Ecom Warrior Academy is a training offered by Matthew Lepre and if you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not..

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course including background information, price to join, course breakdown and more.

By the time you're done reading you'll know if Ecom Warrior Academy is right for you.


Ecom Warrior Academy Summary

Product: Ecom Warrior Academy

Price to join: $4000

Rating: 50/100

Do I recommend? No!

Summary: I had written an entire review about this course but apparently the creator of this course, Mathew Lerpe sues anyone that gives it a bad review. 

I stand by everything I wrote but don't feel like fighting a battle like this at the moment.

I will says this - people that sue others for their opinion isn't someone I would trust $4000 with.

If you want a refund or anything happens you're probably going to be dealing with a lot of lawyers.

Also, $4000 would make this one of the most expensive ecommerce courses on the market.

I'll post what the lawyer left below so you get a good idea of who you're dealing with. 

Better opportunity: The good news is you don't need to spend $4000 to get a high quality ecom course. My favorite costs between $197 to $297. To see it, click below:

Complaint From Matt's Lawyer

Dear Dylan,
I act on behalf of Lepre Enterprises Pty Ltd (Company) which owns and operates the business known as ‘eCom Warrior Academy’ (ABN 38 632 809 655) (Business).
My client has spent a substantial amount of time and energy establishing and building the goodwill of the Business.
It has come to my client’s attention that, when searching for the term ‘Matthew Lepre Academy Reviews’ (being the Director and face of the Company) on google, a page from your website is one of the first item that appears (Webpage).
While my client acknowledges that the Webpage uses the name of the Business and ‘Matthew Lepre’ to provide review and criticism of the Business, we are of the view that the following comments made on the Webpage are harmful and defamatory to my client’s Business:
(1) ‘the price is way too high for what you’re getting.’
(2) ‘there’s a lot of fantastic courses (better quality than this one).’
(3) ‘there’s no reason for this course to be $4000 unless you’re getting something extra special…but you’re not getting that here.’
The Webpage also copies in a photo of Matthew Lepre and makes the following comments against my client’s character that may be particularly harmful and defamatory to my client’s reputation personally as a public figure:
(1) ‘sells the lifestyle of eCommerce which is almost entirely make believe.’
(2) ‘just a little superficial and immature.’
(3) ‘more into self promotion than the nuts and bolts.’
(4) ‘it’s not like Matthew here has a secret that only he knows and is willing to share with you.’
As a direct result of the publication of this Webpage, potential customers have been drawn away from the Business because the Webpage implies my client acts in a misleading and deceptive manner, and the Webpage explicitly names my client’s Business in comparison with other courses, providing a link to another service known as ‘eCom Elites’, which the Webpage implies is a better alternative causing my client in particular to suffer significant financial loss.
This conduct amounts to Misrepresentation of the character of Matthew Lepre; and the nature and goodwill of my client’s Business.
This conduct also amounts to Misleading and deceptive conduct by using the structure of a Webpage review to advertise alternative business options to which you may or may not have a personal interest, that ultimately results in the publication of unfounded allegations against my client’s goodwill, and knowingly engaging in this conduct with the intent to cause harm and loss of business to my client.
These actions constitute a breach of the Australian Consumer Law in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
In light of the above, my client requires your written undertaking by 4pm, on Wednesday, 24 June 2020 that you will immediately remove the Webpage and all other references, hyperlinks and comments with respect to the web domain address of the Webpage; and cease and desist the publication and circulation of any advertising or promotional material using the name ‘Matthew Lepre’ and the name of the Business (including any names similar to those names) without my client’s permission (collectively the Undertaking).
In the event that you fail to provide the Undertaking, or fail to honour it once given, my client reserves its right to immediately commence legal proceedings against you without further notice, in which case my client may have the right to payment of damages in respect to your infringing conduct, an injunction to restrain you from engaging in the infringing conduct and any legal costs for undertaking the above.
I look forward to your reply, failing which I emphasise that you may face the risk of legal action without further notice.


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • Matthew thinks he can prevent people talking about him online because of Australian law. lmao this is the funniest thing I’ve read, I hope more people talk about this fake guru who keeps changing the price of his coaching.

  • He is a scam! I paid for the entire thing and luckily got my money back, he still tried to steal money from me so I changed my card completely. DONT TRUST THIS PIECE OF SHIT

    • No clue. You’d have to email and try that way. But like I said he’s aggressive with lawyers and might be difficult.

  • My goodness, someone was recommended him and show all his pictures to me last night, the first thing came into my mind was…..hmmm, another so called “guru”. All the lifestyles he is selling is just to make you to believe, $4000??? Hell NO! Glad my i’ve stopped my other buddies who they are about to fell for it.

  • I am one that has been sucked into this and even after I said I have little money after being unfairly dismissed from work. As a single mum of 2 children I was promised the world but have found everything I need for free online and through Shopify. How do I get my money back?

  • I have been watching the ads all the time and thinking about this. It was just too good to be true for dropshipping now. I did website, facebook ads all by self. But didn’t get any orders from website. but ebay or amazon really work. I might try some free trial with facebook ads.

  • Omg, thank god for this article. I was about to sign up tomorrow ? i’m a stay at home mum, wanting to make some extra income to help out my husband. Thanks the lord I’m not losing more money?

  • I am a student of Matthew Lepre’s course and i want to warn people about how they operate. I joined them because i got a call from them and the guy was very persuasive telling me that his students almost never fail and also offered me 90 days money guarantee. I joined them because of that money back guarantee but it wasn’t a guarantee, it was a scam to make you join them because they NEVER GIVE YOUR MONEY BACK. I did not see results ( i worked so hard, followed every single step and tested the products they chose for me) and ended up wasting so much money and time. I emailed them and asked for a refund but they never replied to me. I again emailed them today and they told me that i have to show them evidence of 4 unsuccessful stores with all details. It is impossible to provide those details as i closed them down ages ago. Not only that, they told me to pay 800$ to cancel the membership with them. THIS IS UNJUST! Its completely different from what they told me to make me join them. If this is not a scam, what is a SCAM? The quality of their course is not so great. You can pretty much find everything they teach on youtube for free. I fight hard for justice so i will continue to warn people on every platform!

  • I am another sucker. The student recruiter told me that most students do very well and that only one student had been unsuccessful. He even emailed me saying he was 100% confident that I would do very well. Wanting to do something different, I joined and sold a dismal 5 products across 4 stores, having followed the course exactly and made full use of their mentoring. I even used their handpicked products which were supposedly ‘trending’.They make you believe that you’ll make alot of money by following the course. And don’t get me started about the refund policy which is difficult to execute! Their claims are misleading. DO NOT fall for it! They should be investigated by the consumer watchdog for misleading students.

  • I am a victim of this course and I can assure you this man is pure evil. Misleading information about 90 day money back guarantee, terms of service was emailed to me the moment I transferred the $4000. I really hope justice plays a part in this.

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