Wysetrade offers a course called Trading Masterclass.

If you're here you're probably thinking about buying it.

This review will show you whether the training is legit or a scam.

Additionally, you'll get a look at the price, an overview of the course material and more.

You'll know if Wysetrade is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Wysetrade Summary

Creator: Unknown

Price to join: $297

Do I recommend? Not really

   Overall rating: 3/5

Better opportunity: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below

There Is No Face To Wysetrade

Wysetrade is a company that sells various trading courses and recently launched a Youtube course as well.

One thing that's different with Wysetrade is there's really not one person behind this course.

In the Youtube video someone introduces themselves as Rick but doesn't elaborate beyond that.

You never see a face or anything like that.

Most trading brands have a face but that's not that case here.

One thing that's pretty impressive is the size of the Wysetrade Youtube channel.

The reason it's impressive is because they have over 500k subscribers with only 9 videos.. most of which have millions of views.

What Does Wysetrade Teach?

Wysetrade teaches price action trading.

This strategy is where you time your entrances and exists of a security based on price movements.

This can be done with stocks, crypto, forex, options and more.

It's also popular in day trading.

If you plan on day trading stocks you will need at least $25,000 in your account to make over 3 trades per week.

Because it's possible you lose initial trades it's recommended you start day trading with $30,000 to prevent your account from going under $25,000.

In general, though, day trading is not a strategy I would recommend for most people.

It doesn't matter if you're day trading forex, stocks or crypto.

The odds of success are low and it's mostly for people that want fast riches.

This can lead to massive losses.

I'd stick to picking stocks and holding them for months or even years.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Ideas 

Wysetrade Trading Masterclass Overview

There's a bunch of training modules involved with this course.

Here's a look at what you get:

  • Premium Trading Videos - You get step by step videos on how to trade and trading fundamentals.
  • Trading Foundation - This section builds on the previous premium videos. You'll learn everything you need to know to become a competent trader.
  • Advanced Price Action - Here is the core of the trading strategy you'll be learning. This section covers all the price action techniques and strategies you need to know to be successful. 
  • Swing Trading Strategy - Swing traders are between day traders and people that hold stocks for years. A swing trader holds a stock for a few weeks or months. Here you'll learn when to enter and exit a swing trade.
  • Day Trading Strategies - Day trading is covered in this section. You'll learn different strategies as well as reading charts to time your trades.
  • Secret Entry Tool And Plugin - This is a tool that helps you be accurate with trade entries. 

You also get access to a Facebook group. There you can ask questions and get answers.

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Who Is Wysetrade For?

Wysetrade is more for the independent trader in my opinion. 

The whole brand is very impersonal. The videos are high quality but it's very corporate.

For example, the sales video looks like a commercial you'd see for a pharmaceutical company.

There's no trading room here like there is with other (more expensive) trading programs.

There's a Facebook Group where you can post but responses in a Facebook Group are typically slow.

You're mainly getting training here, not community support.

Additionally, I'd have $30,000 to trade if you're considering Wysetrade. 

You don't technically have to day trade for these strategies to work but it is a big part of the program.

What Are Customers Saying About Wysetrade?

There's a lot of positive reviews on the Wysetrade website but you can't really trust those.

I've reviewed hundreds of online courses and I've seen plenty of people fake customer testimonials and things like that.

After looking around the web I've seen both positive and negatives reviews of this training program.

The biggest criticism I saw online is the training videos are too short and basic.

A lot of the videos are only 30 seconds long and really don't go too in depth on the topics.

A common thing people liked is the quality and video product of the videos.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Ideas 

The Price Isn't Too Bad

There's a lot of trading programs out here.. many are very, very expensive.

Some cost thousands to buy.

The price for this course is $297 which is horrible. 

The training isn't out of this world but like I said alternatives can cost thousands of dollars. 

I did see a lot of people claim they got offered a discount of nearly $200 off a few days later in an email.

So if you sign up for their email list you might get the course for $90 if you can hold off on buying it now.

There's No Refunds!

This is pretty disappointing.

Wysetrade claims they don't give refunds because it's a digital product and therefore all sales are final.

I've reviewed hundreds of digital courses and all the top ones have a good refund policy.

Some offer 30 days.. some offer up to a year.

So saying digital products can't have a refund policy is dishonest.

This is a pretty big red flag to be honest.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Ideas

Wysetrade Trading Masterclass Pros And Cons

  • Decent price: There's plenty of other courses that are much more expensive. Also, there's a discount that lower the price to $90.
  • High quality videos: One thing everyone seems to agree on is the quality of the videos are high quality. This makes learning much easier.
  • No refunds: Any legitimate course should offer a refund policy. If someone isn't pleased or thought they were getting something different they should get their money back. 
  • A lot of day trading: I'm not a big fan of day trading. It's very risky and you need a lot of money to get started. 
  • Basic training: The training isn't too in depth. Many of the videos are short and just breeze through the information. 

Is Wysetrade A Scam?

I don't know if it'd go that far.

I don't think the training is the best and the fact there's no refund policy is a pretty big red flag.

Additionally, it's hard to pinpoint who's running the show at Wysetrade and just how successful they really are.

But you do get legitimate training and you learn legitimate trading strategies.

So I don't think it's a scam.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd pass on Wysetrade.

The good news is there's still a lot of good places to get stock picks.

I've reviewed all the best places to get good stock ideas.

To see my favorite (which is very affordable), click below:

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Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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