Dropshipping University is a course from eCom Tom and if you're thinking about purchasing it, you may be wondering if it's a scam or not.

This post will answer that question.

You'll see everything you need to know about Dropshipping University including price to join, background information, course overview and more.

You'll know if this course is right for you by the time you're done. 


Dropshipping University Summary

Product: Dropshipping University

Price to join: Ebay course is $479, Amazon course is $697

Rating: 60/100

Do I recommend? Not really

Summary: Dropshipping University isn't a horrible course and it's not terribly expensive (although it's borderline expensive).

The problem here is it's pretty generic and you'll probably want to stay away from Ebay dropshipping in 2020 and beyond (Amazon and Shopify is much better now).

Additionally, Amazon is also very difficult to succeed with because of the small profit margins.

I'd honestly try this course if you can comfortably lose $5000 because that's probably how much it will take to get started (with no guarantee of succeeding). 

Better opportunity: There's ways to do dropshipping that are much more affordable and better training out there. To see the best dropshipping course, click below:

The Truth About Dropshipping

Dropshipping has been around for a while but really blew up a couple years ago because of Shopify (which isn't taught in Dropshipping University).

There's one thing gurus don't tell you about dropshipping and it's that no one actually likes dropshipping.

This is a conclusion that I and A LOT of people have come to.

In fact, a pretty famous Youtube dropshipper recently stopped dropshipping to pursue other ways of making money online.

His reasoning was simple:

Dropshipping brought him no joy and he didn't know a single person that did dropshipping and were proud of what they did.

The reason for this is you're not making anyone's lives better and you're just selling cheap Chinese crap to people.

Additionally, dropshipping costs a pretty large amount of money to get started with.

Even if you find someone that does the shipping for you you'll need to pay for advertising which is not only expensive but difficult.

You'll need thousands in ad money to be successful.

This is why I stopped doing dropshipping and do affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing can be done for basically free and is much easier. 

Who Is eCom Tom?

eCom Tom is the Youtube name of Tom Cormier.

He's pretty popular on Youtube and has over 14,000 subscribers (he only launched the channel 2 years ago).

A lot of people on Youtube don't actually make a lot of money doing what they teach.

They basically just use their channels to get views and then send traffic to their course.

I don't think this is eCom Tom, though. He's pretty open about showing his stats and sharing how much he's making.

It's clear he's making a pretty substantial amount of money doing dropshipping. 

However, it's not as big the title of his videos suggest. For instance, one video is labeled "[INCOME REPORT] $50,000 a Month in Sales on Amazon."

But if you actually watch the video that's doesn't include expenses and in reality he made $7,684 profit. 

Now that's not bad but it's certainly not $50,000. 

This is why in the last section I said dropshipping can be get very pricey too. To make $7,000 you have to spend $50,000. 

Do you have that much money to spend?

Dropshipping University Overview

There's two courses offered by eCom Tom that have to do with dropshipping and the first is for Ebay and the second is for Amazon.

Personally I wouldn't get involved with dropshipping on Ebay. Ebay is just going to become more irrelevant as time goes on and you want to learn on platforms that continuing to grow (Amazon and Shopify).

Here's an overview of both trainings:

Ebay Course

The Ebay course is pretty standard and there's nothing really new in this course. In total there's 14 modules and 67 videos that explain the process of dropshipping on Ebay.

​Module 1-2: Introduction to Manual Ebay Dropshipping

This section is just an introduction to the type of work you'll be doing as an Ebay dropshipper.

You learn about staying compliant with Ebay and other tips like that.

Module 3-4: Sourcing Highly Profitable Items

This section is about finding profitable products and you get a list of the best suppliers to get your products from.

You'll also get other techniques on finding the right products to sell on Ebay.

Module 5-6: Listing and Inventory Management

In these modules you learn about listing your product so you get the most sales possible (optimizing title, good pictures, etc.).

You'll also learn how to keep your products in stock.

Modules 7-8: Processing Sales and Customer Service

This section you learn about the best tools to take payments with and how to do deal with customer service.

Being a high rated seller is very important on Ebay and you'll learn how to keep your reputation high here. 

Modules 9-10: Feedback and Organization

This section teaches how to get positive feedback so it looks good to future customers.

Module 11-12: Maximizing Margins and Tax Exemption

This section is about using cashback credit cards to make sure you get the biggest possible margins on sales as well as other software to help. 

You'll also get tips on lowering your taxes.

Module 13-14: Advanced Topics

This section is mainly about Paypal and other sales techniques to increase profit/sales.

Amazon Course

The Amazon course teaches Amazon FBA. This is similar to dropshipping except you send your products to an Amazon fulfillment center.

Amazon will then handle shipping, payments, returns, customer service (15% of every sales goes to Amazon). 

The course here is made up of 14 modules and about 15 hours of content.

This is pretty short compared to other courses that I've reviewed.

Yesterday I reviewed an $18 course that had over 40 hours of training.

Overall the training in the Amazon section is pretty generic and covers the following topics:

  • An introduction to selling on Amazon
  • How to find products and good suppliers
  • How to list your product to get the most sales and to keep products in stock
  • Processing sales
  • Getting positive reviews and feedback
  • What to do if you get suspended
  • Customer service tips

Want to see the best dropshipping course?

There's no need to pay thousands of dollars for a dropshipping course - there's plenty that are much cheaper and as good. Click the button below to see the very best:

What I Like About Dropshipping University 

Here's what I like about Dropshipping University:

​eCom Tom seems legit

I started this website over a year ago and have reviewed 300+ make money at home opportunities. 

I've come across the worst of the worst in that time. I've seen pyramid schemes, ponzi schemes, scammers, people who fake testimonials, fake results and more. 

I don't get the sense from eCom Tom that he's doing any of this kind of stuff and it seems like he actually makes money from dropshipping. 

What I Don't Like About Dropshipping University 

There's more here I don't like than like and the main things I dislike are:

Generic and short

There's nothing here that you couldn't find in cheaper courses or just free on Youtube.

Also, the Amazon course is only 15 hours long which isn't enough to cover Amazon FBA. 

Most good Amazon courses are twice as long and come with twice the information. 

Not much info on paid advertising

Just listing products on Ebay and Amazon isn't going to be enough to make money.

You're going to have to pay for advertising to drive traffic to your page.

This includes Facebook and Google ad training. 

If you plan on actually making any real money you'll most likely have to buy an extra course on PPC marketing. 

Dropshipping is expensive

The way dropshipping is taught here you're going to most likely need at least $5000 to get started.

You need to buy stock, pay Amazon for shipping, pay for paid advertising and more.

There's ways to do dropshipping that are cheaper but that's not being taught here. 

Final Thoughts

I'm not the biggest fan of dropshipping.

I find it boring, stressful, hard to succeed with and costs a lot to get started with.

So in order for me to recommend a dropshipping course or Amazon FBA course it would need to be spectacular. 

There's definitely a couple I recommend but Dropshipping University isn't one of them.

It's just too generic and skips over important parts of dropshipping like traffic generation. 

Because of this I just think it's overpriced.

Here's A Better Opportunity

There's better courses out there that will teach you how to make money online.

If you really want to succeed with dropshipping you should check out Ecom Elites

Ecom Elites has the best dropshipping training available and it only costs $197.


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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