supplier contact information and other things like that. 

Ecom Domination Pros And Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about this course


  • Reduced price: This course is nowhere near worth $1997 - that's an insane price for what you're getting. This version is much cheaper and is now $497. Still a little too expensive but better (also sucks to be one of the people that bought this at the expensive price).


  • Pretty short course: I've reviewed a lot of different ecommerce courses and this one is definitely one of the shorter ones I've come across. Seems like there could have been more training here. 
  • Not enough traffic training: This course basically only goes over Facebook and Instagram, which is whatever every other course covers. However, there's no training on Google Ads, Google Shopping Ads or SEO traffic. For the price there should have been training on these traffic methods. 
  • Nothing new: This is just a standard training course with nothing new or special. What's the point of spending $497 on a course that teaches the same thing as everyone else?

Is Ecom Domination 5 A Scam?

Definitely not.

I can't really prove James Beattie is as successful as he claims but it's clear he's had some success at the very least.

He has a popular Youtube channel and this training isn't terrible.

It's just overpriced and too short. 

It's 2020 and there's no excuse to just have training on Facebook and Instagram.

You need to teach your students more than that. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

Ecom Domination isn't terrible but I wouldn't purchase if I were you - it's too generic. 

However, there's still a lot of other great ecommerce training courses out there.

My favorite is Ecom Elites

Ecom Elites has the best training, is taught by a 7 figure ecommerce expert and is only $197 to $297. 

It's by far the top ecommerce course available.

To learn more, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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