Store Formula is an ecommerce course from Jon Mac..

If you're here you're probably wondering if this program is a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, course overview and more.

By the time you're done reading you'll know if Store Formula is worth it.

Let's get into it!

Store Formula Summary

Creator: Jon Mac

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? Not really.

   Overall rating: 3/5

Jon Mac is a legitimate ecommerce expert and Store Formula is a decent training program.

However, there's some pretty big flaws.

First off, it's pretty expensive at $997. That wouldn't be a problem if the training was outstanding..

Problem is it's not. This course is short and is missing key traffic training.

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Jon Mac?

Jon Mac is the creator of this course and he's most known for creating CommerceHQ.

CommerceHQ is a platform where you can build your ecommerce stores.. it comes with all the apps and tools you need, built right in.

So Jon definitely has some experience in the ecommerce space.

He also has a Youtube channel but doesn't post much to it.. maybe once or so a month:

There's not really a ton out there else about Jon.

Store Formula Overview

Overall, this is a pretty short course and is broken up into 4 weeks (with a welcome module and some bonuses).

Here's a breakdown of each week.


The welcome module is just two videos long.. they just introduce you to the program and what you should expect.

Week 1: Build

In the first week you get 10 videos and it's all about building your store.

Unlike most courses you aren't taught how to build on Shopify.. instead you're taught to build on CommerceHQ.

Like I mentioned before CommerceHQ is the ecommerce platform that Jon Mac built.

There's also some other training that's more motivational in nature.

This includes videos such as "The Darkness Inside" and "Conquering The Darkness."

Week 2: Select

Week 2 is all about finding you products to sell.

You get various product selection strategies that include:

  • Looking in the marketplace
  • Using Facebook to find products 
  • Using Ebay to find products
  • Using Youtube to find products
  • How to source products
  • Fulfilling orders
  • Source products

Week 3: Launch

The third week is dedicated to launching your store and driving traffic to your store.

The only traffic source that you learn in this section is Facebook which is disappointing (I'll elaborate more on this later).

You'll get the following training on Facebook:

  • How to create pages for your store
  • How to create your ad campaigns
  • Optimizing so you're as profitable as possible
  • How to advertise to the right audiences
  • Scaling your ad campaigns up
  • How to retarget customers
  • Automating your campaigns

Week 4: Outsource

The last week in the core training is dedicated to growing your business and outsourcing.

During this week you'll learn how to outsource and hire people for cheap.

You'll also learn about other tactics to increase your sales and to scale up.


The last section is the bonus section which comes with 4 more videos.

Here you'll learn the following:

  • Super Scaling System
  • China 7 Day Shipping
  • Done For You Store
  • Coaching Call

Want The Best Ecommerce Training?

I've reviewed all the best ecommerce courses.. to see my favorite, click below:

Traffic Training Is Disappointing

There's a lot of important factors when it comes to making money with ecommerce..

The most important is traffic, however.

It's a let down that this course only has Facebook training.

Now you can make money with Facebook Ads and some people make serious amount of money with this platform.

It's just not for everyone, though.

Google is another traffic source where you can make a lot of money and it's completely different.

Instead of creating ads like you would with Facebook, you research keywords.

This is good for people who aren't good at making ads.

Any ecommerce course should have more than one traffic source so you can figure out which is best for yourself. 

Price And Refund Policy

Store Formula costs $997 and that's pretty expensive.

It's not the most expensive ecommerce but it would be one of the more expensive out there.

I personally don't think Store Formula is worth $997.

The training is too short and there's other courses that are less expensive and have much more thorough training.

There is a refund policy, though.

It's action based and requires you to set up your store and run ads to get your money back.

It doesn't mention how long you have to get your money back:

It could be open but I'd send an email to Store Formula to be sure.

Store Formula Pros And Cons


  • Jon Mac has ecommerce experience: Jon Mac created a popular ecommerce platform and it's obvious he knows the business model pretty well.


  • Disappointing traffic training: Traffic is by far the most important aspect of creating an ecommerce business. The only traffic source mentioned is Facebook and that's not enough.
  • Too expensive: $997 is a lot for an ecommerce course but if the training is good it's worth it.. this course isn't worth $997, though.

Is Store Formula A Scam?

Store Formula is not a scam.

However, I just don't think it's worth its price tag.

The training isn't nearly enough to justify paying $997.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd skip over Store Formula.

If you're still interested in learning ecommerce I would check out Ecom Elites

Ecom Elites has the best ecommerce training by far, is taught by an ecommerce expert and is very affordable.

To learn more, click below:

Dominate Ecommerce!

Ecom Elites is by far the best ecommerce course.. To read my full Ecom Elites review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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