Side Hustle Accelerator is a cheap course from Kim Perell..

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this training program including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if Side Hustle Accelerator is worth buying by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Side Hustle Accelerator Summary

Creator: Kim Perell

Price to join: $29

Do I recommend? Not really

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

Side Hustle Accelerator is a course that teaches you how to start a side business.

While there's some good training and it's very cheap it doesn't really teach you any actual business models.

It gives you startup tips and lists of potential side hustles but there's no actual training on those side hustles.

I'd pick a course that teaches a specific business model that you can make money with

Better opportunity: If you're interested in building an online business in a legit and affordable way, click below:

Who Is Kim Perell?

Kim Perell is a business woman..

She's started various startups and has in invested in many other different companies.

In that time she's made millions.

The question you should be asking yourself is if she's the right person to learn from.

I personally don't believe everyone can make hundreds of millions of dollars starting tech company and things like that.

You really have to be a type "a" personality to do that.

So if you're a real go getter who doesn't mind putting in 18 hour days she's probably a good mentor to have.

However, you don't need to have that kind of personality to make a full time living with a side hustle.

I'm a very, very laid back person and there's ways to make money that suit me.

If that sounds like you too, click below:

#1 recommended way to start an online business

Side hustle Accelerator Overview

The Side Hustle Accelerator is a pretty short course. In total there's 28 lessons and around 10 hours of content.

Here's a breakdown of each section:

Startup 101: Principles Of Success

This section teaches you the foundational principles you need to launch a side hustle.

You'll also learn how to discover your own strengths and weaknesses so you can choose what to do.

Lastly, you'll learn how to develop new skills needed to be an effective business owner.

Step By Step Guide To Getting Started

This is a 9 step workbook that will walk you through the initial steps of launching a side hustle. 

Here you'll also learn how to come up with an idea for a business and how to figure out who your customers will be. 

Additionally, you'll get email templates you can use to email and follow up with customers.

Resources To Accelerate Your Side Hustle Success

This section covers a few different topics.

First you'll get various articles that will help you have more success and articles that cover common pitfalls.

You'll also get some training to improve your confidence and to help remove any fear you have.

Directory Of 100+ Sides Hustles

This is the closest you get to actually learning about a business you can start.

You get a list of 100+ side hustles that are good for beginners.

However, you will not actually get training on how to start these side hustles.. you'll need to fill in the gaps for that.

Access To Private Community

You'll also get access to the Side Hustle Accelerator community.

In the community you'll get the opportunity to network with other members and get answers to any questions you have.

Want To Start An Actual Side Hustle?

I've reviewed all the top courses that teach creating a side hustle.. to see my favorite, click below:

Some Fake Testimonials

I've been reviewing courses that teach making money for years now.. a common theme is many programs fake testimonials.

Because Entrepreneur teamed up to create this course I didn't think they would create fake testimonials but they did.

Below is supposedly a picture and testimonial from a girl named Christina:

Anytime you see a testimonial and the picture looks professional it's a red flag.

So I did a reverse image search on the picture and the same picture is used in 200 other places on the internet:

I did the same for the other testimonials but didn't get any results.

Still, though, if they faked one the probably faked others ones.

Because of this I'd disregard all the testimonials on the sales page and just assume they're fake.

Side Hustle Accelerator FAQs

1) Is Side Hustle Accelerator worth $29?

It really depends how you look at it.

$29 is very little money so it's probably worth it BUT you will 100% need to get more training after.

You're not actually learning a business model here.

Eventually you'll need a course that teaches the side hustle that you choose.

2) Is Kim Perell legit?


She's had more success than most people will have.

She also comes off as a very serious business person.

3) How long is Side Hustle Accelerator?

This isn't the longest course which isn't a surprise since it's only $29.

It has around 10 hours of training and it's broken up into 28 lessons.

4) What does Side Hustle Accelerator teach?

This course teaches you how to start a side hustle.

It mostly focuses on the mindset and the principles of business, though.

You're not actually getting step by step training that you can use to start a business.. it's more general.

5) How much money will I need to start a side hustle?

It really depends on what you're doing.

If you start a blog you'll need very little money (less than $50 per month).

If you want to dropship you'd need money for advertising.

I you want to sell on Amazon you'll need to buy supplies and pay for advertising.

It all depends on what you're trying to do.

6) Is there a refund policy?

Yes, there's a 30 day refund policy which is good.

7) Are there any alternatives?

Yes, there's plenty of courses that will teach you how to create a side hustle.

To see my favorite, click below:

#1 recommended training program

Side Hustle Accelerator Pro And Cons

  • Inexpensive: $29 for the course is reasonable. I review courses that cost thousands of dollars all the time.
  • Kim is successful: Kim knows how to start a business and there's some valuable things you can learn from her.
  • No business model taught: You'll learn about side hustles but you won't get training on any actual side hustles.. that's the most important training you can get. 
  • Fake testimonials: I really, really don't like when courses fake testimonials and it's a major red flag that this one does.
Is Side Hustle Accelerator a scam?

No I don't think so despite faking testimonials.

It's just a small course that's really meant to get you to subscribe to Entrepreneur magazine.

There's some value but it's not that much.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I don't think you'll learn too much from Side Hustle Accelerator.

What you want is a course that will actually teach you a process to make money.. an actual business model.

I've reviewed all the best courses that teach this..

To see my favorite, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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