Ecom Uprise 2.0 is an ecommerce/dropshipping course from Sam Jacobs..

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or legit.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, course overview and more.

By the time you're done you'll know if Ecom Uprise 2.0 is right for you.

Let's get into it!

Ecom Uprise 2.0 Summary

Creator: Sam Jacobs

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? Not really.

   Overall rating: 3.0/5

Ecom Uprise 2.0 is a course from Sam Jacobs and it's a pretty standard ecommerce/dropshipping course.

It teaches you the same thing most other courses do.. there's nothing extra or special about Ecom Uprise.

However, the price is high at $997.

I personally wouldn't pay that much for this program. 

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Sam Jacobs?

Sam Jacobs is the creator of this course and he's a pretty typical ecommerce personality.

There's hundreds of people just like Jacob.

They're young, they have clickbait titles on Youtube, show off their cars and like to sell the lifestyle.

The problem is the lifestyle isn't really realistic.

Sam has a Youtube channel but he's not that active on it. It looks like he was posting a few times a month but has only uploaded one video in the last few months:

There's one more thing I want to point out about Same.. he's only 19.

Is there anything in the world you'd want to learn from a 19 year old? If you signed up for a college class and found out your instructor was 19, wouldn't you be a little.. skeptical? 

19 year olds are immature and there's plenty of mature people to learn ecommerce from.

I'd personally go with someone with more than a couple of years experience. 

Ecom Uprise 2.0  Overview

Overall there's 8 modules to this course with 55 total lessons.

Here's a breakdown of what you get:

Module 1: Million Dollar Mindset

I'm not a big fan of mindset modules.. to me it's seems like the course creator is just stretching out the course.

There's many more important topics that should be covered instead of mindset.

There's only a few videos here, though, and you'll learn about dropshipping and the mindset you need to succeed.

Module 2: Creating A 6 Figure Store From Scratch

In 2 module you start getting training on ecommerce.

Here you'll learn about the following:

  • If you should choose a general store or niche store
  • How to brand your store to get repeat buyers
  • How to import products
  • Creating product pages
  • Which Shopify Apps you need and which you don't
  • Shipping information
  • Legal pages that you'll need
  • How to use Oberlo to get products and fulfill orders

Module 3: Finding Million Dollar Shopify Products

In Module 3 you'll learn how to do product research and how to find products to sell on your website.

This is an important section and you'll get 6 videos.

You'll get various strategies on finding products inlcuding free ones and using research tools to find products

Module 4: Instagram Influencers A-Z

Instagram is the first traffic strategy that you learn about and you get 8 videos on this topic.

This is a popular way to make sales with ecommerce and is when you reach out to popular and relevant Instagram accounts and have them promote your products.

You'll also learn about setting up your own Instagram page.

Module 5-6: Facebook Ads 

In the next module you'll learn about Facebook Ads, which is the second traffic source in this training. 

Facebook Ads can be difficult to learn and I don't think this course does enough to go over this topic.

There's only 17 videos.

My favorite ecommerce course has over 40 Facebook Ads videos.

Here's a look at what you'll learn in these two modules:

  • How to set up a Facebook Ad and all the basics
  • How to build an audience and create your ads
  • How to test products cheaply to figure out which are winnings
  • When to kill or scale an ad
  • How to create a custom audience and retarget 

Module 7: Maximizing Profits With Your Backend

Module 7 is about getting backend sales - this is when you get the most out of each visitor and converting people that may not buy right away.

This is a short section and only has 3 videos. 

You'll learn email sequences, upsells and SMS marketing.

Module 8: Advanced Dropshipping

The last module goes over a marketing tool called Vyper, Power Pixel and Chatbot marketing.

Want The Best Ecommerce Course?

I've reviewed all the top ecommerce courses. To see my favorite (which is affordable), click below:


You get two bonuses with this course.

The first is an ebook called 6 Figure Dropshipping Success which Jacob says is worth $295.

Obviously an ebook is not actually worth this.

The second bonus is access to a private Facebook Group Chat. 

This is a little more useful and allows you to ask questions and get answers.

It's listed as being worth $1995 and again it's not actually worth that.

Limited Traffic Training

Traffic is the life blood of any online business.

Instagram and Facebook are good traffic sources and some people make millions with them.

However, there's plenty of other traffic sources with just as much upside.

You want a course that goes over all traffic courses, this way you can find one that suits you best.

For example, Facebook is more about creating eye catching ads. Google is more about analytics and keyword research.

I personally like Google Ads and Google Shopping Ads more than Facebook.

I'm not good at creating ads but I'm very good at keyword research.

Unfortunately, there's no Google traffic in this course.

Too Expensive

Making money with dropshipping and ecommerce isn't a secret.

There's certain things you need to do and the longer you stick with it, the more likely you are to make money.

You need to learn the basics, get training on different traffic sources and just test, test, test.

Everyone once in a while you'll get a course with a new strategy but most of the time you don't - you're certainly not getting anything extra special in Ecom Uprise 2.0.

There's no need to pay nearly $1000 for a basic ecommerce course.

There's plenty of alternatives that have better training and cost a fraction of the price.

No Refunds

Most ecommerce courses have some sort of refund policy.

Some require you to show you tried the training, others are 7 to 30 days but most have something.

However, there's a strict no refund policy in Ecom Uprise:

This is pretty disappointing, especially considering Ecom Uprise 2.0's price.

I'm always very suspicious of courses that have no refund policy. 

Ecom Uprise 2.0 Pros And Cons


  • Decent training: Ecom Uprise doesn't have the best training on earth but it does a decent job. If you're ok with using Facebook Ads or Instagram this course can have some value to you.


  • Too expensive: There's a lot of ecommerce programs out there. I've personally reviewed 50+. There's plenty of courses that are better and much cheaper.
  • Not enough traffic: You can definitely make it with Facebook and Instagram. However, you really want to find the traffic source that's right for you. To do this you need to get actual training on all traffic sources - you're not getting that here. 
  • No refunds: This course is expensive. If someone buys and figures out quickly it's not for them, you should give them a refund. But there's a strict no refund policy here which is not good. 

IS Ecom Uprise 2.0 A Scam?

Definitely not.

The sales page tells you exactly what you get and then you get that.

I do, however, think this course is way too expensive and I really, really don't like the refund policy.

There's just better options out there that don't cost $997.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd pass on Ecom Uprise 2.0.

If you're still interested in ecommerce and dropshipping, you should check out Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites is by far the best ecommerce course out there. 

It's taught by a 7 figure ecommerce earner, all traffic courses are covered and it's ultra affordable.

To learn more, click below:

Want To Dominate Ecommerce?

Ecom Elites is the best ecommerce course and it's not even close. To read my full Ecom Elites review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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