Book Trades is a course from Jon Shugart and Luke Sample.. they claim they can help you build a full time income selling books on Amazon.

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this training program including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if Book Trades is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Book Trades Summary

Creator: Jon Shugart and Luke Sample

Price to join: $3500 + $297 per month

Do I recommend? No

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

Book Trades teaches you how to resell books for profit and you get a software that helps you do that.

I think this is a legitimate way to make money but I don't think the upside is too high.

I can't imagine you're making much per sale on every book and you'll need to make a lot of sales to make anything significant.

Also, the price is VERY high and the monthly costs add up too.

There's much easier ways to earn money online.

Better opportunity: If you're interested in building an online business in a legit and affordable way, click below:

Who Is Jon Shugart?

Jon Shugart is one of the creators of Book Trades and this isn't his first program dedicated to selling books.

He also is the CEO of Book Profits.

Jon is a very accomplished person and he has an impressive history.

He has a degree in mathematics and computer science.

He's built many multi-million dollar businesses and has been developing software since 2008.

Since 2016 he's been focused on reselling books on Amazon.

Who Is Luke Sample?

Luke Sample is the other creator of Book Trades and he also worked with Jon on Book Profits too.

There's less out there about Luke compared to Jon.

According to his bio he's made millions online and was featured on Forbes in 2003 at just 23 years old.

What Does Book Trades Teach?

Book Trades focuses on selling books on Amazon.

This is a legitimate business model that some people do really well with but it's not as easy as it sounds.

If you're using Amazon to fulfill orders (using their warehouses to ship) there's a lot of costs involved.

Here's a story about a man who sold books on Amazon for 6 months.. 

After selling 25 books he made $242 worth of sales.. but the fees associated with selling Amazon were $226.28.

So he only made $5.79.

I don't think he was using the most optimized strategy on earth but still.. $5.79 for 6 months of work is not good.

There's much easier ways to earn money online where you can make much, much more (without spending a lot of money).

If you want to see my favorite way to make money online, click below:

Recommended: How I Made Over $100,000 Online As A Beginner

Book Trades Overview

Book Trades has a few different offers.

Here's a look at what you get:

Step By Step Training

When you purchase Book Trades you get training on how to resell books.

Live Help Sessions

Two times a week a live group coaching session is held. There you can ask questions and get answers. 

Email Support Desk

If you ever have a question you won't have to wait until the live coaching sessions.. you'll get an email where you can get questions quickly answered.

Annual Live Events

Every year the creators of Books Trades hold a live event where everyone comes and shares what's working.

Book Trades Software

You get 30 days free of the software and then have to pay $297 per month for it.

This software is where you'll be finding prices for books and there's over 10 million book titles listed here.

Want To Make Serious Money Online?

I've reviewed all the top courses that teach this.. to see my favorite, click below:

Book Trades FAQ's

1) Is Book Trades worth $3500 + $297 per month?

I personally think that's too much.

I can understand the price of the software being $297.. the software works and softwares like that is usually are expensive.

However, I'm just not seeing why it costs $3500 to join... that's crazy high and I don't think you're getting your money's worth.

2) Is the creators legit?

Yeah I think they are.

Both creators have been in the reselling book business for years now and this isn't their first venture in this niche.

Their success is pretty verified too.

3) What do you get with Book Trades?

You get a few different things with this program.

First off you get step by step training that actually teaches you how to sell books on Amazon.

After that you get the support.. this comes from email support and live group coaching twice a week.

Lastly, you get the software that helps you find books to sell.. however, you'll need to pay for this software monthly.

4) Is there a payment plan?

I didn't see anything mentioned about a payment plan.

5) Is there a refund policy?

I couldn't find anything about a refund policy.. in the terms it claims refunds are not guarantee "for lack of usage or dissatisfaction with the Services." 

To me it seems like you can't get a refund if you don't like it. 

6) Is there better alternatives?

Yes, there's plenty of courses that teach making money online.

To see my favorite course, click below:

#1 Way To Make Money Online

Book Trades Pros And Cons

  • Good software: The software you get is good and will help you find books to sell. 
  • Legit creators: The two people who made Book Trades are successful and they've been in the business for a while. 
  • Too expensive: I could see the software being $297 per month (that's still high) but I don't get why it's $3500 to join. That doesn't make sense to me.
  • Not my favorite business model: Some people may do well selling on Amazon but the margins are tight.. you'll be making pennies per sale. 
  • No refunds: If you're dissatisfied with the training or software you're out of luck.. the terms explicitly state they don't give refunds for dissatisfaction. 
Is Book Trades A Scam?

I don't think it is.

This is legitimate business model and you get legitimate training/software with Books Trades.

However, selling books on Amazon is a hard way to make money and this is a very pricey program. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd personally pass on Book Trades.

There's a lot of ways to make money online that are much easier and less expensive.

I've reviewed hundreds of courses that teach this.

To see my favorite course that will teach you how to make a full time living online, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • Hey man they offer money back if you don’t make any money with their system you are very misinformed or you have information from a long time ago but I haven’t even bought the system but I know that they give you your money back and not just your money back but they give you double what you paid they actually pay you if you don’t make any money with their system so it’s it sucks how many people write reviews about other little ways of making money online and in the process all they’re doing like here all you’re doing is just pushing your own way of making money online to others it’s not an honest review man it really sucks I see it all the time there’s nothing I can do about it but thought I’d say something at least now

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