Kindle Cash Flow is a course that teaches you how to profit writing ebooks on Amazon..

It's from Ty Cohen.

I bet if you're here you want to know if it's a scam or not.

Well you're in luck..

I reviewed this entire program and below you'll find everything you need to know about this program including price, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if it's right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Kindle Cash Flow Summary

Creator: Ty Cohen

Price to join: $697 for main course

Do I recommend? No.

   Overall rating: 2/5

I personally wouldn't buy Kindle Cash Flow.

It's very pricey and self publishing on Amazon is a very hard way to make money.

The success rate is low and it's hard work.

There's much easier ways to make money online. 

Better opportunity: If you're interested in building an online business in a legit way, click below:

Who Created Kindle Cash Flow?

Kindle Cash flow was created by Ty Cohen (above) and Anik Singal.

Ty Cohen is the main face of the program and he has a Youtube channel that has over 14k subscribers.

One thing I don't like about Cohen is he really sells the lifestyle.

He makes lofty claims you can make tens of thousands a month following his system and he really like to show off his wealth.

You'll see videos of his house, his cars and money.

A lot of the videos are inspirational and motivational as well.

I'm not really a fan of this stuff either.

There's some videos on self publishing on Amazon but there should be more in my opinion.

The other stuff is fluff.

Anik Singal is the founder of Lurn and this is a platform that sells dozens of internet marketing courses.

He's most known for his course Inbox Dollars.

He claims to have made millions online. 

What Does Kindle Cash Flow Teach?

Kindle Cash Flow teaches one of my least favorite online business models.. self publishing on Amazon.

Before I tell you why I don't like this business model I want to say some people will make good money doing.

Also, it's a good way to write a book if that's your dream.

But if you're just looking for a side hustle or way to make money online, I'd try other business models first.

The reason I say this is creating and selling ebooks on Amazon is hard.

You need to actually have the talent to pull this off and it's a very time consuming process.

I know people that were talented internet marketers and who were making good money online try it and fail miserably. 

We're talking months of work only to make less than $5!

And you're not only going to write one book either to make money.

This is something you'll have to do over and over and over again.

There's just so many easier and better ways to make a full time income online.

Recommended: How To Make Money Online While You Sleep

Kindle Cash Flow Overview

Kindle Cash Flow is the main course offered by Cohen and there's a couple lesser known ones as well.

Here's a look at what you get:

Kindle Cash Flow ($697)

You get 7 modules of training that include:

  • Module 1 - Intro to making money on Amazon
  • Module 2 - How to ensue you get results as fast as possible
  • Module 3 - How to outsource
  • Module 4 - How to write a book yourself
  • Module 5 - How to sell your book
  • Module 6 - How to attract customers
  • Module 7 - How to make sales offline

In addition to the core training you also get access to tools that will help you find topics to write about, find writers to hire, marketing and more.

Also, you get access to a community to help you out in case you have any questions.

Authors Inner Circle ($67 Per Month)

The next offer is to pay monthly to be apart of a more exclusive community.

You get 7 training modules which includes:

  • Module 1 - Direct access to personal coaching
  • Module 2 - The tools that Cohen and his team use
  • Module 3 - How to develop multiple streams of income
  • Module 4 - Customer Targeting And Conversion
  • Module 5 - Advertising And Following Up
  • Module 6 - Effective And Timely Content Creation
  • Module 7 - Victory Testimonials

Black Box Club ($47 Per Month)

This is another exclusive club that you pay monthly to join.

Here's what you'll learn here:

  • The fastest way to create a book
  • New tools that help you in all facets of creating and marketing a book
  • The hottest niches for Kindle
  • How to create an eye catching cover
  • How to create a sales funnel
  • How to send emails that people want to read and that convert
  • How to get organic traffic from Google
  • How to price your book.

On top of this there's 17 bonuses.

These bonuses cover topics like marketing your book, paid advertising, increasing book sales, outsourcing tips, funnels, Facebook tips and more.

Publishing Template Set ($97)

You can save yourself a lot of time if you have templates to help create your books.

That's what this offer is.

Here's a look at what you get:

  • Module 1 - Author bio page templates
  • Module 2 - Book cover templates
  • Module 3 - Book info page templates
  • Module 4 - Book outline worksheets
  • Module 5 - Idea brainstorming sheets
  • Module 6- Ten kindle formatting templates
  • Module 7 - List magnet email templates

Romance Reader Profits ($97)

This product is for anyone that wants to get into the romance niche.

Here's a look at what you get:

  • Module 1 - Romance novel formula 
  • Module 2 - Creating your publishing accounts
  • Module 3 - Secrets to success in the romance niche
  • Module 4 - How to attract readers
  • Module 5 - How to publish your romance ebook
  • Module 6 - How to launch your ebook

Want To Start An Online Business?

I've reviewed all the best courses that teach this.. to see my favorite, click below:

Who Is Kindle Cash Flow For?

Kindle Cash Flow is only for people that have a dream of being a writer.

Amazon has its downsides but it has created a lot of self made millionaires.. additionally, it controls more than half of all books sales and most of online book sales.

This is good for a writer that has no connections.

You won't need to hammer out any book deals or need a publishing house or anything like that.

You can just direct publish right to Amazon and get customers.

It is going to be hard, though.

Most people won't make much money and when reading people's experiences it seems like making $1000 per month is a very difficult task.

What Are Customers Saying?

Most of the chatter about Ty Cohen and Kindle Cash Flow seems pretty negative.

The first thing people point out is Ty is overexaggerating how much you can make self publishing ebooks.

This isn't a business model that produces a lot of winners.

Another thing people point out is that Ty mostly likely makes his money selling courses and not ebooks.

The reason people point this out is a lot of his training is outdated.

He recommends making short ebooks but apparently Amazon changed how they pay commissions.

Short ebooks won't make the same money they did back then.

He has enough offers and products that he can easily make a full time living without selling a single book. 

There's a good chance that is the case.

The Price Is Pretty High

The main course is $697 which is expensive to learn how to make money online.

I've reviewed hundreds of courses that teach making money online and there's plenty that are much cheaper/better quality.

It's especially high when you look at the success rate as well.

I'd imagine less than 5% of people who try self publishing on Amazon make anything significant from it.

So the more you pay to learn the more you lose.

There is a good refund, though.

According to the terms you get 60 days to get your money back.

That's solid. 

Recommended: How To Make Money Online While You Sleep

Kindle Cash Flow Pros And Cons

  • Good Refund Policy: The refund policy is 60 days which is very good. This lowers the risk of buying if you're unsatisified.
  • Expensive: The main product is $697 which is a lot to learn self publishing. Especially when you consider the low success rate.
  • Not A Fan Of Business Model: There's a lot of ways to make money online.. self publishing is one my least favorite. There's just so many better ways to make moeny.
  • Ty Cohen: Ty sells a lot of products and courses. He wouldn't even need to sell a book to make any money. Makes you wonder where most of his wealth comes from. 

Is Kindle Cash Flow A Scam?

I don't know if I'd go that far.

It seems a little overpriced to me and some people seem to think the training is outdated.

But you do get training and everything that's promised to you.

I don't think there's that much to be made for most people, though.

Some people may hit big but 95% won't really make anything.

It's a tough way to make money.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd pass on Kindle Cash Flow.

There's so many superior ways to make money online.

I've reviewed hundreds of courses that teach this.

To see my favorite (which is free to try), click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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