Story Sales Machine is a course from Bill Mueller.. it promises to teach you email marketing.

This review will determine if it's a scam or not.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more. 

You'll know if Story Sales Machine is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Story Sales Machine Summary

Creator: Bill Mueller

Price to join: $37

Do I recommend? It depends

   Overall rating: 3/5

The Story Sales Machine is a decent program that teaches email marketing and gives you some email templates.

It's definitely not the best email marketing training out there but it is affordable.

If you already have a business and want to add email marketing this can work for you.

If you're just looking to make money online there's better options out there.

Better opportunity: I've reviewed all the best courses that teach making money online.. to see my favorite, click below:

Who Is Bill Mueller?

Bill Mueller isn't just some young kid selling a course to make money.. this is refreshing to see because almost all courses I review are from young people. 

Mueller claims he's been in the internet marketing world for 15 years and has helped clients make millions in that time.

The main strategy the Mueller has used is stories blended with marketing.

He claims people love stories and that when used correctly you can use strategy to make money online. 

Can I Make Money With Email Marketing?

Email marketing is one of the best ways to make money online.

Ask any successful internet marketer marketer and they will tell you the same thing.

Some people believe it's the best way to make money online and some are making millions with it.

So it's definitely something you need to learn if you plan on doing internet marketing.

However, you don't want to JUST use stories with your emails.

There's a million different kinds of email you can send.. case studies, stories, reviews and more.

If you just send story email after story email your audience will eventually catch on to what you're doing.

You definitely want to use story emails but not exclusively on emails lists where you intend on sending a lot of emails.

Recommended: How I Made Over $150,000 Online As A Complete Beginner

What Do You Get With Story Sales Machine

You get a decent amount with the the Story Sales Machine considering it's so cheap.

Here's a breakdown of everything that you get:

  • Story Sales Machine Training - This is the core of the training that will teach you email marketing and stories.
  • 10 Email Welcome Sequence - You'll get 10 examples of how to start an email sequence and keep readers engaged. 
  • 212 Subject Lines, Emails And More - You'll get examples of different subject lines and emails that you can use as templates. 

You also get 5 bonuses if you buy.

These bonuses include:

  • 28 Day Email Solution - This is a 4 part relaunch strategy to revive dead email lists. So if you have a email list and have neglected it, this bonus is for you. 
  • My Best Performing Emails -  This bonus is as described.. it's a list of Mueller's best emails.
  • 141 Idea Story Starter Pack - This bonus will help you generate story ideas for your email marketing campaigns.
  • Why Stories Work Seminar - This bonus is an audio seminar from Rob Gilbert that goes over stories and emails.
  • 30 Minute Strategy - You'll have an opportunity to talk to Mueller or someone from his team for 30 minutes.

Want To Make Serious Money Online?

I've reviewed all the best courses that teach this.. to see my favorite, click below:

Story Sales Machine FAQ's

1) Is Story Sales Machine worth $37?

I think so.

Story Sales Machine gives you a decent amount of value and $37 isn't a lot for what you're getting.. there's similar programs that are more expensive.

However, this program is just meant to get you to hire Mueller down the road which will cost thousands.

Think of it as the first step in a sales funnel.

2) Is Bill Mueller legit?

I think so.

To be honest there's not too much out there about him besides some podcast interviews.

But he seems like an expert.

I have no clue how much he's made doing email marketing or anything like that, though.

3) Which business models can I use email marketing with?

Pretty much all of them.

You can use email marketing with affiliate marketing, ecommerce, lead generation and more.

You can also use it if you have a physical store as well.

4) Is there a refund policy?

Yes there's a very good one.. you get 365 days to get your money back.

5) What tools do I need to do email marketing?

The main tool you'll need is an autoresponder. An autoresponder sends out emails automatically and you can create email sequences with them.

Additionally, you'll need email captures and landing pages to capture emails.

This will all cost you under $150 per month.

6) Are there better alternatives?

There's plenty of courses that will teach you how to make money online.. to see my favorite, click below:

#1 Recommended Way To Make Money Online >>

Story Sales Machine Pros And Cons

  • Good price: $37 is a good deal for what you're getting and other similar courses are more expensive. 
  • Good refund policy: You get 365 days to get your money back.. doesn't get better than that.
  • Decent training: It's not the best email marketing training but it's still good.
  • Upsells later: Mueller admits this course is just so he can get clients for his more expensive services.
  • One aspect of email marketing: There's no training on traffic or any other emails besides story emails.
Is Story Sales Machine A Scam?

Definitely not.

This course is legit, affordable and the business model is sound.

It's just not for beginners. You already need to have a business in order to benefit.

Here's A Better Opportunity

Story Sales Machine isn't a bad course but there's better out there.

I've personally reviewed all the best courses that teach making money online and have made well over 6 figures in the process.

If you want to see the best place to learn how to make money online, click below: 


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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