The Land Geek is a land investment course from Mark Podolsky.

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this training program including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if The Land Geek is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Multiple Income Funnel Summary

Creator: Mark Podolsky

Price to join: $$1697 to $8900+

Courses: Investor's Toolkit, Flight School, Coaching Program

Do I recommend? It depends

   Overall rating: 3/5

The Land Geek has a couple of different training programs and they're high quality.

If your goal is to invest in land these courses can help you.

However, investing in land can be risky and expensive.. the training at The Land Geek is pretty expensive as well.

If your goal is to make passive income there's much easier and less expensive ways to do it. 

Better opportunity: If you're interested in building a full time passive income stream without spending a lot of money, click below:

Who Is Mark Podolsky?

Mark Podolsky is the creator of The Land Geek and he's had some good success in land investment.

Apparently Mark used to work a corporate job until he started buying land in New Mexico.

H eventually learned how to sell the properties for profit and started buying land as a full time career.

Besides running the training programs at The Land Geek he also runs Frontier Properties USA.

This is a company that helps you buy land and has different land for sale across the country.

Clearly Mark knows what he's doing when it comes to land investment. 

What Does The Land Geek Teach?

Like the name suggests the programs at The Land Geek teaches you how to invest in land. 

The training is geared towards people who just want land and not property with houses on them.

Obviously this is a legit way to make money and some people make a good living doing this. 

However, I wouldn't say this is the easiest way to create a passive income stream.

You'll need a good amount of money to buy land and there's always a ton of paperwork involved in this stuff. 

Additionally, you'll need to sell the property and maintain it.

I personally like creating lower cost passive income streams.. if that sounds more interesting to you, click below:

Recommended: How I Made Over $100,000 Online As A Beginner

The Land Geek Training Overview

There's various training and courses at The Land Geek.

Here's an overview of everything you get:

Wholetail Course (Free)

The first course we're going to look at is the Wholetail Course.

This is a free training program and it's broken up into 3 parts.

Part 1 - Buying Wholesale

The first part has 4 different modules which include:

  • Module 1: Buying Wholesale
  • Module 2: Buying Wholesale Facebook
  • Module 3: Land Arbitrage Introduction
  • Module 4: FAQ And Rules

Part 2 - Wholetailing Marketing

The second teaches you how to market your land once you've bought it.

Here's what you get in part 2:

  • Introduction
  • Joining Buy Sell Groups
  • Posting An Ad With Land Geek Coach Mimi Schmidt
  • GeekPay Down Payments - Closing - Cash Or Terms
  • Closing

Part 3 - Next Steps

In part 3 you get the following:

  • Take Your Land Business To The Next Level
  • Automate With GeekPay - Get Your First Month Free
  • Automate With LGPass - Get your First Month Free

The Investor's Toolkit ($1697 to $1997)

The Investor's Toolkit is a training program that teaches you how to build a land investing business.

Here's a look at exactly what you get in this course:

Module 1 - Deal Flow

In the first module you'll learn how to build a system you can use to buy land.

Some training you get here includes:

  • The #1 place to buy cheap land
  • Where to find properties with motivated sellers
  • How to use mail to get property leads
  • How to find the best offers possible
  • Negotiating methods that you should avoid

Module 2 - Due Diligence

Module 2 teaches you how to find the best land investments and how to avoid bad properties. 

Here's what you'll get in this section:

  • How to use the internet to learn more about land investments
  • How to close on land legally
  • How to get marketing material for your land without visiting the property
  • Different methods on properly valuing a piece of property

Module 3 - Expert Marketing

Module goes over everything you need to get buyers for your land investments.

You get the following in module 3:

  • What you should focus on and what to avoid when it comes to marketing
  • How to create simple websites to sell your land
  • The best places to sell land
  • How to build up a good reputation so people trust you
  • How to set up payments so you get more sales
  • How to use guarantees to get more sales

Module 4 - Progressive Delegation

Eventually you'll need to scale your business in order to grow.. you can do that with virtual assistants and outsourcing work.

Module 4 teaches that.

In this section you'll get the following training: 

  • The 5 best places to find a virtual assistant
  • How to hire a virtual assistant for a fraction of the price
  • How to ensure your virtual assistant works the best
  • How to weed out the bad virtual assistants


Along with the core training you'll also get the following bonuses:

  • Pricing strategies
  • Copywriting secrets
  • iMacros training
  • Craigslist domination
  • Ebay selling secrets
  • Wholesale riches
  • Art of the takedown
  • Offer generator
  • Deal tracker
  • FAQ and filling in the holes
  • Recommended tech tools
  • Secret list of counties
  • Facebook fast and furious 
  • Tax and legal advice from Mark J. Kohler CPA

Flight School ($8900 to $11,900)

The Flight School is a group coaching program and there's two options.. the basic package and the VIP package.

This course is broken up into 4 parts, which are:

  • Weekly Execution In Real Time - You'll be told what to focus on every week and you'll build on your experience this way.
  • Work directly with Scott Todd who makes $50k per month passive income with land investment.
  • Group Collaboration - You'll be able to network with other members so you learn faster.
  • Coaching - You'll get help from experienced coaches as well.

Additionally you get:

  • Land Geek Proprietary Automated Software System for 6 months
  • Access to Land Vault
  • Website templates
  • Private Facebook Group membership
  • The Investors Toolkit course

Here's what you get extra if you get the VIP package:

  • Free 1 acre lot
  • Deal review with The Land Geek's investing experts
  • Lifetime access to mastermind

Want To Make Serious Money Online?

I've reviewed all the best courses that teach this.. to see my favorite, click below:

Is The Land Geek Training Worth Its Price?

The Land Geek is not cheap and the courses start at $1697 and go over $10,000.

These kind of courses are usually expensive, though, and I've reviewed similar programs that basically cost the same.

So if you're deadset on investing in land it could be worth it.

But there's a lot alternative ways to make money online and from home. 

So if you're just looking to make money or create a passive income stream, there's many ways to do that for much cheaper.

Is There A Refund Policy?

There's a refund policy and comes with a lot of strings attached.

In order to get you money back you'll have to go through the entire course, show up to all the calls/group coaching calls and show that you actually applied what was in the training.

If you've done all this and haven't made your money back in 180 days you can get your money back.

Additionally, Land Geek will aslo buy all the property that you bought in that time from you.

That's pretty good!

The Land Geek Pros And Cons

  • Mark is legit: Mark has proved that he is successful in land investing and is a good person to learn from.
  • Good training: You'll definitely know how to invest in land once you go through this course.
  • Good refund policy: There's a lot of strings attached to the refund policy but it makes the course risk free. 
  • Expensive training: The Flight school is the superior training and it costs between $8900 to $11900.. that's a big investment.
  • Not my favorite business model: Investing in land can make you money but it's stressful and pricey.
Is The Land Geeks A Scam?

No, definitely not.

This is a legit training program and comes from a legit guy.. plus the business model is real as well.

It's just pricey and it can be stressful.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd probably pass on The Land Geek.

There's so many ways to create a passive income stream without spending so much money.

I've reviewed hundreds of courses that teach this.

To see my favorite one, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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