Sharif Mohsin has a new dropshipping course..

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need need to know about this course including background information, price to join, an overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if this training program is worth investing in by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Sharif Mohsin Course Summary

Creator: Sharif Mohsin

Price to join: $394 

Do I recommend? No

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

Sharif Mohsin has a pretty decent following on Youtube with 80k subscribers but doesn't put out too many videos.

His course isn't terrible and the price isn't too bad.. there's just nothing new here.

Everything in this course has been taught 100 times before and there's other courses that have more training and are cheaper too.

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Sharif Mohsin?

Sharif Mohsin is the creator of the course being reviewed today and there's not really a lot of information out there about him.

The only thing I could really find is his Youtube channel:

He seems to have started 11 months ago and only has 15 videos.

The videos are educational in nature which is good.. a lot of ecommerce personalities like to show off their cars and wealthy instead of teach.

So in this regard Shariff does well.

Also, he does have a lot of subscribers for only starting 11 months ago and his videos tend to get a lot of views.

Sharif Mohsin Course Overview

Overall this course is a pretty standard ecommerce course.

It's nothing spectacular but does go over the basics that you need to get down if you want to have any success.

Here's a breakdown of what you get:

Section 1: Creating A Successful Store

The first real part of the training teaches you how to create an ecommerce store.

The platform you'll be using to build your store is Shopify and you'll get the following training:

  • How to choose a store name
  • Installing your theme
  • How to create a professional logo
  • How to set up your navigation and most important pages
  • Selecting the right apps
  • How to optimize for mobile 

And more. 

Section 1.5: Store Extras And Hacks

Sharif expands on the store training in this section.

He teaches you some advanced things like customer support, increasing conversion rating and how to increase customer satisfaction.

Section 2: Finding A Winning Product

In the next section you'll learn about finding winning products.

Some of what you'll get here includes:

  • Product criteria checklist
  • The difference between low ticket and high ticket offers
  • All the plugins you'll need to find good products
  • Different strategies for finding products
  • How to use Youtube and Tiktok to find products
  • Validating if a product is a winner
  • How to find perfect upsells to compliment your products 

Section 3: Order Fulfillment 

Order fulfillment is when you actually put the order in when a customer buys something from you.

This section is pretty short and you'll learn the following:

  • How to fulfill orders
  • Finding private suppliers
  • Quick fulfillment techniques
  • How to handle refunds
  • What to do if there are long shipping times

Section 4: Introduction To Facebook Ads

Facebook is the only traffic source taught in this course which is pretty disappointing. 

There's many other traffic sources that work too and ecommerce courses should cover them too.

In this section you'll learn the following:

  • An overview of what Facebook Ads are and how they work
  • What the Facebook Pixel is and how to install it
  • Understanding your data
  • Setting up a budget
  • Creating your Facebook Page

Section 5: Facebook Ads Strategy

Section 5 expands on what you learned in section 4.

Here you'll actually learn Facebook Ad strategy.

Some of the stuff you'll learn in section 5 includes:

  • How to test your ads to find winners
  • When to stop an ad and when to scale it
  • Different scaling techniques
  • Using custom audiences to drive more sales
  • Retargeting
  • Lookalike audiences

Section 5.5: Facebook Ad Bonuses And Tricks 

This section is an extension of the last one.

Basically you'll just learn more advanced tricks for Facebook ads and some examples you can copy. 

Section 6: Creating Viral Content

Section 6 goes over how to create viral content that will get your offers a lot of views.

Essentially this whole section goes over ad creation, the tools you need to make an eye catching ad and live examples of ads being created.

0-92K Store Reveal

This is a smaller section and goes over a store that Sharif created.. you'll see how he did it, the ads he used and more.


There's a few extra sections too.

These extras include:

  • Mindset module and buyer psychology videos
  • Frequently asked question section 
  • Student resources (templates, apps lists and more)

Want The Best Ecommerce Training?

I've reviewed all the best ecommerce courses.. to see my top pick, click below:

Only Facebook Is Taught

Facebook can definitely work for your ecommerce store and it's probably the most popular way to get traffic.

However, it's not the only way. 

There's other traffic sources that work just as well like Google Ads and Google Shopping Ads.

The great thing with Google is you don't actually have to create an ad.. you just target keywords.

This is good for people that don't want to create ads and stuff like that.

Which is best for you depends on what your skills are.

Some people are better on Facebook and some are better on Google.

The point is you should cover various traffic sources.. this way the student can figure out which works best for them.

Sharif Mohsin Course FAQ's

1) Is this course worth $394?

That price is probably a little high.

But there's courses that are worse that are much higher in price.

If this course was half as much I'd probably be willing to recommend it.

2) Is Sharif Mohsin legit?

There's not a ton of information out there about Sharif so it's hard to tell.

After going through his Youtube channel and training it's clear he knows what he's talking about.

Who knows how much he's actually made, though, and how much success he's had.

3) How long is this course?

The course has 6 core sections and some extras like mindset training and resource lists.

You should be able to get through it in a couple of weeks pretty easily.

4) What does this course teach?

This course is an ecommerce course that focuses on dropshipping.

Dropshipping is when you sell products online without actually shipping or owning them.

That's done by the supplier you're working with.

You basically just set the price, advertise and deal with customer service.

5) Is there a refund policy?

There is one.

You can get your money back as long as you've taken less than 20% of the course.

It doesn't mention a time frame to get your money back, though.

6) How much money can I make?

It really depends how much effort your put in and how long you stick with it.

Dropshipping is all about testing.

You'll need to test, test and test.

If you can get past your initial loses (you'll definitely have loses in the beginning) you can definitely make a full time income.

7) How much do I need to get started?

Besides training you'll need a Shopify subscription, maybe pay for a few apps and an ad budget.

The biggest cost will be the ad budget.

I'd personally go into it with at least $1000.

8) Are there any alternatives?

There's a lot of ecommerce courses out there.

To see my favorite, click below:

#1 Recommended Ecommerce Course

Sharif Mohsin Course Pros And Cons

  • Decent training: The training in this course isn't anything crazy but it's good for beginners.
  • Updated: This is a very new course.. so all the training is up to date and there won't be any outdated ideas. 
  • Only teaches Facebook: It's a big mistake to only teach Facebook at this point. There's many other traffic sources that work just as well and may work better for certain people.
  • Little overpriced: I wouldn't say the price is outrageous but it's a little too much. There's courses out there with double the training that cost less. 
Is Sharif Mohsin's Course A Scam?

No I don't think so.

Sharif seems to know dropshipping pretty well and I'm sure he's had some pretty good results.

I just personally think there's better courses out there.

Here's A Better Opportunity

Sharif's course isn't bad but I'd pass on it.

If you're looking for the best ecommerce training you should check out Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites teaches every aspect of ecommerce, covers multiple traffic sources and is very affordable.

To learn more, click below:

Dominate Ecommerce!

Ecom Elites is the best ecommerce course.. to read my full review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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