Ecom Lifestyle University is a course from Ricky Hayes.

If you're here you're probably wondering if this course is a scam or legit.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about Ecom Lifestyle University including background information, price to join, course overview and more.

By the time you're done you'll know if this training program is right for you or not.

Let's get into it. 

Ecom Lifestyle University Summary

Creator: Ricky Hayes

Price to join: $697

Do I recommend? Yes but there's cheaper alternatives.

   Overall rating: 4/5

Ecom Lifestyle University is a quality course from Ricky Hayes. 

It covers every aspect of ecommerce and has extensive training on all the best traffic sources.

Overall, just a really strong course.

The only problem is it's pretty pricey and there's courses of equal value for less.

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Rickey Hayes?

Ricky Hayes is the creator of Ecom Lifestyle University and I like him.

There's a lot of bad actors and immature kids in the ecommerce industry.

You've probably come across them if you've been in the ecommerce world for a little.

They drive around in rented supercars and show off their rented houses.

They like to sell a lifestyle and most of the time the majority of the money they make is from course sales, not ecommerce.

Ricky is different.

He seems mature and there's no flaunting his wealth.

He's not selling a dream or a lifestyle. He's just looking to teach you some ecommerce.

His Youtube channel reflects this and you can find a lot of good information on Youtube there. 

He has around 16,000 subscribers and posts a few times a month.

His channel is definitely worth subscribing to. 

Course Overview

The training in Ecom Lifestyle University is very strong.

This is actually one of the more thorough courses I have come across and does a good job going over multiple traffic sources.

Here's a breakdown of each module and what you get:

Case Studies

The first module starts off a little different than most other courses I review.

Instead of an introduction module with cheesy mindset training, Ricky jumps right into various case studies.

You'll see his case studies about the following:

  • Winning product stores
  • Winning Facebook ads 
  • Winning Google marketing ads
  • Product research 
  • Facebook winning product 

These are excellent case studies and it's always valuable to see a successful campaign. 

Shopify Store Setup

The Shopify training in this section is excellent and very lengthy.

There's over 30 videos in this section and you'll learn about the following:

  • How to create your store
  • Connecting your conversion tracking codes
  • Fulfilling orders
  • How to configure the currency conversions
  • Abandon cart recovery with SMS
  • Bulk order discounts
  • Order hacks to increase sales
  • Optimize for speed
  • Print on demand sourcing
  • Different themes
  • A look at different apps

And more.

You'll definitely understand how to set up a Shopify store once you're done with this module.

Product Research

This is another well made section and goes over various strategies for finding winning products to sell. 

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • How to find winning products on Aliexpress
  • Using Amazon to come up with product ideas
  • How to use Facebook to come up with winning products
  • How to spy on your competition to find good products
  • Tools that you can use to assist in finding winning products

Facebook And Instagram Influencer Marketing

This is the part of the course where Ricky switches over to traffic generation.

Again, this module is well made and there's nearly 40 videos on Facebook and Instagram.

Here's a taste of what you'll learn in this module:

  • How to build and properly brand a Facebook page
  • An introduction into Facebook Ads and how they work
  • A look at different Facebook strategies that you can use
  • How to create Look-A-Like audiences
  • How to scale your ads once you find a winning one
  • How to get repeat customers
  • Remarketing strategies
  • A look at high converting video ads
  • Different tools that can help you scale
  • A few videos on a tool called Madgicx which automates ads

And more.

You'll really understand Facebook ads after going through this module.

Google Ads

In the next module you get about 30 videos on Google Ads and Google Shopping ads.

A lot of courses skip over Google which is a big mistake.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • How to use Google analytics
  • A look at the Google Ads platform and how it works
  • How to create a Google Merchant account
  • A look at how Google shopping ads work and how to scale with them
  • How to market with Google display ads
  • Using gmail to remarket
  • Using different tools to manage and optimize your campaigns

Youtube Ads

Not many courses cover Youtube ads and it's nice to see that Ecom Lifestyle University does.

In this module you get around 20 videos.

Here's what you learn in these videos:

  • A look at how Youtube ads work
  • How to target an audience on Youtube
  • Different research strategies to find keywords and spy on your competition
  • How to create a Youtube ad
  • How to bid and different bidding strategies
  • Youtube remarketing and scaling techniques


The last section just goes over a few topics. 

The main things you'll learn about is the affiliate program and the 1 on 1 mentoring program.

Want to see the best ecommerce training?

I've reviewed all the top ecommerce courses out there. To see which one is the best, click below

7 Day Money Back Guarantee

The money back guarantee is good and bad.

It's good because it's a full money back guarantee. You don't have to prove you took action or anything like that.

However, 7 days isn't a long time to figure out if a course is worth it.

Overall, though, not bad. 

Ecom Lifestyle University Pros And Cons


  • Excellent traffic training: I was really impressed with the traffic training. Ricky didn't just focus on Facebook and forget about everything else. You get tremendous training on Google and Youtube as well.
  • Constantly updated: You can tell Ricky cares about his customers and ecommerce. Whenever he learns something new he adds it to the course
  • Good instructor: The ecommerce world is littered with immature teens. They have one success and then they sell a course. Ricky has years of success and makes 7 figures a year. He doesn't show off or anything like that either.


  • Expensive: At the end of the day the course is pretty pricey at $697. However, it is a really good course. I do think there's courses just as good but cheaper.

Is Ecom Lifestyle University A Scam?

Definitely not.

This is a high quality course that comes from a high quality instructor. This is definitely one of the better ecommerce courses I have reviewed. 

The traffic training is great, you get full Shopify training and you get updated case studies to show you newer tricks. 

Overall, a very good course. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

I like Ecom Lifestyle University a lot.

However, there's one course in particular that I like better - Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites has the same quality training but costs half as much.

It also has additionally training on topics that other courses miss.

To learn more about this course, click below:

Ecom Elites Is The Best Ecommerce Course

I've reviewed all the top ecommerce courses. Most are either low quality or good quality but too expensive. Ecom Elites is high quality AND affordable.

To learn more, click below


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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