Mini Income Streams is a training program from Rachel Rofe.

She claims you can make money selling mugs on Etsy and Amazon.

Is she telling the truth, or is this all one big scam?

We'll get to the bottom of this question in this review.

Additionally, we'll look at any red flags that I can find, and you'll get an overview of what's being offered.

Let's get started!

Mini Income Streams Summary

Creator: Rachel Rofe

Price to join: $2,497

Do I recommend? Not really

   Overall rating: 3/5

Rachel Rofe is someone who's been around for a while, and she's most known for her other course, Low Hanging System.

Mini Income Streams focuses on the same stuff as Rofe's previous course (selling on Etsy and Amazon), but is much more expensive.

My main gripe about mini-income streams is the price and the business model.

While you do get a lot of support, the price is still too high, in my opinion.

Selling on Amazon and Etsy isn't a secret, and there are cheaper or free alternatives.

Additionally, I think selling mugs on Amazon is a little oversaturated at this point.

There's definitely a chance for success, but you're going to be competing against a lot of people.

Better opportunity: I've reviewed 500+ make money online programs. To see my favorite (that helped my build a full time online income), click below:

Rachel Is Jumping On The AI Bandwagon

Rachel Rofe is a smart marketer; I'll give her that.

People who do well online typically jump on trends when they are hot and in their early stages.

And that's what Rachel is doing with her new course, Mini Income Streams.

Rachel already sells a course that teaches what Mini Income Streams does, which is to sell stuff on Amazon, Etsy, and eBay.

And Rachel's previous course was 90% cheaper.

So why is Rachel launching Mini Income Streams for $2,497?

One simple word: AI.

A big selling point for this course is that you get a "new AI toolkit" that can help you make money.

Basically, what this means is that you'll have tools that will help you come up with marketing ideas.

These ideas can be phrases, designs, product descriptions, and more.

However, these new tools aren't worth thousands of dollars.

ChatGPT is only $20 a month if you want the paid version, and you can use it for free with some less benefits.

ChatGPT also allows users to rent out their API.

This means a person can rent out the power of ChatGPT and use it to make their own tools or apps.

I'd be willing to bet this is what Rachel did with these "new AI tools."

So just use ChatGPT if you want AI assistance with your designs and marketing.

You'll Be Doing Print On Demand

The business model you'll get with Mini Income Streams is print on demand (POD).

POD means that you sell customer products (for Mini Income Strategies, you'll be selling mugs) on Amazon, Etsy, eBay, or your own online store.

With POD, you don't make any products unless they are ordered.

So it's different than drop-shipping or storing products in a warehouse.

The product isn't made until it's ordered.

With POD, you typically pick a niche that interests you and then run ads about that niche on various platforms.

You can also get organic listings on various platforms.

For example, if you wanted to market to people who like Trump, you'd make mugs about him:

As you can see, some of these mugs have been reviewed hundreds and thousands of times.

Those are the big moneymakers.

But the Trump mug market is saturated, and the competition will be fierce.

Some of the positives about POD include:

  • Low upfront costs (the product is only created after it's bought)
  • Flexible designs
  • Scalable
  • Reduced risk because of not holding inventory
  • Global reach

However, this business model comes with some drawbacks too.

Some drawbacks include:

  • Limited profit margins (since you aren't mass producing products, they tend to cost more to make individually)
  • Lack of branding control
  • Intellectual property concerns
  • Very competitive 
  • Quality control

You're putting a lot of trust in the supplier you're working with.

They're going to be creating the product, shipping the product, wrapping the product, and more.

So if there's an issue with the supplier, you will suffer from that.

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What Do You Get With Mini Income Streams?

The price is high for this course, but it is pretty beefy; I'll give Rachel that.

If you truly do want to succeed with selling mugs online, this is definitely one of the better programs out there.

That's because you get a lot of support and guidance on your POD journey.

Here's a breakdown of what you get:

Step-by-step training

This is the most important aspect of the system. Rachel Rofe's systematic training videos will walk you through the procedures she follows when selling her handcrafted mugs on marketplaces like Amazon and Etsy.

As an example, you will learn how she designs all of her mugs and comes up with a fresh tagline for each one.

Rachel Rofe will also share a list of all the software tools she uses to run her business and bring more visitors to her online storefronts. This freebie will lead you through the entire procedure, transforming you from a novice to an expert in a matter of days.

Automation Software

Rachel Rofe gives her automation software tools, which she utilizes to run her enterprises, a VIP license.

She promises that the software tools will help you make a lot of money while only working a few hours per week. In other words, you can manage an online business regardless of how much time you have available.

Weekly group calls

Every week, all students will benefit from group coaching calls.

Rachel Rofe provides a year of weekly group coaching conversations, allowing you to acquire more techniques from other users and collaborate with them to solve industry difficulties.

Those who are unable to participate in the coaching calls will still have access to recorded sessions.

Concierge Team

Rachel Rofe provides VIP concierge services.

The team will answer all of your questions and walk you through the process of starting your first internet business. This suggests you have nothing to be concerned about.

AI Tools

Artificial intelligence has simplified the management of online enterprises.

Rachel Rofe incorporates Mini Stream Pro into each Mini Income Streams package.

The Mini Stream Pro is a collection of AI-enhanced VIP tools that will help you operate your online business more efficiently.

Rachel has used AI tools to handle her commercial enterprises, so they are proven to function.

1 on 1 Checkins

This is the first bonus that's offered in Mini Income Streams.

You already get a bunch of weekly group calls where you can ask questions.

However, you get additional 1-on-1 check-ins at various parts of your journey.

This will happen at the beginning of the course, 30 days in, and 60 days in.

Live Training

To supplement the training program, you also get live training.

This happens over six weeks.

The goal of this training is to help you launch your store and sell your mugs as fast as possible.

The goal is to get a sale in under 6 weeks.

Spot niche access

Picking a niche is very important for any online business.

Very rarely do you see people succeed when they focus on general markets instead of picking a narrower market.

However, it can be hard to figure out which niche to select.

Spot Niche will help you find niches that have the potential to be profitable and have lower competition.

You'll get one year's access to this tool.

50K in 90 days masterclass

Rachel proves that she's not just selling this course without any experience.

In this masterclass, you get to see her sell $50,000 worth of goods in just 90 days.

You'll see the step-by-step process she uses to do this.

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Mini Income Streams FAQ's

Still have some questions about this course?

Here are the answers to any questions you might have:

1) How much do mini-income streams cost?

Rachel claims that this course is usually over $5000, and she's giving you a 50% off deal.

So the course is only $2,497 if you pay all at once.

It's over $3,000 if you pay in installments.

This is a lot of money for a POD course.

You do get a lot of benefits, like group coaching and one-on-one check-ins.

But still.

Spending thousands of dollars on POD training is pretty crazy.

There are a lot of free and cheaper resources out there.

2) Is there a refund policy?

Yes, but it comes with a lot of strings attached.

I personally don't like money-back guarantees like this.

This course costs a lot of money, and if someone isn't happy, they should be able to get their money back.

Listing 90 mugs in 90 days isn't going to be easy because you're learning something new.

That seems like a hard thing to accomplish.

3) Is the business model legit?

Yes, POD is legit and has many benefits.

It's good for beginners because you don't have to put up a lot of money in the beginning.

You only pay after you've received payment for a product.

But profit margins are slimmer because of this.

You get a discount when you buy in bulk, so you'll make less per sale this way.

This is at the expense of lowering risk.

4) Is Rachel Rofe legit?

I think she is.

Her other course has been around for a while, and she proves she can make money with POD.

So I do think she is a good person to learn from because you're passionate about POD.

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Mini Income Streams Pros And Cons

  • Rachel is legit: Rachel has proven herself legit and is someone that can teach this business model.
  • Inexpensive business model: POD is good for beginners because the startup costs are low.
  • Very expensive course: This course is pricey and there's cheaper alternatives.
  • Bad refund: There's too many strings attached to the refund policy.
  • Thin profit margins: It can be hard to turn a profit with POD because the profit margins are so thin. 

Wrapping Things Up

That's the end of my review of Mini Income Streams.

Overall, I think this is a good course, and Rachel is someone who's capable of teaching POD.

But it's just too expensive.

I don't think all the extra bells and whistles of the course are worth the cost.

Especially when there are so many cheaper alternatives out there.

So if you're interested in POD, I would start with free and cheaper training.

And if you think you need all the extras Rachel is offering, then decide if the course is right for you.

However, there are ways to make money online without selling any products.

This is what I do, and I think it's the best way to make money online.

To learn more about this money-making method, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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