Passive Income Lifestyle is a mentorship/course from ODI Productions..

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this program including background information, price to join, course overview and more

By the time you're done reading you'll know if Passive Income Lifestyle is right for you.

Let's get into!

Passive Income Lifestyle Summary

Creator: ODI Productions

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? No

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

Passive Income Lifestyle is a course that'll teach you affiliate marketing. 

It's an average course in my opinion and costs too much.. personal mentorship is not needed in affiliate marketing. 

There's many other courses that are both high quality and cost much less.. I'd invest in those programs.

Better opportunity: My favorite affiliate marketing course is Savage Affiliates. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is ODI Productions?

ODI Productions is the creator of Passive Income Lifestyle and he's pretty popular on Youtube where he has hundreds of thousands of subscribers:

ODI makes a lot of money but here's criticism I have about him..

I've followed him for years and his main source of income is from course sales. 

Now there's serious money in course sales and I'd guess ODI as made 7 figures from them.

But that's not really affiliate marketing in my opinion.

Creating a course takes a lot of time and the traffic he drives to that course comes from his Youtube channel.. which he started 11 years ago.

I'm not entirely sure he's the one you would want to learn affiliate marketing from because of this.

You want to learn from someone who can create an affiliate marketing business from scratch and get results fast (a few months).

Passive Income Lifestyle Overview

Passive Income Lifestyle comes with a course and some extra bonuses.

Here's a breakdown of the 8 week course you get:

Week 1 - Welcome And Introduction

The first module is a typical introduction module and goes over what this program is and how it works.

You'll also learn about some of the bonuses you get like the private forum, product research tool and weekly livestream.

Week 2 - Mindset, Motivation And Productivity

I really don't like when mindset models are included in courses.. I like it less when there's only 8 weeks of training and it takes up entire module on its own.

This week goes over routines and mindset tips.

However, this isn't really that important and could have easily been included the first week.

Having the first two weeks not have any training on affiliate marketing is extremely disappointing.

Week 3 - Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing

This is the first module where you actually learn about affiliate marketing. 

There's not really much training here and it's more about what affiliate is and building a foundation.

Week 4 - Creating Your First Passive Income Business

Week 4 is where you learn the ODI's step by step plan for creating an affiliate marketing business.

These steps are:

  1. Overview
  2. The ODI Method
  3. Part 2 of the ODI Method
  4. Choosing your niche
  5. Joining an affiliate program
  6. Choosing a platform
  7. Product research
  8. Keyword Research 
  9. Content creation
  10. SEO
  11. Collection emails
  12. Using paid traffic 
  13. Email marketing
  14. Retargeting
  15. Promoting your first product

The training on these topics isn't really in depth and only offers a glancing look at each topic.

A full course around these steps would have been much better.

Week 5 - $500,000 Case Study

In this section you'll see how ODI made a pretty large amount of money from a couple of niche sites.

Week 6 - The Perpetual Sales Funnel Method

In week 6 you will learn about the sales method ODI uses to make between $10,000 to $20,000 per month with.

Week 7 - The Personal Brand Method

The personal brand method is creating a brand for yourself.

Branding can be a very powerful way to make money online and ODI is good at branding.. it's why he's popular on Youtube

Module 8 - The Landing Page Method And Traffic + Scaling

The last week in this course goes over another strategy ODI uses to make money.

This method involves using a landing page and then getting traffic from Facebook,  Google and Youtube.


Along with the training you get some extra bonuses which include:

  • Livestream - The livestream is once a week and hosted by ODI. You can also go back and watch all the previous livestreams ODI has done in the past.
  • Forum - The forum is where you ask questions and get answers. 
  • Research Tool - The research tool is just a database of affiliate programs that you can join.

Want The Best Affiliate Marketing Course?

I've reviewed all the best affiliate marketing courses.. to see my to pick, click below:

This Course Is Too Basic

You can find basic affiliate marketing training everywhere..

There's a million different resources on Youtube and Google. There's a lot of cheap courses where you can learn the basics too.

There's no need to pay $997 to learn this stuff.

If you're getting an advanced affiliate marketing course then I think it's acceptable to pay that much.

You're not getting that here.

The main part of the course is the step by step plan you learn in week 4.

You get a glancing look at very important topics.

Honestly, the entire course should have focused mainly on these steps instead of giving brief training on each topic.

You're Not Really Getting Mentorship

On the sales page ODI claims you're getting mentorship but I think that's misleading.

You do get access to weekly livestreams and you get access to a private forum.. these are helpful but it's not really mentorship.

Mentorship to me implies that you get on going one on one attention from ODI which really isn't the case.

The livestreams are for everyone in the course. You may get your questions answered but it won't be answered the same way if it were a one on one mentorship.

The Course Is Overpriced

Affiliate marketing is an industry saturated with courses and training.. it's one of the most popular ways of making money online and has been around forever.

Now there are a lot of straight up scam courses out there.. not as much now as there was a few years ago but they still exist.

Additionally, there's just a lot of low quality training as well.

But there's a lot of good courses too.

Some are very expensive but there's also a lot of affordable options that have better training than Passive Income Lifestyle. 

I personally wouldn't pay $997 for the training in Passive Income Lifestyle.

Good Refund Policy

I do think this course is overpriced, however, it does come with a good refund policy.

You have 30 days to get your money back if you're unsatisfied and this refund is no questions asked.

A lot of courses I review have "action based" refund policies where you have to jump through a million hoops to get your money back.

Or even worst they have no refund policy at all.

So it is nice to see a straightforward refund policy like Passive Income Lifestyle has.

Passive Income Lifestyle Pros And Cons


  • Decent training: I think there could be improvements and it's a pretty general course but overall the training is decent. There's some good case studies that will show you how to make money and systems to copy.
  • Good refund policy: There isn't a confusing refund policy here. You have 30 days to ask for your money back!


  • Too expensive: The training is decent but it's not worth $997. There's much better courses out there that cost half that. 

Is Passive Income lifestyle A Scam?

No I don't think this course is a scam.

I just think the training is too basic and it's overpriced.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd personally pass on Passive Income Lifestyle.

If you want the very best affiliate marketing training I'd check out Savage Affiliates.

Savage Affiliates has all the latest affiliate marketing strategies, is taught by an affiliate marketing expert and is affordable.

To learn more, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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