Ivan Mana has a new affiliate marketing course called Affiliate Marketing Mastery - The 3 Step Ladder To Success..

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if Affiliate Marketing Mastery is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Affiliate Marketing Mastery Summary

Creator: Ivan Mana 

Price to join: $1997

Do I recommend? It depends

   Overall rating: 3.5/5

Affiliate Marketing Mastery is a good course that focuses on paid traffic.. mainly Bing, Google and Facebook Ads.

I think Ivan is genuine and makes decent money from these strategies.

However, the price is really, really high.

$1997 to learn about these traffic sources is expensive and there's plenty of alternatives that are just as good and more affordable.

Better opportunity: If you're interested in the best affiliate marketing training, click below:

Who Is Ivan Mana?

Ivan Mana is the creator of Affiliate Marketing Mastery and he discovered affiliate marketing back in 2017.

He got his start like many of us do.. by just watching videos on Youtube and reading stuff on Google. 

Since then he's sold a bunch of products from Clickbank and started a popular Youtube channel (has over 30k subscribers).

Additionally he's launched the course I'm reviewing today.

One thing I like about Ivan is he doesn't brag about how much he makes and he's not making insane income claims.

There's no videos of him on private jets or anything like that.

Too many people in the make money online world flaunt their wealth or just straight up lie about how much they're making.

I appreciate that Ivan doesn't do that.

What Does Affiliate Marketing Mastery Teach?

Affiliate Marketing Mastery teaches affiliate marketing which is a legitimate online business model.. it's also my favorite way to make money online.

Specifically this course teaches making money with paid traffic (Google, Bing and Facebook).

Paid traffic isn't my favorite way to do affiliate marketing.. I personally like free traffic.

But paid traffic can work.. you just need money to start.

Most campaigns lose money in the beginning and you need money to cover this initial lost.

So if you don't have a couple thousand to spend on ads I would stay away from paid ads.

If you'd like to learn how to do affiliate marketing through free traffic, click below:

#1 Recommended Affiliate Marketing Training

Affiliate Marketing Mastery Overview

Affiliate Marketing Mastery has various modules that cover all aspects of paid traffic and affiliate marketing.

Here's a look at what you get:

Module 1 - Introduction

This section is very brief and you get a quick introduction to the course.

You'll learn about who Ivan is and you'll get a chance to join the private Facebook Group.

Module 2 - What Is Affiliate Marketing?

The second module is another quick one.. here you'll learn what affiliate marketing is and the different ways you can make money with it.

Module 3 - Let's Get Started - Ladder 1

Module 3 is where things start moving.

Here you'll get everything ready before running your first ad.

This includes:

  • Selecting a product to promote
  • Setting up your sales tracking
  • How to use the various paid ad platforms  
  • Keyword research
  • How to make an ad stand out
  • How to keep unwanted search terms from showing your ads
  • Setting up all your tracking
  • Optimizing your campaigns so your profit the most
  • Fine tuning your campaigns

Module 4 - Let's Move On - Ladder 2

In this module you move onto more important training.

Some of the training you get in this section includes:

  • How to properly build your landing page
  • Making sure your landing page is mobile optimized
  • How to set up your domain name
  • Set up tracking for your new pages
  • Editing your campaigns
  • Setting up your Google Ads campaign
  • How to track sales with Google Ads
  • Landing page tips for more optimizations

Module 5 - Let's Finish Off Strong - Ladder Step 3

The last module covers a couple different topics.

Mainly it goes over email marketing and marketing on Facebook.

The Facebook section will teach you everything you need to know including:

  • Targeting audiences
  • Retargeting ads
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Lookalike audiences

And more.

Want The Best Affiliate Marketing Training?

I've reviewed all the best affiliate marketing courses.. to see my favorite, click below:

Affiliate Marketing Mastery FAQ's

1) Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery worth $1997?

I personally don't think so.

Affiliate marketing has been around for as long as the internet has been around.

There's really not that much new about it and there's some much training out there about affiliate marketing.

There's just no reason to pay so much to learn affiliate marketing.

2) Is Ivan Mana legit?

I think he is.

He has a Youtube channel that gives away a ton of free affiliate marketing training.. it seems like he knows what he's talking about.

Also, he doesn't flaunt his wealth or make any crazy income claims.

3) What do you get with Affiliate Marketing Mastery?

You get various training.

The training is basically divided like this:

  • How to pick a product
  • Bing ad training
  • Google ad training
  • Facebook ad training

Smaller topics like conversion, tracking and landing page optimization is covered as well.

4) How much do I need to get started with paid traffic?

I love affiliate marketing because it's very inexpensive to get started with.

However, paid traffic training is more expensive than free traffic.

Because you need money for trial and error I'd say a few thousand is fine to get started with.

Anything less and you might run out of money before making a profit.

5) Is there a payment plan?

Not that I could find.

6) Is there a refund policy?

Yes you get 30 days to get your money back.. however, you can't have taken more than 20% of the course.

7) Are there better alternatives?

Yes, there's plenty of other high quality affiliate marketing courses.

To see my favorite, click below:

#1 Recommended Affiliate Marketing Course

Ivan Mana Affiliate Marketing Mastery Pros And Cons

  • Good training: I think the training in this course is pretty solid.. I'm sure some people will be successful from it.
  • Ivan Mana is legit: I don't know Ivan personally but it's nice to see someone that doesn't overhype their training for once. 
  • Good refund policy: 30 days is a good amount to decide if a course is right for you or not. 
  • Too expensive: There's a lot of affiliate marketing training out there.. no need to pay $1997 to learn it here.
  • Only paid traffic is taught: Paid traffic can definitely work but I like free traffic better.. I would have liked to have seen some free traffic training since the course is so pricey.
Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery A Scam?

Definitely not.

This course teaches legit affiliate marketing methods and Ivan comes off as pretty successful/knowledgeable.

However, I just think it's overpriced.

Here's A Better Opportunity

Affiliate Marketing Mastery isn't bad but I'd probably pass on it.

There's a ton of affiliate marketing courses that are just as good but much more affordable.

I've personally reviewed all the best too.

To see my favorite affiliate marketing course, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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