Faiz Warsani recently released a new dropshipping course called The Answers.

If you're thinking about buying it you probably want to know if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this program including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if The Answers is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it.

Faiz Warsani The Answers Summary

Creator: Faiz Warsani

Price to join: $697 

Do I recommend? Not really

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

The Answers is a decent course that covers dropshipping and branding.

However, there's nothing new in this course.

It's the same stuff you can find on Youtube or any other course.

When you add up everything I just don't think The Answers is worth its price tag.

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Faiz Warsani?

Faiz Warsani is the creator of The Answer.

There's a lot of people that are scammers in the dropshipping world.. however, this isn't the case with Faiz.

He actually has verifiable success in dropshipping and has a well known CBD brand called Sweet Dreams. 

Sweet Dreams has an Alexa rating of 99,000:

This means Sweet Dreams is getting tens of thousands of views per month which would make Faiz pretty good money.

I have on clue how much he makes but he claims he makes 7 figures.. I have no clue if this is true or not.

Regardless, Faiz clearly knows how to dropship and he knows how to build a popular brand. 

What Does The Answers Teach?

The Answers is a dropshipping course but according to Faiz isn't meant for absolute beginners.

It's a course that focuses more on branding and for people that already have the basics down.

I don't think you need to be an expert to take this course, though.

It still covers basics like building a website and Facebook Ads/Google Ads.

One thing I want to point out is Faiz does recommend that you have at least $5000 for order products and testing products.

You'll also need thousands to spend on ads as well.

So this is one of the more expensive dropshipping methods I've come across.

If you don't have thousands to spend on product testing and want to learn a much more affordable dropshipping method, click below:

#1 recommended dropshipping course

The Answers Overview

The Answers has 12 hours of training and goes over some basic dropshipping information.. most of the training is more advanced.

Here's a look at some of the training you get here:

  • How to find and create products with suppliers
  • How to create video ads that make people want to buy
  • How to create your online store
  • How to launch a product properly 
  • How to do influencer marketing on Instagram and TikTok
  • How to do paid ads on Facebook and Google
  • How to automate your store

Also with the training you get some extra bonuses.

  • Private mastermind community
  • Weekly Q&A's 
  • Private Discord

Want The Best Dropshipping Course?

I've reviewed all top the dropshipping courses.. to see my top pick, click below:

The Answers FAQ's

1) Is this course worth $697?

I personally think that's a little too much.

Dropshipping exploded a few years and all the training imaginable for dropshipping is already out there.

There's great affordable courses and good free resources on Youtube.

I just don't see why you would need to pay $697 to learn this stuff anymore.

2) Is Faiz Warsani legit?

Yes hes is.

I can't really tell you how much he makes or anything like that.. but it's clear he's doing well.

He has a well known CBD brand and the website gets thousands of visitors every single day.

3) What does The Answers cover?

The Answer is a dropshipping course but isn't really intended for beginners.

I don't think you need to be an expert on dropshipping to take this program but it doesn't have the hand holding training of more basic courses.

There's a big focus on branding as well.

4) Is there a refund policy?

Yes you can get your money back as long as you take less than 20% of the course.

5) How much will I need to get started?

According to Faiz you'll need at least $5000 to test out products.

Additionally, you'll need money to pay for ads (I'd say a few thousand for this as well).

This is definitely a lot for a dropshipping business.

6) Is there a better alternative?

Yes there's a lot of cheaper courses that are better in quality.

To see my favorite, click below:

#1 recommended dropshipping course

The Answers Pros And Cons

  • Faiz Warsani is legit: A lot of dropshippers over exaggerate their wealth or are straight up scammers. However, Faiz has a popular CBD brand so you know he's successful. 
  • Good branding training: If you already have success with ecommerce this course can benefit you.. you can learn how to take things to the next level through branding.
  • Too expensive: There's no shortage of dropshipping training out there.. no need to pay $697 to hear it.
  • Not for beginners: If you need step by step training on all aspects of dropshipping this course is not for you.
Is The Answers A Scam?

No I don't think so.

Faiz Warsani is one of the few ecommerce personalities that is connected with a well known brand.

Most gurus don't reveal their stores.

For some people the branding and product launch training will be worth it.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd probably pass on The Answers.

There's a lot of good dropshipping training out there and there's no need to pay $697 to learn the business model.

I've reviewed all the best dropshipping courses and found Ecom Elites to be best.

Ecom Elites is my favorite because it's affordable, goes over all traffic sources and is taught by an ecommerce expert.

To read my full review click below:

Read Full Ecom Elites Review >>


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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