Green Panthera is a site where you can earn money doing surveys as well as other ways..

If you're thinking about joining you're probably wondering if it's a scam or legit opportunity.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you're going to find everything you need to know including background information, different ways to make money and more.

You'll know if Green Panthera is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Green Panthera Summary

Product: Green Panthera

Price to join: Free

Rating: 10/100

Do I recommend? No!

Summary: Green Panthera has some good reviews and bad reviews out there. 

While I think there's a chance to make a small amount of money here my overall impression isn't good.

The payouts are low and it's going to be very hard to make anything significant with Green Panthera.

There's other red flags too like not disclosing who owns this website and where it's based out of

Generally speaking you shouldn't get involved in sites that don't say who owns it.

Better opportunity: If you want to see the best place to learn how to make money online, click below. There you'll see where I learned how to make 6 figures online as a broke beginner.

Green Panthera FAQ's

1) What is Green Panthera? Green Panthera is a survey site that also lets you make money by shopping and using coupons. 

2) How old is this website? Green Panthera is just over 5 years old.

3) How do you withdraw money? You can get your money out with Paypal.

4) What is the payment threshold? You can only withdraw money if you reach $30. However, you do get $5 when you first sign up.

5) Where do most members come from? According to Alexa most of the traffic comes from Brazil, Agrentina and Mexico:

Meeting The Threshold Will Be Hard

Survey sites are a pretty bad way to make money online. 

There's some good ones where you can make a little money but the overwhelming majority you earn a little from.

That's just the truth with these kind of sites.

What is really bad is when survey sites have a high payment threshold like Green Panthera.

$30 is going to take a long time to reach and it's not something you're going to do in a day or two.

It's probably going to take more than a month.

My guess is a lot of people give up before they actually reach the $30 which essentially means they worked for free.

I personally like to do affiliate marketing because you can earn a lot more money (enough to quit your job with).

The Owner Is Unknown

I've been reviewing ways to make money online for a while and probably have reviewed 400+ websites and courses since starting this site. 

One of the most common things I see when reviewing a legitimate scam is a lot of the times the site won't show who owns it or where it's based out of.

The reason for this is people who run scams usually run a bunch of other scams or create scams in the future.

They don't want to give away who they are because people wouldn't spend time or money on their future products.

Green Panthera doesn't say who their owner is.

This is definitely a red flag and should give you some pause.

There's A Lot Of Bad User Reviews

Since Green Panthera has been around for awhile there's a lot of reviews about this site.

There's some good ones but more often than not I found bad reviews.

In fact, on Trustpilot this site has 86 reviews of Green Panthera and 86% of them give it 1 star.

Some say they just stop giving you surveys once you get close to hitting $30 and others say they lock you out once you get close too. 

These reviews are more recent too which means they're more accurate than positive reviews from a couple of years.

My guess is Green Panthera scams a lot of people out of their $30 and just keeps the money from themselves. 

Is Signing Up Easy?

Joining Green Panthera is a very easy process.

Here's the steps involved:

  1. Sign up with your email and create a password to sign in with
  2. Go to your email and confirm your account by clicking the link they send you
  3. Fill out your account with your information like name, paypal account, date of birth, work status and more. 

After you sign up $5 will be credited to your account.

How Do You Make Money Here?

There's a few ways you can make money at Green Panthera.

Here's the various ways:

1) Paid Surveys

This is the main way to make money with this site. 

Once you sign up there will be a bunch of surveys for you to complete and then surveys get emailed to you afterwards.

You can sign into your account to see other surveys as well.

These surveys really aren't that high paying, though, and for the most part you'll make pennies for your efforts.

Also, many people have complained that once you get close to $30 you get cut off from surveys so you can't make a withdrawal. 

2) Offer Walls

Offer walls are different than surveys and can include:

  • Watching a video for a certain amount of time
  • Downloading an app
  • Playing a game and getting to a certain level

and more. You can find more surveys there too.

3) Online Shopping

This really isn't a money making method and is more of a way to save money.

They have a pretty large selection of companies they cooperate with and you get discounts when you shop with these sites

Some of these sites are online flowers shops, skin care products, cosmetics and more. 

4) Coupons

This is another way that doesn't necessarily make you money and instead saves you money. 

However, there were no coupons for me when I signed up.

Is The Site Easy To Navigate?

Overall the site is kind of old in my opinion and seems a little low budget.

The graphics look pretty amteur and the site could definitely use a makeover. 

It's pretty easy to navigate, though, and I wasn't confused by anything and what to click.

The sign up process was easy and there's no long loading times either. 

However, this site isn't easy to use on mobile. There's no app and the site isn't really optimized for a mobile browser.

So using this site on your phone will not be easy.

What I Like About Green Panthera

Here's what I like about this site:

It's free to try:

There's a lot of problems with this site and many people complain not being able to reach the $30 threshold but it's free to try.

So worst case scenario you lose time here and not money.

What I Don't Like About Green Panthera

Here's what I don't like about this site:

A lot of complaints

There's a lot of people saying Green Panthera makes it impossible to reach $30.

Basically you get close and then they shut you out of the site so you can withdraw.

A complaint here and there isn't a big deal but when the majority complains there's problems.

High payment threshold

$30 is a lot of money to need to reach to take out money.

I'm guessing most people give up before reaching the payment threshold meaning they were working for free. 

Low paying surveys

The surveys you get don't pay that much either.

Basically you'll be making pennies for 20 to 30 minutes of work.

Is Green Panthera A Scam?

After weighing everything I think it's fair to call Green Panthera a scam.

Does it work for some people? It seems that way. 

But most people report that they pretty much are scammed out of the money they earned.

Right when they get close to $30 Green Panthera locks people out or stops sending them surveys.

That would mean Green Panthera is a scam.

This makes sense because they don't disclose who owns the site or where it's based out of.

Major red flag and means you're usually dealing with an unethical person.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd stay away from Green Panthera.

If you're looking for a way to make a life changing amount of money online, check out Wealthy Affiliate

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Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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