Are you thinking about purchasing Project Verum: Ecom Foundations from Verum Ecom and want to know if it's a scam or not?

If so this review is for you.

Below you're going to find everything you need to know about this course like background information, price to join, content overview and more.

You'll know if Project Verum is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Project Verum Summary

Product: Project Verum

Price to join: $99

Business model: Ecommerce and dropshipping

Do I Recommend? Yes (but there are better courses)

Overall rating :  4 / 5

Verum Ecom may not be the most well known or established ecommerce brand out there but their course Project Verum is high quality.

This course is an excellent resource for beginners and people that don't have the money to spend thousands on a dropshipping course. 

The one flaw is they only focus on Facebook ads and Instagram traffic (no mention of Google Ads/Shopping Ads or SEO traffic).

Not a bad course, though, overall. 

Better option: Project Verum is a good course but there's better options. My favorite ecommerce course costs about the same but goes over all the traffic sources Project Verum missed:

Who Is Verum Ecom?

Verum Ecom is the group behind Project Verum and the face is John Yoon.

Apparently this group started in 2019 after seeing most of the dropshipping content being put out by gurus on Youtube was complete trash (agree completely).

Verum Ecom is both a Youtube channel and a website.

I really, really like what these guys are doing with their content and Youtube channel.

There's not a ton of videos yet but what they put out is top quality. 

The video below about Facebook Ads and the value in this video is crazy:

It's clear Yoon knows what he's talking about and is successful with ecommerce and dropshipping.

Their website gives away a ton of great value as well. 

Here's a guide they created about starting dropshipping in 2020 - it's almost 10,000 words long and must have taken a pretty long time to put together. 

Lastly, I like the Verum Ecom doesn't try to sell the lifestyle. They mainly stick to training and don't show off their rented cars or have pictures of them getting on private planes or anything like that. 

Course Overview

Overall, Project Verum is a brisk course and has 12+ hours of content total.

I'm not someone who thinks short courses are bad, especially if it's concise and just gets to the point - that's what happens in Project Verum.

There's no fluff or unnecessary training. It could benefit from adding more training on different sources of traffic besides Facebook and Instagram, though.

Here's a breakdown of each section in the course:

Module 1 - Welcome

The introduction module is typical for these kinds of courses

You'll get a little training on mindset and get a bird's eye view of the course. You'll also get information about the Private Facebook group and affiliate program.

Module 2 - Product Selection

This section only has three videos and goes over how to pick the product you're going to dropship.

You get a video on free product research strategies and paid product research strategies.

Module 3 - Store Design And Set Up

This is the longest section in the course and it's basically broken up into two parts.

The first part is making your Shopify store look good and getting it presentable for your future customers. 

This includes setting up your store, connecting Oberlo, installing themes and stuff like that. 

Additionally, you get training on email marketing. The email marketing here is very extensive and actually more thorough than I was expecting.

Module 4 - Facebook Ads Theory And Mechanics

This module is just a primer on Facebook ads. You learn why Facebook ads are the best options, how it works, an overview of Facebook ads manager and more. 

Module 5 - Facebook Ads Strategy

Module 5 goes over the actual strategies used on Facebook. 

Additionally, you'll learn about scaling, retargeting, and other tips to make sure your ad campaigns are successful. 

Module 6 - Backend

This module is all about the backend of your Shopify store.

You'd think this section would be before Facebook ads but the people at Verum decided to put it after.

You'll get training on fulfilling orders, working with private suppliers, customer service and how to outsource work. 

Module 7 - Instagram Influencer Marketing

Lastly, you'll learn about Instagram and influencer marketing.

This training teaches you how to reach out to various Instagram accounts to promote your products.

Private Facebook Group

Like many dropshipping courses this one has a Private Facebook Group you can join.

This course is new so there's not going to be too many members as I'm writing this but the Verum Ecom people seem involved heavily in the group.

This is definitely a plus and being in groups like this is important. Whenever you have a question you'll be able to get answer.

You'll definitely get faster results because of this.

Project Verum Pros and Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about this course


  • Straight forward training: There's no fluff here which I like. You're just going to get straight training and no hype. 
  • Well priced: I've reviewed ecommerce training that cost thousands of dollars without being much better in quality. $99 for this course is a good deal.
  • Successful group: The people behind this course clearly know what they're talking about. They're not faking their success and it shows in the content they put out. 


  • Limited traffic training: There's a lot of ways to drive traffic to your store and this course only talks about Facebook and Instagram. Google Ads and Google Shopping Ads are excellent ways to make money and should be included in dropshipping courses. Free SEO traffic should be mentioned as well. 

Is Project Verum A Scam?

Definitely not.

This is a quality course that is very well priced. There's plenty of dropshipping courses that are 10 times more expensive and 1/10th the quality.

I like the guys at Verum Ecom. They seem genuine, successful and avoid all the toxic stuff in the ecommerce world like showing off leased cars and lying about how much they make.

If you're interested in this course I'd recommend buying it.  

Here's A Better Option

I like Project Verum but there's better courses out there.

The very best course on ecommerce is Ecom Elites. Ecom Elites is in the same ballpark as Project Verum in terms of price but training is much better.

Ecom Elites goes over all the traffic sources that Project Verum misses and the Facebook training is much better as well.

To check out Ecom Elites, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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