Thinking about buying Six Figure Brand Accelerator from Eli Dangerfield and want to know if it's a scam or legit.

If so, this review is for you.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, course overview and more.

By the time you're done you'll know if Six Figure Brand Accelerator is right for you.

Let's get into it!

Six Figure Brand Accelerator Summary

Creator: Eli Dangerfield

Business model: Dropshipping

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? No!

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

Six Figure Brand Accelerator is a course from Eli Dangerfield.

I do think Eli has had some big successes in ecommerce and he has a well known watch store called Elmore Lewis.

However, this training just isn't worth it's price tag of $997.

You can find much better training without spending as much. 

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Eli Dangerfield?

Eli Dangerfield is the creator of Six Figure Brand Accelerator and he's a very typical ecommerce personality.

If you head over to his popular Instagram you'll see that it's just photos showing off his lifestyle and cars:

A lot of ecommerce people do this (especially the younger ones).

This is called selling the lifestyle.

You show off rented cars and private planes and basically make the pitch that you can live this way if you buy the course.

Of course most people don't even come close to this kind of success.

Also, unless you're a 20 year old kid you probably wouldn't even really want to live this way (Eli is only 21).

To Eli's credit, though, I do think he actually has a successful ecommerce store.

Many people just fake making money to sell courses but I doubt he's faking it.

He's apparently always been obsessed with watches and built a popular online watch store called Elmore Lewis

According to Eli this store brings in over $300,000 a month.

I have no clue if expenses and marketing is included in this.

How You Get The Course

This course is unique in the way you get it.

Instead of going to a sales page you're actually told to go to Eli's Instagram and send him a DM saying "ECOM."

From there he talks to you (or someone he pays to talk to you) into buying the course.

That's the first time I have ever seen something like this. 

Maybe Eli's found if you talk someone through the sale they're more likely to buy.

Course Overview

Once you actually do get the course it's a letdown.

It's not very long and the training is pretty basic.

It's broken down into 6 modules which are:

  • Mindset training
  • Product research
  • Calculate profit margins
  • Building your online store
  • How to create social media ads
  • Scaling 

This is the kind of information that you're going to find in basically every ecommerce course, even the low quality ones.

Ecommerce Mentoring

Beyond training there's also a mentorship opportunity.

Apparently Eli is only taking a limited amount of students for this. 

In order to apply you have to fill out an application.

Here's what you're asked in the application:

  • Email address
  • Name
  • Instagram
  • Phone number
  • Age
  • Country
  • Experience 
  • How many hours you'd be able to dedicate
  • How much you want to make
  • How important this is for you
  • How much do you have for a budget

Interested In Ecommerce?

I've reviewed all the best ecommerce courses out there. To see my absolute favorite, click below:

No Refund

I couldn't find a refund policy anywhere which is a big red flag.

Basically all the legitimate ecommerce courses offer some sort of refund, even if it's only 7 day.

From reading around I saw a few stories of people disappointed in this course and weren't able to get refunds.

Here's the kind of comments I've seen about this:

Now you should take anonymous comments online with a grain of salt but there were enough of these comments that makes it believable.

Six Figure Brand Accelerator Pros And Cons

Below is what I like and dislike about this course

  • Eli is successful: There's a lot of fake it until you make it types in the make money online world. Eli definitely is successful and he's actually very open about his store. 
  • Expensive course: Making money with ecommerce really isn't a secret and there's enough courses out there that you don't need to pay $997 for training. What you get definitely isn't worth that price tag.
  • No refund: Not having a refund policy is a big red flag. Almost every courses offers some sort of money back guarantee.
  • Bad user reviews: I haven't really seen too many good reviews from people that have taken the course. 
Is Six Figure Brand Accelerator A Scam?

I don't think it is a scam, although I have seen people online call it one.

I do think it's overpriced though. The training is pretty basic and there's nothing special about Six Figure Brand Accelerator that would make it cost so much.

I'd personally just invest in another training program that's less expensive.

Here's A Better Opportunity

You should skip over Six Figure Brand Accelerator.

However, if you're looking for high quality ecommerce training you should check out Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites is by far the best ecommerce training available and it's very affordable.

To learn more, click below:

Ready To Master Ecommerce?

Ecom Elites is by far the best ecommerce course out there and won't break the bank!


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • Elis course is fucking amazing, anyone that has actually gone through it and put in the work knows it is worth every cent!

  • Conman. Don’t fall for the fake reviews and comments. We’ll known scan artist who is currently being investigated by scamwatch.

  • Eli is a scam. There are so many unhappy customers out there and I wish I had researched him before going ahead with his course

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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