Invest Diva is the investing brand from Kiana Danial.. her main course is The PowerCourse.

If you're considering buying from her you're probably wondering if she's a scam artist.

That's what this review will answer.

I took a look at everything Invest Diva offers and her background.

You'll know if she's worth purchasing from by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Invest Diva Summary

Creator: Kiana Danial

Price to join: $1997

Do I recommend? It depends

   Overall rating: 3/5

Invest Diva seems to know what she's talking about in terms of investing and she's been featured in well known publications.

I think her PowerCourse is well made too.

However, it's an expensive program and I think there's better alternatives. 

Better opportunity: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

Who Is Invest Diva?

Invest Diva is Kiana Danial's brand. 

She's a pretty well known personality and has been seen on Fox News, CNN and more.

Additionally, she has a bunch of books and even wrote a book on crypto investing for the "Dummies" book series.

This crypto book has thousands of reviews and the average score is 4.5/5 which is very good.

The first thing you notice about Kiana is her looks but she's a self described nerd and is married to a rocket scientist.

Kiana Danial is a pretty typical investment marketer.

She uses her personal stories to engage you, has a free webinar where she pitches her course and more.

Some people don't like this but it's kind of just how the game works.

Overall, I have an overall positive feeling about Kiana. 

What Does Invest Diva Teach?

The good news is Kiana doesn't really recommend day trading.

Day trading is becoming more and more popular but I personally think it's a horrible way to make money. 

Additionally, Invest Diva is clear that this is not a get rich quick scheme which again is a good thing. 

You'll learn long term investing strategies, trading and forex from Kiana.

Some investing strategies you'll learn includes:

  • Retirement funding
  • 401k
  • Real estate planning

You'll get basic training on trading and learn about options.

Options is a bet on what you think a stock will be in the future.

Lastly, you'll learn about forex which is the foreign exchange market (trading currencies).

These are all legitimate trading strategies.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Ideas

PowerCourse Overview

The PowerCourse is Invest Diva's flagship course and it has A LOT of information and training.

It's honestly a little overwhelming.

There's 28 different modules and they cover a wide range of topics.

Here's a breakdown of the various sections.

Modules 1-4

The first 4 modules are basic training on financial planning and investing.

You'll learn what steps you need to take in the beginning, analyzing financial statements, investment risk management and more.

Modules 5-8

Here you'll learn more about investing and get basic training on forex.

Module 9-12

Forex is all about charts and patterns.. you'll learn how to read charts and analyze candles in the forex market.

Module 13-16

You'll learn more forex strategies in these modules.

This includes:

  • Ichimoku entry strategy
  • Elliot wave strategy
  • Fibonacci

And more.

Modules 17-20

Modules 17-20 cover stock basics.

This includes inflation, GDP, unemployment rate, stocks analysis, stock valuation and interest rates.

Modules 21-24

The next set of modules teaches you how to trade options.

Modules 24-28

These modules teach long term investing.

This includes retirement funding, profit sharing plans, real estate planning and more.

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This Course Is A Little Overwhelming

There's a lot to this program and that can be good and bad.

It can be good because you'll learn everything you need to know to be successful with investing.

However, it can be overwhelming if you're a beginner.

There's 28 different modules in this course and you're going to be learning all kinds of investing and stock related topics.

Each topic deserves a course by itself.

For example, forex is something people usually specialize in.. same with option trading.

You're getting it all here.

There's no way you can use all the information in this course. 

Who Is Invest Diva Course For?

This course can be useful if you're an absolute a beginner.

You're going to get a bird's eye view of a lot of different investing and trading opportunities.

You also should have a decent amount of money to invest.

Kiana talks like you can start with a couple hundred and after a couple years you can have $100,000 but it's not that easy.

You'll have your ups and downs with investing.

If you only have a couple hundred it's going to be so hard to make good money unless you hit on a once in a lifetime stock.

For example, in forex you shouldn't trade more than 1% of your account on a single trade.

If you have $100 that means you're only trading a dollar at a time.

With forex you should probably have $5000 to get decent returns.

Recommended: Best Place To Get Trading Ideas

Who Is Invest Diva NOT For?

If you already have a basic understanding of investing this course won't work for you.

A lot of training is devoted to explaining elementary things on stocks, investing and forex.

If you have this stuff down you won't get too much value out of the training.

Additionally, if you're looking to master one kind of trading strategy (forex, options, etc.) this won't really work for you either.

You get training on that stuff but it's not in depth or very advanced. 

You'll need more training on the induvial strategies.

This Course Is Pricey

I've reviewed a lot of different trading and investing courses.

$1997 is pretty pricey.

Now there's other programs that are more expensive but I'd say it's one of the more expensive out there.

I personally have a hard time recommending courses that are this much.

You can find a lot of stuff online for free and then books can fill in the gaps for the rest.

That'll save you nearly $2000.

Education is important but there's ways to get educated without spending so much.

If you're going to pay money, pay money on getting good stock picks.

Recommended: Best Place To Get Trading Ideas

Refund Policy Isn't The Best

There's good and bad things about the refund policy.

The good thing is there's a 30 day refund policy.

However, it's not no questions asked and you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get your money back.

First off, you can't have gone through more than 35% of the course.

Secondly, you have to do all the work in the first 6 modules.. you need to do the review questions and show that you tried what's in the training.

I personally prefer when you have a refund policy with no actions or anything like that.

What I Like About Invest Diva

Here's what I like about Invest Diva:

A lot of training

This course has more training than most investing courses.

You'll learn all things trading and investing here.

What I Don't Like About Invest Diva

Here's what I don't like about Invest Diva:

Too expensive

$1997 is a lot of money to pay for an investing course. There's many more affordable options out there.


While I like that there's a lot of training there's probably too much for beginners.

You want a more narrow path when you're starting out.

Bad refund policy

There's 30 days to get your money back but you need to jump through a bunch of hoops.

Is Invest Diva A Scam?

I read one article that was very negative about Kiana.. calling her the scum of the earth and a scammer and all of this stuff.

I don't think that's true.

Kiana is a good marketer and sometimes that rubs people the wrong way.

I think her course is solid and she's definitely a competent investor.

However, I just think the product is too expensive. 

You can find cheaper alternatives that are just as quality.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd probably pass on Invest Diva.

The good news is there's still a lot of good places to get stock picks.

I've reviewed all the best places to get good stock ideas.

To see my favorite (which is very affordable), click below:

Get High Return Stocks!

I've reviewed 100+ stock picking services. To learn more about my favorite, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • The course platform and the “support” staff are broken.
    8 days into it and they still will not or cannot release more that the introduction to budgeting to me. And support staff is useless, doing nothing.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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