EcomX Mentorship is a new dropshipping/ecommerce opportunity from Paul Lee.

This program is expensive and if you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about EcomX including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if this mentorship program is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

EcomX Mentorship Summary

Creator: Paul Lee

Price to join: $1997

Do I recommend? Not really.

   Overall rating: 3/5

EcomX Mentorship is a decent program and I think Paul Lee is pretty successful.

However, this program is really expensive and you don't need to pay this much to learn dropshipping/ecommerce.

There's better courses that are way less expensive. 

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Paul Lee?

Paul Lee claims he's a self made 7 figure dropshipper. 

I believe he's definitely a successful dropshipper but I'm always skeptical of income claims online (you should be too).

It's always hard to verify these claims.

There isn't a ton of information out there about Paul. 

He has a Youtube channel with 11K subscribers but he's hasn't posted much in the last 2 years:

Paul does do work with Oberlo which is a good sign.

Oberlo is one of the most popular Shopify Apps for dropshippers and I'd guess they're careful who they attach their brand with. 

EcomX Mentorship Overview

This program comes with a little more than mentorship.

Here's a breakdown of exactly what you get:

8 Weeks Mentorship:

This is the main selling point of this opportunity. You get 8 weeks of mentorship with Paul Lee. 

Lee promises that he can spend 30 minutes per day on mentoring.

This seems a little strange, though. 

If he has say 60 students at once.. how can he possible provide each one with 30 minutes a day?

Even if he just had 20 students it would be difficult.

It would pretty much mean all of his time would be going to mentorship and there wouldn't be much time to do anything else.

In some cases I'm willing to bet there's more than one student in some of these sessions.

I did read in another review that the students who were asked about the mentorship felt they got their money's worth, though.

EcomX Training Program

To go along with the mentoring you also get a dropshipping course.

This course is around 90 lessons and takes you through all the basics of starting a dropshipping store.

This course is decent but nothing special.

Facebook Ads Coaching

This is definitely very useful.

Facebook Ads can be very complicated if you're a beginner and there's a lot of different ways you can mess up.

This makes sure you have coaching every step of the way from creating your ads account to testing to scaling.

Collaborative Product Research

Product research is one of the most important parts of ecommerce and dropshipping.

This feature of the program ensures you're testing products that actually have a chance at converting.

Every product you want to test will be reviewed first.

Work Reviewal

This is much like that product research section.

In this section you'll get your store, product pages and ad creatives reviewed before they launch.

This way anything that will kill your conversions will be spotted and fixed. 

Talent And Resources

This makes sure that you know which apps, templates and tools are worth your time.

Want The Best Ecommerce Training?

I've reviewed all the best ecommerce courses. To see my favorite, click below:

This Is Pretty Expensive

Here's the thing about dropshipping - it's not rocket science. 

There's plenty of courses that are affordable that will teach you exactly what to do and you can make serious money.

Some people makes hundreds of thousands and some people even make millions.

But when learning I usually recommend finding a quality course that isn't too expensive.

The reason is there's costs involved to running your ecommerce business.

The biggest cost is going to be your ad budget.

You need at least $500 in ad money to get started and I think a few thousand would be smarter.

The less you pay on training the more you'll have to put towards ads.

Refund Policy

The refund policy is 15 days.

However, there's a few strings attached to this.

You need to have viewed less than 50% of the content, find and add 20  products to your store, spent at least $75 advertising two products on Facebook.

This isn't that good of a refund. 

You should let people go through the entire course if you're going to add a bunch of stipulations.

EcomX Mentorship Pros And Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about this opportunity:

  • Paul Lee is successful: I can't verify every income claim made by Paul but he's definitely successful. He works with Oberlo which means he must know what he's talking about. 
  • Decent mentorship: The students in this program seem to be pretty happy with the mentorship they've gotten. 
  • Too expensive: It's not a good idea to spend thousands on a mentorship/program if you're a beginner. Buy a cheaper course that's quality and spend the difference on ads.
  • Bad refund policy: I personally like refund policies that don't come with a bunch of hoops to jump through. It would be better if it were just 15 days no questions asked refunds.
Is EcomX Mentorship A Scam?

Definitely not.

This mentorship is legit and there's students that are satisfied with what they're getting in the program.

It's just too expensive in my opinion.

You can learn dropshipping for a fraction of the price and that's what I recommend that you do.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd skip over EcomX Mentorship.

If you'd like to learn dropshipping without spending thousands of dollars, check out Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites is by far the best dropshipping course. It's taught by a millionaire dropshipper, has high quality training and is affordable.

To learn more, click below:

Learn To Dominate Ecommerce

Ecom Elites is the best ecommmerce/dropshipping course available. To read my review of this course, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • Hi Dylan, Paul Lee here!

    I appreciate that you took the time to review my mentorship program with a very un-biased, logical perspective!

    I respectfully would like to make a few corrections to a few statements that you made.

    Students do have personal 1-1- access to me via Facebook messenger and it’s not just 30 mins. Students have the flexibility of reaching out to me anytime and get all their questions will be answered. Their is no fixed time or cut-off time. It varies according to how many questions the student might have, how much work my team and I need to review on that day, etc. Not only that, but we have 3 calls/week, which are always 1hr+.

    And in regards to my 15 day refund policy, I did this to ensure that students give the mentorship their best shot. Previously, many times students would cancel and refund after 30 days of me giving my time and energy, when they had taken no action at all. This 15 day action refund policy guarantees that all students get a refund if they put the work in. And even having said this, many times I am lenient and do give students a refund even if they don’t qualify according to the policy. I am never strict with this policy.

    Again, thank you for your time to review and I appreciate that you spoke honestly!

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