Tube Mastery And Monetization is a course from Matt Par on how to make money on Youtube.

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or legit..

That's what this review will answer.

Below you're going to find everything you need to know about this company including background information, price to join, course overview and more.

You'll know if this course is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Tube Mastery And Monetization Review

Product: Tube Mastery And Monetization

Business model: Youtube monetization

Price: $597

Do I recommend? Depends (read below)

Overall rating :  3.5 / 5

Youtube is a good way to make money and Youtube is only going to keep getting bigger (it's already the second biggest search platform and could one day become number one).

This course is pretty high quality and does a good job teaching you how to make a Youtube channel. 

Plus it's clear Matt Par actually makes a pretty decent amount of money operating different Youtube channels.

The price is a little high, though and creating a successful Youtube channel is harder than it sounds.

Better opportunity: Making money online doesn't have to be that hard - I've made over $100,000 on the internet as a complete beginner. To learn more click below:

The Truth About Youtube

I've made a few thousand on Youtube testing things out so I definitely know for a fact it's a business model that works.

However, Youtube is a stressful and very involved way to make money.

Creating a Youtube video takes hours and hours of work - especially since you'll have to do all the editing yourself in the beginning.

You'll have to do outtakes, write a script, figure out what you're going to be talking about, research, edit in effects and more.

There's something known as Youtube Burnout that a lot of content creators begin to feel. I can see why too because videos take time and serious concentration to make.

I personally like to make a full time online with easier methods. 

Who Is Matt Par?

Matt Par is the creator of this course and he claims he has 9 different Youtube channels and makes 30k per month from them.

Additionally, he says he has over 1 million subscribers on one of his channel and for the majority of his channels he doesn't he even create his videos (he outsources the work).

The only Youtube Channel that I can for sure say he runs is Make Money Matt where he has 54,000 subscribers:

This channel produces content that goes over making money on Youtube. Almost every video is a variation on "how to make money on Youtube without making videos."

There's definitely some good content here but it seems pretty redundant. 

But this is a pretty successful chanel and getting 50k+ subscribers in 18 months is pretty impressive. 

So Matt clearly knows what he's talking about.

Tube Mastery And Monetization Overview

This is a pretty short course and won't take too long to get through.

Overall, there's 7 modules and here's a breakdown of each one:

Module 1: Overview of the blueprint

This section is just an introduction module and goes over the strategy being used. 

Module 2: Choosing a niche

A niche is just the market you're going to target. Niches are important because it's going to be what your channel is about.

For example, Matt's Youtube channel Make Money Matt is in the "make money online" niche. 

You'll learn what to look for when choosing your niche, which niches have the best paying ads and a bonus list of 100+ profitable niches. 

Module 3: Setting up your channel for success

This is where you'll learn how to create your content strategy and how to get traffic through search engine optimization. 

Module 4: Uploading videos

Here you'll learn about viral videos, how to get content ideas, editing your videos and making thumbnails that grab people's attention. 

Module 5: The growth module

In module 5 you'll get training on growing your channel by understanding your analytics, strategies to go viral and uploading the best times.

Module 6: The monetization module

Module 6 is where you'll learn the best ways to monetize your site as well as Matt's personal favorites ways.

Module 7: Scaling your channel

Here you'll learn how to scale your channel and how to hire people to help you create videos. 

I make money online!

I've been making money online for 5 years now and have made over 6 figures doing so. I've tried every method and reviewed hundreds of courses in the process. To see how I became successful, click below:

Mastermind Group

One of the most important things you can do is join a mastermind group when you're learning something new.

This way you can ask questions and get answers quickly from people who have been there already.

Being in masterminds definitely helped me a lot on my journey to making money online.

You get that when you join this course.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Another thing I like about this course is there's a 60 day money back guarantee. This is more than other courses I have seen and is generous.

This Course Is Fairly Expensive

I've reviewed hundreds of courses on how to make money online - it's what I do for a living.

Very rarely do I recommend a course that's over $1000 because there's usually a course that's better for much less.

This course isn't that high but does cost $597.

It's not horrrible but it's pretty expensive.

The course is pretty short and I don't think it's worth that much money - there would need to be a lot more training for me to recommend it at that price. 

Tube Mastery Pros And Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about this course


  • Successful teacher: Matt Par is young but it's clear he knows Youtube. I can't 100% guarantee he really has 9 channels and is making 30K per month but judging from his one channel it's quite possible - he's good at Youtube.
  • Youtube is growing: Video content is growing and growing and so is Youtube. There's a ton of opportuntiy on this search engine. 
  • Money back guarantee: Most courses have some money back guarantee but have a lot of caveats. From what I can tell you get a straight 60 day money back guarantee which is nice. 


  • Tough business model: You can definitely make money on Youtube but it's one of the harder ways. Making videos is tough and you won't be able to outsource video production until you're making decent money.
  • Expensive: I think the course is quality but too pricey at $597. It's really short and you can find a lot of this information free on Youtube. If this course cost $99 I would recommend it. 

Is Tube Mastery And Monetization A Scam?

I don't think it is.

There's not a lot of stuff that is proven but judging by Matt's channel Make Money Matt, Par definitely makes money on Youtube - that channel alone probably makes over $100+ a day in ad revenue.

I have no reason to believe he's lying about the rest of his claims.

The problem is the business model is tough and the course is just too expensive.

Maybe if the price comes down you could buy but until then I'd probably pass.

Here's A Better Opportunity

Tube Mastery and Monetization is a decent course but there's better out there if you want to make money online.

However, there's still plenty of legitimate ways to make money online.

I learned how to make over 6 figures online as a complete beginner with very little money.

Click here if you want to learn how to make money online.


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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