Lost Creator Academy is a video course from Lost (Christian) LeBlanc.

If you're here you're probably wondering if this program is a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if Lost Creator Academy is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Lost Creator Academy Summary

Creator: Christian LeBlanc

Price to join: $799

Do I recommend? It depends

   Overall rating: 3/5

Lost Creator Academy is a course that will teach you video content.

If you're looking to start a Youtube channel or create a business where you shoot videos this can work for you.

However, if you're just looking to just make money online there's better and easier ways to do it.

Better opportunity: I've made over $150,000 online as a complete beginner.. to see where I learned how to do this, click below:

What Is Lost Creator Academy?

Lost Creator Academy is for people that want to create video content.

It's technically geared towards people that want to make travel video content but can work for people in any niche.

There's a lot of opportunity with video content and the industry is growing and growing.

The biggest search engine in the world is Google.

The second biggest? Youtube.

And the gap between Google and Youtube is narrowing every year.

Additionally, many search results in Google are videos now as well.

Many ad platforms have videos too.. this includes Facebook ads and Youtube ads.

If you want to make money online video content is a good way to do it.. you can create your own brand or create videos for other people.

Either way it's a profitable skill to have.

Who Is Lost LeBlanc?

Christian LeBlanc, who goes by Lost LeBlanc, is the creator of Lost Creator Academy.

Christian's story is similar to many online entrepreneurs.

He was working a 9 to 5 and didn't love what he was doing.

He decided to quit and chase his dreams.

As a result Christian created the Lost LeBlanc Youtube channel.

This channel is EXTREMELY successful and he has nearly 2 millions subscribers.

The videos don't teach film creation and instead is a travel channel.

You'll see various videos of him traveling the globe with his girlfriend.

Christian is obviously a master at what he does and you can learn a lot from him if you want to make a travel Youtube channel.

Recommended: How I Made 6 Figures Online As A Beginner

Lost Creator Academy Overview

Lost Creator Academy has 6 training modules and comes with some bonuses.

Here's a breakdown of what you get:


The 6 modules that make up the training is the following:

  • Module 1: Content Creator Fundamentals - The first module covers the basics of video content. This includes which software to pick, how to edit your photos and videos and which gear is right for you.
  • Module 2: Master Your Photography - The second module walks you through the photography and editing process. 
  • Module 3: Master Your Videography - This module will teach you how to master video storytelling. Also, you'll learn how to create videos that make you money.
  • Module 4: Build a Profitable Business - Module 4 is an important one and you'll learn how to build a profitable business and how to diversify your income sources.
  • Module 5: Grow Your Online Brand - Module 5 goes over how to grow your brand and the strategies Christian uses to grow his massive brand. 
  • Module 6: Creator Coaches - Module 6 is a mix of tutorials from different content creators. 


You get some extra bonuses as well.

These bonuses includes:

  • Custom email templates
  • Private Facebook community
  • Lifelong mentorship
  • Access to future updates.

Want To Make Serious Money Online?

I've reviewed all the top courses that teach this.. to see my favorite course, click below:

Who Is Lost Creator Academy For?

Lost Creator Academy is for people that want to learn video content and especially for people that want to learn travel videography.

Christian is obviously an expert at creating a travel Youtube channel and is very successful.

But you don't necessarily need to just want to do travel for this course to work for you.

This is for anyone that wants to make money with video.

So any Youtube content creator or if you want to create videos for other people.. like creating Facebook ads for businesses or anything like that.

Also, if you want to do something like wedding photography this can work for you as well.

Who Is Lost Creator Academy NOT For?

There's a few different people that shouldn't buy this course.

First are people that aren't willing to work hard on their business.

This is a course on making money at the end of the day and it teaches it through video content.

You're not going to make 1 video and be able to quit your job. You're not going to be able to make 10 videos and quit your job.

You're going to have to treat this like a job if you want to make a full time income. 

The next group of people that shouldn't buy this course are people that want to pursue a creative career in film.

Again, this is a course that teaches making money. It's not really for people that want to make films or creative projects.

Recommended: The Best Way To Make Money Online

How Much To Get Started?

There's a lot of ways to make money online and there's a lot of ways to make money through content creation.

Video content creation is one of the more expensive ways to create content.

The reason for this is camera gear is pretty expensive.

Some people just use their phone but I think you'll need better video quality than that.

Most cameras that shoot professional video cost at the minimum $700 and some cost thousands.

After that you'll need to spend money on different lenses which can cost several hundreds to thousands.

Then you'll need lighting equipment and video editing software.

On top of that you'll need a laptop that can handle this kind of stuff.

You'll probably need a few thousand in gear and software if you want to start as a video content creator.

Is Lost Creator Academy Worth $799?

This is a good amount of money to learn video content creation.. you can definitely find courses that are cheaper.

However, are you going to find one that's taught by someone with nearly 2 millions Youtube subscribers?

It's going to be hard to find a course from someone that has this kind of success.

I've reviewed hundred of courses in the last few years.

$799 is high but it's not that high.

There's many courses that are more than that.

So if you really, really want to get into video creation I think $799 isn't that terrible.

Recommended: How To Start An Online Business With Very Little Money

What I Like About Lost Creator Academy

Here's what I like about Lost Creator Academy:

Good refund policy

You get 30 days to get your money back. It isn't a perfect refund policy because you can't have watched more than 50% of the course but 30 days is still pretty good.

Good training

The training is pretty good in this course.

If you want to learn how to be a video content creator this course can definitely work for you.

Christian is legit

Christian has nearly 2 million subscribers on Youtube.

This is all for people that want to watch his travel videos too. So he's good to learn from.

What I Don't Like About Lost Creator Academy

Here's what I don't like about this course:

Pretty expensive

I don't think the cost is a deal breaker but it is pretty expensive. You can probably find a course pretty equal in quality for much cheaper.

You'll need a lot of equipment

Video content is definitely in demand and Youtube is growing exponentially.

However, you'll need a good amount of gear to get started.. this will cost you thousands of dollars.

Here's A Better Opportunity

If you really want to get into video content creation Lost Creator Academy is a good program.

However, if you're just looking to make money online there's better ways.

I've personally made over $150,000 online as a complete beginner. 

To see where I learned how to do this, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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