DNAcademy is a course that claims to teach you how to make money buying domains..

Is it legit or a scam?

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if DNAcademy is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

DNAcademy Summary

Creator: Michael Cyger

Price to join: $949

Do I recommend? Not really

   Overall rating: 3/5

DNAcademy is a decent course if you really want to make money buying domains.

However, buying domains will never make you that much money.. I doubt many people make a full time living online doing it.

The course is $949 and there's plenty of courses out there that are cheaper and will teach you how to make a full time living online.

I'd personally invest my money and time in programs like that.

Better opportunity: If you're interested in building an online business in a legit and affordable way, click below:

Who Is Michael Cyger?

Michael Cyger is the creator of DNAcademy and he's an expert in domains.

Besides owning DNAcademy he also runs a website called Domain Sherpa.. this is another website dedicated to domain management.

There's not a lot of information out there about Michael..

Buying and selling domains isn't something where you're going to get famous and get articles written about you.

So I have no clue how much Michael makes buying domains or anything like that.

What Does DNAcademy Teach?

DNAcademy teaches you how to make money buying domains (and how to manage domains).

Can you make money buying and selling domains? Sure.

Do I think you can make enough money to do it full time? Not likely.

If you go to the sales page of this course you'll see a bunch of testimonials but only one mentions money:

$3000 is a nice size sale but I doubt that you can make a lot of these kinds of sales.

I've been making money online for years and have made hundreds of thousands doing it.

Whenever I get involved in something I make sure it can get to $10,000 per month before starting.

I think $10,000 is a good number to hit and if you can get there you're pretty much full time no matter where you live.

I just don't see how buying and selling domains will get you to $10,000 a month.

Maybe a nice sale here and there but nothing life changing.

If you want to learn an affordable way to make money online that has full time potential, click below:

#1 recommended way to make money online

DNAcademy Course Overview

DNAcademy is broken up into 8 different modules and comes with some bonuses.

Here's a look at what you get in each section:

Getting Started

The first section is just an introduction.. here you'll learn what to expect, how the course should be used and you'll learn more about Michael.

Intro To Domain Names

The second section dives right into domains and gives a lot of background information on this topic.

Some training you'll get is:

  • What a domain is 
  • History of domain names
  • What WHOIS is
  • How the transfer process works
  • Why a domain is important to branding

And more.


Keywords are important in internet marketing and when picking your domain name.

In this section you'll learn how all things keywords.

Here's what you'll get here:

  • What a keyword is
  • Different kinds of keywords (generic, exact match, brandable, acronyms, numberics

And more.


Characteristics is the data and numbers you use to determine if a domain is worth it.

Some characteristics that you'll learn about include:

  • SLD counts
  • Top level domain
  • Search volume 
  • Hyphens
  • Tenses
  • Plural Vs. singular
  • Google trends
  • SEO benefits
  • Trademark count

And more. 

Comparable Sales

This section goes over comparable sales.

The training you'll get here includes:

  • What a comparable sale is
  • Comparable sales tools
  • Wholesale vs. retail
  • Automated appraisals
  • Word and character count 

Tutorial Valuations

Here's where you'll learn about valuations depending on the kind domain you have.

Specifically you'll learn about the following:

  • Generic guided valuation
  • Exact match guided
  • Brandable guided valuation
  • Acronym guided valuation 

and more.

Buying Domain Names

At this point in this course you have enough knowledge to actually buy domains.. and that's what this section will teach you.

Somethings to consider when buying a domain includes:

  • Preparing to invest
  • Choosing a strategy
  • Making a budget
  • Creating a buyer profile
  • Where and how to buy domains

And more. 

Selling Domains

Now is when you learn to sell your domains and hopefully make money.

Here's what you'll learn about selling your domains

  • Creating a seller's profile
  • Setting your price
  • Where to sell
  • Passive selling 


Along with the core training you get a bunch of bonuses as well.

These bonuses include:

  • Legal library of agreements
  • Tax guide
  • Exclusive access to recorded webinars
  • Domain auction simulator 
  • Case study library 

Want To Start An Online Business?

I've reviewed all the top courses that teach this.. to see my favorite, click below:

DNAcademy FAQ's

1) Is DNAcademy worth $949?

I personally don't think so.

You may be able to make your money back and even make some pretty decent size sales but $949 is a lot to learn how to make money online.

There's a millions courses that are cheaper and will teach you business models where you can make WAY more.

2) Is Michael Cyger legit?

Yes, I think he is.

He has two different websites that cover domains and has a Youtube channel devoted to it as well. 

He's well known in the domain world too.. he's definitely an expert on this topic.

3) What do I get with this course?

You get A to Z training on how to buy and sell domains for profit.

This includes 8 different sections that cover every aspect in the process as well as some bonuses.

Some of the bonuses include tax guides, different legal agreements you can use and more. 

4) How much do I need to get started?

There's some tools you'll need but the main cost will be buying domains. 

Luckily domains are cheap and usually cost under $15 per year to buy.

5) Is there a payment plan?

No there's only the option to pay $949 upfront for lifetime access or pay $499 yearly.

6) Is there a refund policy?

Yes, there's 14 days to get your money back.

7) Are there better alternatives?

Yes, there's plenty of courses that will teach you how to make money online.

To see my favorite, click below:

#1 recommended way to make money online

DNAcademy Pros And Cons

  • Michael is legit: If you really want to learn how to buy and sell domains Michael is definitely an expert on the topic.. he'll help you reach your goals.
  • 14 day refund policy: 14 days isn't the best refund policy but it's still pretty decent.
  • Too expensive: This course is nearly $1000 and that's too much.. there's plenty of courses that are better and cheaper.
  • Low ceiling: I think you can make money selling domains but nothing too crazy. There's better ways to make money online than buying and selling domains. 
Is DNAcademy A Scam?

No I don't think so.

Michael is legit and he's an expert in buying and selling domains. 

However, this course is too pricey and I don't think there's a full time living in buying and selling domains. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd pass on DNAcademy.

There's a lot of different courses out there that can teach you how to make a full time living online. 

I've made well over 6 figures online and reviewed all the top programs that teach making money online.

To see my favorite course, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • so basically you want to introduce us to your own course , which charges monthly fee forever how smart?

    • It’s not my course.

      The monthly fees include hosting, support and a tool keyword research tool. These always have monthly fees and it’s cheapest to just get them together.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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