Nowadays, earning extra income online seemed to be easy. PTC and GPT websites have made it look so easy to make money all at the comfort of your home. But are they even for real? 

One of the top ways to earn money online today is through survey sites like InsideHeads. 

InsideHeads is a survey site that promises to pay you for answering their surveys. But is inside head a scam or not?

Let’s find out in this review!

InsideHeads Summary

Price to join: Free

Money making method: GPT, PTC 

Do I recommend? No.

   Overall rating: 1/5

As mentioned above, InsideHeads is a survey site that pays you for every survey that you complete.

Specifically, it is a market research company specializing in giving feedback and insights into products and companies through the surveys they conduct. 

If you are wondering if it is legit or not, let me get straight to the point. 

InsideHeads is not a scam. It will really pay you for every survey you have joined and completed. But then again, qualifying for a survey isn’t that easy. 

Some surveys are for specific people only, which means that if you do not belong to the target, they are looking for, then you can’t join the survey. 

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What Does InsideHeads Offer?

There are two ways on how you can make money with InsideHeads - paid surveys and focus groups. To understand more what these things are, keep on reading!

Paid Surveys

InsideHeads is a survey site but is different from other survey sites out there. Unlike other survey sites, InsideHeads doesn’t exactly show how much you’ve earned. This means that you actually don’t have to reach a certain threshold to withdraw your earnings.

When it comes to the surveys, the process is common. Before joining in a survey, you’ll be informed first how much you will earn from it. 

It also has qualifying questions to find out if you are eligible for a certain survey or not. If you qualify, then good for you. If you don’t then try again on other surveys.

Focus Groups

Another way to make money from InsideHeads is through focus groups. You might be wondering what these focus groups are, then let me explain it to you. 

As the term implies, a Focus Group is a group with a moderator, wherein the members mainly communicate via chat. You have to be attentive if you are a member of the focus group, especially when the moderator has a message or inquiry. 

The process is pretty straightforward. The only thing you have to keep in mind is paying attention to what the moderator is talking about. Once the focus group is complete, you will receive your reward.

The downfall of focus groups is that it rarely happens. More or less, it only happens once or twice a year.

How Do You Get Paid?

As mentioned above, there’s no payment threshold when you want to withdraw your earning. But processing payments doesn’t happen overnight. It usually takes around 2 to 4 weeks before you can have your money. 

That is quite a long time to wait, which means that you can’t rely on this for emergency purposes. Payments are sent via check, or via bank transfer, so you have to check your email every now and then too. 

Such payment options are very inconvenient considering that the processing time is long, and claiming it would take a few days again. 

In my opinion, it would have been better if InsideHeads offer more payment options that are more accessible and convenient. 

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How Much Money Can You Make?

In all honesty, do not expect that you will make a lot of money from InsideHeads. There’s no guarantee that you will qualify for all the surveys that they have in the first place. 

There might be a lot of surveys available, but what if you only qualify for one or two? Does that make a difference in your earning?

If you get lucky to be able to join a focus group, which rarely happens, then you’ll have the chance to make more. Typically, you’ll make around $40 to $75 or even more. 

But then again, this doesn’t happen often. On the other hand, paid surveys don’t pay a lot, so don’t expect that you’ll make a decent amount from InsideHeads.

Who Can Join?

InsideHeads doesn’t specify who can join, but more or less, anyone around the world can become a member. But from what I know, the site prefers Americans than people from other regions. 

Keep in mind that even when you become a member of the site, your earning is not guaranteed. Then and again, qualifying in a survey is not that easy. You need to have what it takes before you can join and earn. 

Also, your chance of joining focus groups is quite low.

InsideHeads Pros And Cons


  • No payout threshold: You can withdraw any amount, but it takes time before you will receive your money.
  • Anyone can join: regardless of who or where you are, you can always join InsideHeads, but don’t expect that you’ll make a lot once you become a member.


  • Limited earning opportunity: InsideHeads only offers two earning opportunities, of which the two don’t both guarantee earning. When it comes to the surveys, you have to be qualified first, and on the other hand, focus groups don’t happen regularly.
  • Survey availability is low: the earning is low already, then the number of available surveys is low. What’s to like about that?
  • Payment processing takes time: It usually takes 2 to 4 weeks to receive a payment, which isn’t really helpful when it comes to emergencies.

IS InsideHeads A Scam?

No, InsideHeads is not a scam. The website is legit, but the payment is low. Don’t expect that you’ll get rich by answering surveys or joining focus groups. 

Besides, it will really take a long time before you can make a decent amount, which you can withdraw and receive after almost a month. 

Although focus groups pay quite high, this rarely happens, and if it does, you will have to invest a lot of time. As for the surveys, the number of surveys available each day is very limited.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I believe that spending your time on such websites is a total waste. Why should you do that when there are far more important things that you can do to make you more productive? 

For example, affiliate marketing is a good way to kickstart your journey towards creating a full time income online.

If you want to know more about what affiliate marketing is all about, just click the button below!


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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