Adam Enfroy just released his new course called Blog Growth Engine.

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if Blog Growth Engine is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Blog Growth Engine Summary

Creator: Adam Enfroy

Price to join: $797

Do I recommend? Yes!

   Overall rating: 4/5

Adam Enfroy is a legit blogger and internet marketer who's found a lot of success with his website.

His new course is a very good blogging course and anyone that wants to blog will benefit from this course.

It teaches the latest techniques and strategies from someone who's had success recently and not just 10 years ago.

It's not my favorite course but it is a good one.

Better opportunity: If you want the best blogging course, click below:

Who Is Adam Enfroy?

Adam Enfroy is the creator of Blog Growth Engine and he runs a successful blog.

I've been following Adam for a few years now and he's had unbelievable success with his website.

He started his site and got it to over 6 figures per month in about 2 years.. all from free traffic.

That's a truly incredible job.

The reason Adam has so much success is he worked in the SEO world for many years before launching his blog.

He took everything he learned and ran his website like a startup and it blew up.

So Adam is very legit and he's open about how much he makes and how he makes it.

What Does Blog Growth Engine Teach?

Blog Growth Engine is a course that teaches you how to create a blog and monetize it with free traffic and affiliate marketing.

This is a legit way to make money and it's my personal favorite way to make money.

The reason I love it so much is it's extremely low cost to get started with and there's high upside.

You can start a blog for a few hundred dollars and make life changing money doing it.

Adam's blog is worth millions and I'm sure it didn't cost much to get started.

The only downside is that it can take some time to see good results but when done right you can see good results in 6 months.

If you want to see my favorite blogging/affiliate marketing website, click below:

Recommended: My Favorite Blogging Course

Blog Growth Engine Overview

Blog Growth Engine is 10 modules.. here's a breakdown of everything you get:

Module 1 - Niche Selection And The Brand Of You

A niche is the market that you're going to enter.

For example, camping could be a niche, exercise could be a niche or any hobby like that can be a niche.

You'll learn how to pick a niche in this section.

Module 2 - Mindset

I'm not the biggest fan of mindset training but it's not the biggest part of the training.

Module 2 covers how to think about blogging properly and how to get started mentally.

Module 3 - Blogging Like A Startup

I found Adam a few years ago and he frequently talked about starting your blog like a startup.

He clearly does what he teaches because he was able to do it.

This section will teach you how to approach your blog like a startup.

Module 4 - Decoding Search Intent

In order to make money from keywords you need to target keywords with the right search intent.

This just means targeting keywords that can actually lead to money and sales.

You'll learn which keywords have buyer intent in module 4.

Module 5 - Your Minimum Viable Website

Module 5 covers how to create your website which is a pretty easy process.

Module 6 - Keyword Monetization

Module 6 goes deeper into keywords.

Here you'll get more training on how to find keywords and find keywords that will make you money.

Module 7 - Blog Content Creation

Module 7 covers content creation.

You'll learn how to create content and how to create posts as fast as possible.

Additionally, you'll get templates for different types of content like reviews, best of lists, comparisons and more.

Module 8 - The Link Building Machine

Link building is where Adam really shines.

Adam is a link building expert and you'll get his insights on link building in this section.

Module 9 - Affiliate Marketing And Blog Monetization

Module 9 goes over how to make money with your blog.. the main source of revenue will be affiliate marketing.

You'll learn how to create your affiliate content, getting accepted into affiliate programs and more.

Module 10 - Scaling And Outsourcing Your Blog

The last step is growing your blog.

This is done through outsourcing and hiring people to do some of the work of your blog.

Want The Best Affiliate Marketing Training?

I've reviewed all the best affiliate marketing courses.. to see my favorite, click below:

Blow Growth Engine FAQ's

1) Is Blog Growth Engine worth $797?

I think it is.

There's a lot of affiliate marketing courses out there but most don't come from a guy who's had this much success recently.

Many people teach older affiliate marketing principles but Adam goes over newer techniques.

Because of this $797 isn't too bad.

2) Is Adam Enfroy legit?


Adam is open about how much he makes and releases income reports every month.

Plus you can check his website's stats and see that he's getting hundreds of thousands of visitors per month. 

3) What do you get with Blog Growth Engine?

You get 10 modules that walk you through the blogging and affiliate marketing process.

4) How much do I need to spend to get started with blogging?

Blogging is great because it's so cheap to get started with.

Besides training you'll need to buy hosting, a domain name and keyword research tool membership.

You can definitely get started for under $150 per month.

5) Is there a payment plan?

Yes, you can pay over 2 months at $497 per month.

6) Is there a refund policy?

Yes, you can get your money back in 14 days.

7) Is there better alternatives?

Yes, there's a lot of blogging courses out there.

To see my favorite, click below:

#1 Recommended Blogging Training

Blog Growth Engine Pros And Cons

  • Good training: Adam's training is very good and he's used the same tactics to create a blog worth millions. 
  • Adam is legit: Adam is open about his income sources and writes detailed reports showing how much he makes.
  • New strategies: Affiliate marketing has been around since the beginning of the internet.. it's nice to see new strategies for once. 
  • A little expensive: The course is a little expensive but I think it's worth it.
Is Blog Growth Engine A Scam?

Definitely not.

Blog Growth Engine is a good course that comes from a legitimate internet marketer. 

It's a little expensive but it's a high quality program. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

I like Blog Growth Engine and definitely think it's worth buying.

However, there's a lot of blogging courses that are just as good and more affordable.

I've reviewed all the top training programs that teach this.

To see my favorite one, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • Hello Dylan, It is a great review of Adam. Unfortunately, yes it Is very expensive. I know all of it except the part of sticking with it and guest posting. With covid and various changes in everyone’s life causing mental stress. I think for most it is hard to accomplish this these days. And as for myself – I have been doing it on and off for over 4 months now. Learning lots of new social media platforms methods from video editing to podcasting. Still, a lot more to learn but feel that I am getting closer to the prize. For me, I do not want to go down the high ticket end yet but I do know courses if created well can definitely bring in a lot of income for you as long as you can give the results to the clients. For me, I just want to build my authority up. Thanks for sharing. If on LinkedIn give me an ad. Would like to expand my network with great bloggers. Matt.

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