High Ticket Ecom Secrets is an ecommerce course from Earnest Epps..

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything there is to know about this course including background information, price to join, course overview and more

By the time you're done reading you'll know if High Tick Ecom Secrets is right for you.

Let's get into it.

High Ticket Ecom Secrets Summary

Creator: Earnest Epps

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? Not really.

   Overall rating: 3.5/5

High Ticket Ecom Secrets is a pretty well made course and Earnest Epps is legit.

This course will teach you how to create a high ticket ecommerce business.

However, it's pricey and there's better options out there for less money.

I'd explore my alternatives before buying. 

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Earnest Epps?

There's not a ton out there about Earnest Epps that doesn't come from his own mouth.

There's some interviews he's done and he's spoken at a bunch of conferences in that last few years.

According to him he started flirting with ecommerce in 2015 and fired his boss about a year later.

He started making $10,000+ per month in only a few months launching his store and he had his first $50,000+ month in In a little over a year.

One thing I like about Earnest is he isn't immature like a lot of people in the ecommerce world.

He's not flaunting his wealth on Instagram or anything like that.

He's a professional and conducts himself as such.

High Ticket Ecom Secrets Overview

Overall this course has 8 core modules and 10+ bonuses.

Let's take a look at each section and what you get.

Module 1: Successful Selection

The first section is about ensuring you have the right niche and products picked for your store.

This includes making sure you have the right prices for your products, doing market research and getting the products to promote

Module 2: Defining The Market

Module 2 builds on the previous module and is more in depth - you'll learn about market research here.

This includes researching brand loyalty, finding products that can actually be dropshipped, figure out monthly search volumes, looking at competition and how to compete against competitors. 

Module 3: Business Formation

Module 3 is more about the nuts and bolts of starting an ecommerce business.

Here you'll learn about:

  • How to register your business in your country
  • How to get a custom domain for you store
  • Why you should get a business number
  • How to set up a business email

and more.

Module 4: Website Creation

You'll be creating your store on Shopify which is the most popular ecommerce platform for dropshippers.

This module is dedicated to teach you how to setup your store and Shopify.

You'll learn about the following:

  • How to pick a theme that looks professional
  • Choosing the right color schemes for your store
  • How to structure pages like your homepage
  • Which apps you should use for your store
  • How to create collections for different categories of products

Module 5: Supplier Approval

In order to get products you'll need to develop relationships with suppliers and get approved to sell their products.

Module 5 tackles this.

You'll learn how to figure out which suppliers are high quality, email and phone scripts to reach out to suppliers with and negotiating prices. 

Module 6: Optimize For Conversions

Whether or not you're successful largely relies on your ability to convert potential customers. 

Module 6 will teach you how to convert at the highest rate possible.

In this module you'll learn:

  • How to use scarcity and urgency to improve conversions
  • How to increase your conversion rate
  • How to use social media correctly
  • How to use abandon cart email sequences to get customers who didn't buy to buy
  • How to separate yourself from the competition
  • How to optimize your website for conversions

and more.

Module 7: Unlimited Traffic

This section focuses on getting traffic from Google.

You'll learn how to use both organic and paid traffic from Google.

Module 8: Automation 

The last module goes over automation.

This includes outsourcing some tasks to free up time for yourself and when you should outsource. 

Bonus: Shopify Store Creation

This bonus is just additional training on Shopify.

It covers much of the same stuff as the first Shopify module and talks about a few more advanced things. 

Bonus: Fraud And Prevention

High ticket dropshipping can lead to a lot of fraud. For example, many people will order a product, get it and then dispute it by saying someone stole their credit card.

You'll lose money and your product that way.

This module will teach you how to protect yourself.

Bonus: Google Adwords

This section goes more in depth into Google Ads.

Bonus: Google Listing Ads

Google Listing Ads is the ads that actually show the picture of the product you're selling.

This module teaches you about these ads.

Bonus: Google Dynamic Retargeting

This section teaches you how to get customers back to your site with retargeting ads.

Bonus: Bing Advertising

Bing ads can be very lucrative when done right.

This module will teach you how to capitalize on this platform.

Bonus: SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization.

This module will teach you how to get free traffic from Google.

Bonus: 7 Figure Ecom Experts

Here you'll get some training from various ecommerce experts.

These topics include:

  • Selecting niches
  • Mindset training
  • SEO
  • How to create a funnel
  • Different advertising tips
  • Branding

Want The Best Ecommerce Training?

I've reviewed all the best ecommerce courses - to see the very best, click below:

This Course Is Expensive

Most ecommerce courses cost under $997 and only a few are more.

If you're paying that much you have to be getting something pretty special for your money.

I think the training in this course is solid but I don't think it's enough to be worth $997.

Remember, there's other costs to running an ecommerce business outside of just a course.

You need to pay for Shopify and you'll need a big budget for paid advertising.

Unless you have a lot of money and the course price doesn't matter, you should keep your initial course cost low (without sacrificing quality) so you have more for ads. 

Refund Policy Explained

There's a 30 day refund policy but there's a lot of of fine print with this refund policy.

To get your money back you have to reach out and the High Ticket Ecom Secrets team looks at your progress.

You have to have completed the training, optimized your site, put 100 products on your store and run traffic to your store with Google Shopping Ads.

That's A LOT to do in 30 days.

Getting 100 products onto your store is going to be impossible in 30 days.

You have to write product descriptions for all of them, import them and more.

Zero chance you can do that while also going through the course and trying to run ads at the same time.

This is a garbage refund policy.

High Ticket Ecom Secrets Pros And Cons

  • Good training: The training in this course is high quality. You'll learn everything you need to know to start an ecommerce business.
  • Earnest Epps is legit: There's a lot of immature kids and scammers in the ecommerce world. Earnest Epps doesn't fall into this category, though.
  • Too expensive: I don't think anyone should pay this much for a course unless you're getting something spectacular. That's not the case here. There's many other options that are as good and costs much less.
  • Bad refund policy: There's no way you can take this entire course, create a site AND import 100 products to your store while running ads in the first 30 days. Because of this there's basically no refund policy. 
Is High Ticket Ecom Secrets A Scam?

Definitely not.

This is a legit course that comes from an ecommerce expert.. the training is really good as well.

However, this course is too expensive and I really don't like the refund policy.

I'd buy a course as quality but cheaper. This way you have more to spend on running ads.

Here's A Better Opportunity

High Ticket Ecom Secrets is a decent course but there's better out there.

If you want the very best ecommerce course, check out Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites has the best ecommerce training out there and is extremely affordable.

To learn more, click below:

Dominate Ecommerce!

Ecom Elites is the best ecommerce course. To read my full review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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