Are you trying to get into eCommerce and thinking about joining Seth Kniep's new training program Just One Dime. 

If so, this review is for you. 

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including price to join, course overview, and more.

You'll even see if there's any other better choices for you money.

Let's get into it!

Just One Dime Summary

Product: Just One Dime

Price to join: Depends on the course that you're going to purchase

Rating: 60/100 

Do I recommend? Depends (decent course but expensive)

Summary: Just One Dime is an eCommerce training program created by entrepreneur Seth Kniep. It offers different programs including Amazon FBA Mastery, Amazon Arbitrage Mastery, and Build an Amazon Brand.

The training programs are pricey, but they cover a lot of topics -- even the ones not usually discussed by ordinary Amazon training programs. But is Just One Dime worth every penny? Read on to find out.

Better Opportunity: There's ways to do dropshipping and ecommerce that won't cost you thousands of dollars. Click below to see how this is possible.

What is Just One Dime?

Amazon is one of the biggest websites in the world. Although it lags behind Chinese eCommerce giants TMall and Taobao when it comes to number of site visitors, Amazon is still a force to be reckoned with especially in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, and India. A lot of individuals and corporations have made money with Amazon, so no wonder thousands of people want to jump into that bandwagon too.

You want that passive income, but you're clueless on how to start your Amazon store, how to find the best suppliers, and how to launch your products. There are so many Amazon training programs out there that you can purchase, and one of them is Just One Dime.

Just One Dime markets itself as one of the best eCommerce training programs for entrepreneurs. It offers several training programs and coaching including Amazon FBA Mastery, Amazon Arbitrage Mastery, and Build an Amazon Brand.

Just One Dime was developed by entrepreneur Seth Kniep. Seth has a typical rags-to-riches story that is entirely relatable. Like many people all over the world, he was living paycheck-to-paycheck and had thousands of dollars in debt. He resigned from his job, studied eCommerce, and created his first store just by doubling his one dime. He began earning six figures until he reached over half a million.

He realized that he was good at it, so he created Just One Dime. Now, he and his team teach future entrepreneurs how to build eCommerce stores on Amazon and ensure that they are profitable with the strategies he used.

What Products Does Just One Dime Offer?

I. Amazon FBA Coaching

Course 1 - Establish Your Business and Brand

In this course, you will learn how to build an Amazon business from the ground up. Other things the instructors are going to teach include motivation, how to create a brand, how to trademark that particular brand, and how to look for suppliers. Some of the main sections include:

* Setting up your Amazon account and store
* Setting up supplier accounts
* Accounting and taxation
* Business insurance

According to the website, the whole course has a value of $1,647.

Course 2 - Master the Market

In this section, you'll learn how to gauge the market, as well as understands trends and fads. You'll also be taught how to find the hottest products, as well as how to get ahead of the competition. Some of the topics that will be discussed include:

* Amazon listing and important eCommerce terms
* Product and keyword research
* Branching out to other platforms
* How to make your product stand out

This course is valued at $1,747.

Course 3 - Manufacture Your Product

The instructors will teach you how to ensure that your products stand out, as well as how to find the best suppliers for your store. You will also learn how to navigate shipping, create Amazon listings, and produce photos for the products you're going to sell. You will also learn how to set up shipping settings, and how you can ship the items to Amazon fulfillment centers.

This course is valued at $1,547.

Course 4 - Launch Your Brand

Some of the topics that are going to be discussed in this section include how to launch your products, how to get rave reviews, and how to sell via Amazon PPC and other similar platforms. Some of the most important things you're going to learn include:

* Launching products and Amazon giveaways
* Seller sequences
* Analyzing PPC data
* Improve ranking and conversion
* Facebook Ads

This is valued at $1,647.

Course 5 - Expand Your Reach

Some of the things you're going to learn here include how to handle returns, how to talk to customers, chargebacks, and how to handle feedback. The sections include:

* How to optimize sales and protect your brand
* How to prevent negative reviews
* Handling IP infringement authenticity claims
* Handling black hat competitors

Students will receive weekly live coaching with the Just One Dime creators. This session can last up to four hours. If you live in Europe, Australia, or any other parts of the world, then rest assured that Just One Dime can also help you.

These courses consist of more than 200 training videos that come with English subtitles. You will also have three one-on-one meetings with an Amazon coach to ensure your success, 500 slides, and access to the Amazon seller community. You'll get product suggestions and take quizzes to ensure that you learned a lot from the quizzes.

II. Amazon Arbitrage Mastery

This training program consists of 60 training videos and slides, multiple shared-screen tutorials, and one Q&A session every week. Students will also get several training videos that will teach them to increase their profits, as well as a half-hour training with one of Just One Dime's coaches.

This course costs $83 per month. Keep in mind that this is billed annually.

III. Build an Amazon Brand

Curious about how Amazon store owners create their business from scratch? Then this is probably a great option for you. In this live video, you'll get to see how a profitable Amazon store is created, starting from choosing a brand to finding the right products.

Want to see the best ecommerce training?

There's no need to pay thousands of dollars for a dropshipping course - there's plenty that are much cheaper and as good. Click the button below to see the very best:​​​​

How Much Does Just One Dime Cost?

Definitely not a dime!

Just One Dime offers two payment options for its Amazon FBA Coaching. In the first payment option, you must pay $1,997. It contains 1 "hot" product idea that will be sent to you every month for the next twelve months. You'll also get access to the best suppliers in the market, one-on-one mentor sessions, and weekly coaching workshops. You will also have access to more than 200 training videos, an Amazon seller support group, and mentors.

If you don't have the budget for now, then you can choose three payments of $597 (a total of $1,791). You'll get all the benefits of the first payment option minus two things: the monthly product ideas and the list of suppliers.

The Amazon Arbitrage Mastery costs $83 per month, while the Build a Brand costs $97 per month.

Just One Dime Bonuses

Bonus 1 - Product Research Dominance

This also includes topics such as finding unique products to sell so you can stay ahead of the competition, as well as how to use PPC to look for products shoppers want but no one's selling.

Bonus 2 - Product Launch & Ranking

In section, you'll learn about scalable launch methods and keyword rankings. You will also learn about products that comply with Amazon's rules.

Bonus 3 - PPC Mastery

Learn all about PPC in this section. This bonus consists of more than 100 slides and videos that will guide you on how to launch your Amazon campaign.

Bonus 4 - Lawyer Training for Brand Protection

This is a video presentation that explains how you can protect your products from hijackers. The video lasts more than an hour so buckle up.

Bonus 5 - Business Mastery

This section teaches you important business topics such as how to manage your store's assets, how to save on taxes, offshore companies, and more.

Bonus 6 - Trademark Brand Expansion

Bonus 6 is all about choosing and registering your trademark. This consists of 12 videos, so make sure that you have enough time to absorb all the lessons.

Bonus 7 - Product Review Mastery

It's all about reviews in the last and seventh bonus. In this section, you'll learn how to launch a great product and ensure that the reviews that it generates are good. You're also going to learn about how to launch a PPC campaign to ensure better reviews.

What I Like About Just One Dime

Comprehensive Amazon courses

These are some of the most comprehensive Amazon courses. The Amazon FBA Coaching alone has more than 200 training videos and 500 slides. Students also get as much as 4 hours of group coaching and access to mentors during private sessions. Seth will also show students how to build an Amazon store from scratch, how to find the best suppliers, and how to save on taxes legally.

Free training and free content

Just One Dime has a lot of eCommerce related content on YouTube so you can get a taste of what it offers. You can also listen to Seth's Just One Dime podcast to learn more about eCommerce.

Other Amazon services

Apart from the Amazon FBA Coaching, Amazon Arbitrage Mastery, and Build a Brand program, Just One Dime also offers other services related to the business. These include creating branding and logo for Amazon stores, building an eCommerce website, and one-on-one coaching with a Just One Dime consultant.

Entrepreneurs can also purchase Just One Dime merch here, as well as commission the company to run a PPC ad optimization.

What I Don't Like About Just One Dime

The courses and services may be expensive for some would-be entrepreneurs

The Amazon FBA Coaching alone costs $1,997, while the Amazon Arbitrage Coaching service costs $83 per month. The Build a Brand live demo, meanwhile, costs $97 per month. Other services, such as the logo creation and the custom eCommerce website, cost $97 and $375 respectively.

The training programs are comprehensive and come with live Q&A sessions, mentorship, and private meetings, so I guess the hefty price is worth it. But if you don't have this kind of money and you still want to purchase the courses, better save up first.

Is Just One Dime A Scam?

The courses and services may be expensive for some people

The Amazon FBA Coaching alone costs $1,997, while the Amazon Arbitrage Coaching service costs $83 per month. The Build a Brand live demo, meanwhile, costs $97 per month. Other services, such as the logo creation and the custom eCommerce website, cost $97 and $375 respectively.

The training programs are comprehensive and come with live Q&A sessions, mentorship, and private meetings, so I guess the hefty price is worth it. But if you don't have this kind of money and you still want to purchase Just One Dime courses, better put it off first save up so you can afford it later on.

Here's A Better Way To Make Money

Just One Dime is decent but there's still better courses out there. 

If you want to see the very best ecommerce training, check out Ecom Elites

There you will see beginner training on how to do ecommerce without spending thousands of dollars. 


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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