Maybe you saw an ad about Crowd1 while browsing Facebook, and you can't stop thinking about it.
Or maybe one of your friends introduced you to this new business opportunity.
You're excited to sign up, but the opportunity seems too good to be true.
Don't worry because we're here to talk about Crowd1.
Some of the things you're going to learn about this venture includes its background, the person behind it, and whether it is a scam or not.
We hope that you're going to find this Crowd1 helpful, and help you make informed decisions about where to invest your money.
Crowd1 Summary
Product: Crowd1
Price to join: €99 to €2,499
Rating: 30/100
Do I recommend? No

Summary: Crowd1 (or Crowd1 Network Ltd) is a "mobile networking community." It offers members the ability to create and maintain an online network business using different digital marketing platforms. Its so-called partners are gaming/gambling sites AffilGo and Miggster.
But is this the right opportunity for you or is it just a hyped up opportunity? Read our review to learn more.
Edit 1 (December 3rd, 2019): Crowd1 is under investigation for securities fraud in Norway which is predictable. This is usually the first step in a series of events that leads to a crash. STAY AWAY FROM CROWD1.
Edit 2 (February 22nd, 2020): Crowd1 is banned from Namibia and anyone promoting it there can go to jail and/or be fined.
Edit 3 (April 29th, 2020): Crowd1 is banned in the Philippines and anyone promoting it there can go to jail for 21 years and/or be fined.
Better Opportunity: If you want to see how I learned to make over $100,000 online as a broke beginner, click below:
What is Crowd1?
According to its website, Crowd1 (or Crowd1 Network Ltd) is a "mobile networking community."
It offers members the ability to create and maintain an online network business using different digital marketing platforms.
Sounds fancy, right?
But the truth is hidden in the fine print.
The pre-launch began in January 2019, and the business was officially launched in August 2019. Those who have signed up during the pre-launch period are called pioneers. These pioneers, according to the website, will reap the benefits of the company's success.They will also take a slice of the company's future income.
So how do you build your network and how do you earn money with Crowd1?
To build your network and earn money, Crowd1 created two websites. First is Affilgo, an online gaming/gambling platform/affiliate network. Another is Miggster, another gaming website. The second website, however, still does not have information about what it offers.
The funny thing is although Crowd1 said it has "partnered" with Affilgo and Miggster, the truth is only one person owns all three websites. The owner of Crowd1, as well as the other two websites, is Piskopianos Stelios. He is a self-described Senior Finance Professional who is also the finance director of aos Fluency Limited and Northfield Petroleum Limited. Crowd1 and the other two websites, however, are not listed in his LinkedIn bio.
Crowd1 is headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Its company registration number is ICC20160342.
EDIT: In January it was announced there's a probe into Crowd1 in Africa (where this scam takes place). This always happens with ponzi schemes and it's only a matter of time before this one either collapses or gets shut down.

What Does Crowd1 Offer?
Crowd1 doesn't have tangible products per se.
What it offers its members is an online networking platform via its gaming websites, education packages from GritHub, and owners rights worth.GritHub is a real estate training platform based in Dubai, UAE. The type of training course it offers vary, and what you're going to learn depends on which plan you purchase.
The Bronze plan contains a simple starter kit, while the Silver plan includes a basic learning training program. If you want to level up, then you can choose the Gold plan which contains extended courses and the Platinum plan which includes professional courses. By the way, Mr. Stelios also owns GritHub.
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How Much to Join Crowd1?
If you want to join Crowd1, keep in mind that there are different membership packages available for you.
The cheapest is the White starter kit which costs €99 and comes with owner rights which have a value of €100.
The next membership package is Black and it costs €299.
The value of the owner rights is set at €300.
The Gold membership costs a whopping €799 and has a €1,000-worth of owner rights.
Be prepared to shell out €2499 if you want to purchase the Platinum or Professional Courses package. The owner rights value is set at €3,500.If you want to join Crowd1, keep in mind that there are different membership packages available for you. The cheapest is the White starter kit which costs €99 and comes with owner rights which have a value of €100.
The next membership package is Black and it costs €299. The value of the owner rights is set at €300.
The Gold membership costs a whopping €799 and has a €1,000-worth of owner rights.
Be prepared to shell out €2499 if you want to purchase the Platinum or Professional Courses package. The owner rights value is set at €3,500.
What is Crowd1's Compensation Plan?
Here is a rundown of Crowd1's compensation plan.
The returns you're going to earn depend on the type of investment you've made with Crowd1. Let's say that you invested in White package which costs €99. You'll receive €100 in owner rights shares.
Invest in the Black package €299, and get €300-worth of owner rights shares.
Those who invest in the Gold package (€799) will receive €1000-worth of owner rights shares. Those who invest in the Titanium package (€2499) will receive €3500-worth of owner rights shares.Check out the different ways you can earn with Crowd1.
Product Package Sales Bonus
The company has a binary compensation structure. This means that the first two people you sponsor as Associates are placed on the left and right sides of your downline.
When the persons you have sponsored also bring in two other people, they too, are placed on the left and right side of the sponsor's team. The growth of your downline has no limit.
The binary points you are going to receive depends on the investment volume accumulated by your team.
Sell a single White package that costs €88 to get 90 binary points. Sell a single Black package that costs €299 to get 270 binary points.
One Gold package sold by your team member is converted to 720 binary points, while one platinum package sold for €2,499 is equivalent to 2,250 binary points.
Streamline Bonus

This type of bonus depends on the number of Associates you have personally sponsored. Let's say you are a Level 3 associate who has personally sponsored 2 other associates. They have purchased the White package, so your owner rights per week are now at €7.50.
This increase as you ascend the ranks to Level 15.Keep in mind, however, that this does not give you additional owners rights.This bonus is calculated every Friday, midnight GMT.
Matching Bonus
Help the associates you've sponsored build their business and achieve their goals to get a matching bonus.
For example, if you have sold a membership package to at least four other associates, you'll be eligible to get a 10% matching bonus on the binary points they get.This is a bonus from Crowd1 and will not be taken from the associates you have already sold a membership package to.
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What I Like About Crowd1
The website looks professional
It's obvious that the owner splurged when it comes to the website.
It looks nice, uncluttered, and completely professional that if you're not a discerning investor, you'll be dazzled by it and will not notice that something is amiss.
What I Don't Like About Crowd1
Expensive membership packages
The bad news is Crowd1's membership packages are expensive.
The base price of the White membership is set at €99 which is equivalent to $110 (as of writing).
The Black membership is set at €299 ($334), while the Gold membership retails at €799 (894).
The highest membership package price is €2,499 or roughly $2,790.
That's a month's worth of salary for many people.
The point is if you're not well-heeled and you don't have a lot saved for your initial investment, then this is not the opportunity for you.
You have to credit Crowd1 for developing a beautiful website. The overall look of the website is professional and expensive. It does not look cluttered, but it lacks critical information about what the company offers at first glance.
What exactly does Crowd1 offer? What are its terms and conditions? Who runs this website? These are just some of the questions that you'll ask when you visit the website. You need to navigate away from the home page and peruse its terms and conditions to know exactly what it offers, its compensation plan, and other essential information about it.
If the owner can pay for a beautiful website, then surely he can add several pages more to make it easier for prospective members to get more information.
It's still in pre-launch mode

According to its website, the Crowd1 pre-launch runs from January 2019 to August 2019.
It is now August 2019 (during the time this review was written), but it seems that Crowd1 is still in pre-launch phase.Is Crowd1 a Scam?
Crowd1 is still in pre-launch so it can be hard to say if it is indeed a scam or a legit opportunity.
But that doesn't mean there are no red flags concerning this opportunity.
It's still in the pre-launch phase, but some people are already claiming that they have earned money from this opportunity.
Its partner gaming websites are also not working yet (as is the case of Miggster) or still in soft launch (Affilgo).
Because the sites are still in soft launch (or not even launched), it can be many months or even years before you will see a return on your investment (if at all).
The membership packages are also so expensive for such "products."
Imagine spending €99 for a White membership package.
It's definitely not worth your time.
Here's a Better Way to Earn Money
Crowd1 is a really big scam that's going to come crashing down sooner rather than later - you don't want to be apart of this oppotunity.
However, there's still plenty of legitimate ways to make money online.
I learned how to make over 6 figures online as a complete beginner with very little money.
It’s safe to say it is. I wouldn’t waste my time with it.
Dylan please come back to me lulutshoko@gmail.com
If you want to get in touch click the link below and create a free account – we can talk there:
How do l join ?
You just click on the link and put in your email.. no credit card needed or anything like that. It’s very simple.
No.. it is good company.
I know the owner.. he is actually Swedish
Lol Swedish people can be bad. It’s a ponzi scheme and it’ll eventually collapse when recruiting stops.
But they dont encourage us to recruit,you only do it if u want.
All or most of their revenue comes from recruitment. If people didn’t recruit they wouldn’t have money to pay people.
Is 2020 is still going strong what about that
only building a bigger bubble that’ll eventually burst
You know the owner? Wahaha. Tell me, who exactly is the owner? Out of a choice of…4 dodgy figures?
Crowd 1 is a scam or not?
I believe it’s a scam
People have earned a lot from the opportunity
If you want to sell your ebooks, just sell them and stop ruining other people business because even the crap you will sell to people, many will still fail in the business with no money back guarantee but crowd1 refunds you your money in 14days if you can refer 4 people. I’m a witness
Yes somebody has scam me
What makes your Wealth Affiliate scheme different from a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme? Does it not come down to the same thing?
No Wealthy Affiliate is training platform that teaches you how to do affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a business. Crowd1 is just a scam that uses recruitment money to payout people. All pyramid schemes collapse because of this. Wealthy Affiliate is over a decade old and gets bigger every year.
Hi Dylan, how much is it to join Wealthy Affilliate? and what type of products are offered at Wealthy Affilliate? yet how did you make money from it and for how long have you been doing this with Wealthy Affilliate? thank you.
Hey Joseph!
Wealthy Affiliate is free to try for 7 days. If you want to continue the first month is $19 and every month after is $49. Wealthy Affiliate teaches you affiliate marketing and has a huge community that can help you. Also, there’s website builder and other things like that.
I made money with affiliate marketing after I went through the training and I’ve been making money because of them for about 4 years now!
You can sign up for free below:
Dylan why you say Crowd 1 is a scam while Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam fo you thing I should believe either of the two?
You should do what you think is right
You might also be a scammer. Don’t badmouth other people. Just promote your products. We can decide for ourselves. Who appointed you the gatekeeper?
This is such a naive take. I know the business so I try to warn people of what’s going on. The average person has no idea how online scams and ponzi schemes work.
Thanks Dylan for the eye opener. I was told about it, just yesterday in Nigeria. I don’t think I want to waste my money in scams
No problem!
Hi Dylan, Crowd1 is givig away Free White Package membership – So you have nothing to lose for Free Package isn’t it?
Sipho that is such a ridiculous comment. Tell me, are you from Africa by any chance?
Nice write up man. Someone asked me on FB if Crowd1 was legit or scam. I shared your link.
I see your recommendation and yes I was with them before and intend to go back to them soon. Good work and see you around sometime Dylan. ~ Philip.
Thanks! Wealthy Affiliate is definitely better – look me up when you get in there again and let’s chat!
So funny…you’re asking guy for advice, who never tried Crowd1 and have 0 experience of it…))) Could you hire advicer and pay him money who doesn’t have any experience in the required field?
I understand the Crowd1 business model. It’s a fraudulent investment company/ponzi scheme.
Why promote your product on the back of attacking someone else. It’s a cheap desperate low blow. I don’t know who crowd1 is but this type of markerting borders on desperation. Stop it now.
Crowd1 is a ponzi scheme and a scam. What I’m promoting is legitimate and widely recognized as the best place to learn how to make money online.
Promote your product or any other you are fronting Without bad mouthing the competition.we are wise enough.cool it
There is a fine line to ignorance, stupidity and due care. Thanks Dylan for doing the market research and en lightening others who could possibly throw away hard earned cash. Question? What happens to the upline recruiter when down liners don’t get their cut when the scheme collapses? Frustration- and many issues for certain
Well in a lot of similar cases promoters get prosecuted and have to give back money that goes back to their downline. Some promoters even go to jail!
Hi Dylan, someone have just introduced us to Crowd 1 we are still doing our research to know if its a scam or not so can you please tell us more about Wealthy Affilliate.
Crowd1 is a scam – it’s known as a ponzi scheme which most people lose their money. Wealthy Affiliate is a training program that teaches you how to make money online and build an online business. It’s free to try for days and you don’t need to put in your credit card.
I would like to know how you make money with crowd 1 because I’ve already joined
I don’t make money with Crowd1 – I don’t recommend anyone join Crowd1
Mr. Dylan. This is your personal opinion based on your not deep analysys…mostly emotions and tricky strategy to get readers attention to your “kind of business”…that’s all ! Why do you think you model of the business is more legit than Crowd1?))
Because Crowd1 isn’t a legitimate business model. It’s illegal and has been banned in multiple countries for being illegal.
Actually its factual. A business whose only major source of income is getting more people to join to pay for the previous people isn’t actually growing any total value at a greater rate than it’s growing members. It’s a mathematical fact that such a business model can only benefit some members at the expense of other members…because the expense of other members is the only major income.
Correct! It’s guaranteed to collapse too. So even the people making money now will be left hanging eventually.
Please let me know if crowd 1 it’s a Scam or not they want me to join them but I’m not sure if it’s legit or not. I’ve been Scamed many times. My contact 0823026720
It’s a scam.
If i want to join crowd1 what must i do
No clue – I wouldn’t recommend that you join.
Hey Dylan I actually came across this post while contemplating about the crowd1 though am a student and don’t even have the money for it so I would like if you tell me more about wealthy Affiliate program I would forever be greatful if you can
Join Wealthy Affiliate through one of the links up top – it’s completely free to join and you only upgrade if you want. Check it out for yourself.
Hi Dylan! Do you still pay the 49€ monthly, or is it just something you pay for lets say 3-6 months, til your “fully educated”. What kind of service do you provide online ? Do you work “under” someone like a boss, or are you self employed? And now the billion dollar questuon, wich probably depends on how much time and effort you put in your work…. but im curious to know how much you make? Sorry for all these questions and thank you in advance for ansvering them. Best wishes!
Those are all fair questions:
1) you pay $19 for first month and $49 for every month after. You get full access to their services and community (over a million people) for this. You can also pay yearly which comes out to $29 a month and even less if you do yearly today (black friday deal ends today).
2) I have very various websites that do a bunch of services. Basically you pick a market and review products for customers.
3) I don’t work under anyone but I do have mentors. All profits stay with me though. No passing up sales or anything like that.
4) I’ve made over $100,000 so far in the last couple of years.
Hello Dylan, I must say that this review is very helpful and informative. I heard about Crowd1 from my friend who recommended it to me, I decided to research it on the net and I am glad I stumbled upon your article. It is way too pricey to join, I could not afford it.
The price really isn’t the worst part. The worst part is it’s a ponzi scheme/scam. You shouldn’t invest any money no matter what it costs. It’s already being investigated for fraud which should be easy to determine.
Well Crowd1 is not any investment company! It’s a Network company like Facebook! We just buy a package of our choice! What did Facebook pays us? Or Instangram? Crowd1 does pay me daily at least 100 Euro! I must confess that it is the best Company I ever joined! I pray they never go scam! You are promoting here Wealthy affiliate, was a member too and their monthly payments was killing my pocket that time, not to mention I have never made a penny with them! In Crowd1 I made 3000 euro in my first 2 months! Impossible is nothing! Crowd1 ???
Well enjoy it while it lasts. It’s currently being investigated in several countries for being a ponzi scheme and will eventually collapse. Your time would have better served how to build a lasting online business.
U try 2run down another’s so u can advertise ur own. Sounds pathetic me …lets see how urs wont be talked down into crashing cos “wat goes around comes around!”
Crowd1 was just banned from Namibia and if you promote it there you can face 10 years in prison. This company is going to collapse before 2021:
My thought too
wealthy affiliates is worse,more than a scam because you pay $49 every month for life
You’re getting a service for paying monthly – website hosting, training, community help, support, etc.
Crowd1 is a complete scam in ever sense of the word. It’s banned in countries and is being investigated in many others. This company will fail by 2021, no doubt about it.
Hi Dylan,
As a good Samaritan and Humanitarian person, I just advise that you be careful with your words. There is a wisdom from the Christian Bible that says – Do Not Judge other people so that you too will not be judged and do not condemn other people so that you too will not be condemned. I am an Electrical Engineering graduate who specializes in multi-discipline such as Atomic Physics, Quantum Physics, Electronics, Digital Technology, Power Distribution, Automation, Instrumentation, Controls Systems and etc. There is a law in Quantum Physics that whatever Words that comes out of your mouth will be released into the atmosphere and the Universe will collaborate and process those words in a microscopic level and will align it until it reaches saturation point. When that times comes, it will return back to you and creates a sub-atomic matter that will return a hundred fold increase. The bottom line is that I don’t want you to get destroyed as it may affect you and your family. This is for your own good now and in future. Blessings to you!
I’d imagine the universe will reward me for debunking ponzi schemes.
Why is it not banned in South Africa?
Authorities haven’t caught on yet.
Hi Can one join if residing in Zimbabwe? I mean Wealth ….?
Why I have to pay $49 every month and how did I get $49 every month from, I don’t understand and how did I make money?
For Wealthy Affiliate? Wealthy Affiliate is training that teaches you how to build a long term online business. You make money by following the training and building a business.
It’s not a get rich scheme.
Hey, please you really need to edit this page. i joined crowd1 this month and i have made a lot of money from them. you probably must have joined since last year. So i believe you must be fucking rich by now.
I never invested because it’s a ponzi scheme. I probably could have made a ton but it wouldn’t be right. This scheme is being banned in different countries and people aren’t getting their payments. This won’t last too much longer.
And you sir are a poacher. You really should be ashamed. Marketing your own business by talking another one down. And then having the audacity to camouflage it as a public service. I am a proud Crowd1 Network partner. And this is going to change the world
Yeah I mean it’s going to change the world in the sense a bunch of people in South Africa are going to learn what a ponzi scheme is.
Totally Agree with You.. ECBosch… Good Answer
Yep Phillipines are on top of it. It’s going to collapse when they can’t recruit anymore.
It is so funny that after you made a negative review about Crowd1, you promote your own business. WTF.
It’s not my business. I review programs for a living and Wealthy Affiliate is the best. Crowd1 is one of the worst.
Of all the reviews, this is one that caught my attention to go through all the comments too.
My review on your review now.
Demoting other and promoting own prefer company is a funny review.
Wealthy affiliates gives training to be productive, Crowd one provide educational package (training for success) this training is limited to it’s member.
Wealthy Affiliates and Crowd1 give free registration, WA need to buy package after 7 days, Crowd1 can buy package of your choice anytime you like.
Not every trainee of WA is successful and productive which is same in Crowd1, not everyone gets rich but every1 happily collects crowd reward every week
Crowd 1 may be scam according to you doesn’t make any better with WA.
You think you might be promoting wealthy affiliates, but if I were the owner of Wealthy Affiliates, I will insist you to stop using the brand name.
Looking into your efforts that you put to downgrade Crowd1 and promote Wealthy Affiliates, u must be rich by now, but with that much of efforts and time spend since last year till now, if u put the same efforts in Crowd1, u will be a millionaire by now.
Thank you for you bias review.
I am a proud member of Crowd1 and I am happy, I made the right decision.
Do not judge the book by it’s cover.
If I promoted Crowd1 since the beginning, yes I would be a millionaire. I would also be getting investigated for promoting a ponzi scheme and be facing massive fines/jail time. Crowd1 is different than Wealthy Affiliate because Crowd1 is a ponzi scheme. It’s going to collapse and when it does most people will lose their money. It’s a scam and it’s banned in the USA, Namibia, Philippines and more.
I am Absolutely Agree with you Kuvoto,,,
Thanks for your support Kuvoto. In fact I already earned $300,000 in just 2 months time in Crowd1 last year 2019. To date I already earned about CAD$2.1 Million till now I’m writing this response – May 11, 2020. Before end of this year I can retire early with most likely a total earnings of CAD$3.2 Million. I joined Wealthy Affiliate since last year but have not earned anything yet until now.
Hold on to that money. When governments start cracking down and people get sued, you’re going to need a good lawyer (and have to pay back that money).
I work as a Senior Control Systems Engineer and do a decent Job in the Oil & Gas Industry for the past 34 years now. I have improved and upgraded my career into Finance/Economics/Marketing and Stock market Investment and was also a Crypto-Currency miner and investor since 2010. I have been making millions of dollars in Stock market and Crypto Currencies for many years now as I know how to analyze a potential stocks and potential Cryptos using my own created software. I have been a student of Warren Buffet for many years and if I ever invest on any Business Organization opportunity out there, it is not my responsibility to take care of the legality of their Business as I’m not the owner – I am just an investor. If my investment in Microsoft (which I have a hefty amount of shares) is squandered by Bill Gates, the U.S. government will not charge me of anything – They will charge Bill Gates isn’t it?
If you’ve been promoting Crowd1 and have been recruiting people into Crowd1 you’re breaking the law. It’s a ponzi scheme. We’re not talking about stocks here. In the Philippines you can go to jail for 21 years for promoting Crowd1:
This isn’t a warning to the owners. It’s a warning to PROMOTERS. When this goes under and lawsuits starting getting filed, owners AND promoters get in trouble. Not just the owners.
I do appreciate your response here Dylan – So far till to date, I have not been involved in promoting CROWD1 – I just invested into it and I’m under someone as that person is my up line – So in doing so I am legally entitled to the share of my profit isn’t that right as an investor? I just make sure I fully recover my investment and will continue to receive my benefits as that is not under my control – They continue to give me my profit weekly – So I am not bound by any law as I have not violated any securities fraud and I do understand that part of the commercial law.
I would be very careful about investing. This is a ponzi scheme which means it’s 100% guaranteed to fail. It’s going to collapse eventually and when it does you won’t be getting your money back. But you sound like a smart person and I hope you don’t get burned badly by this!
You’re committing securities fraud by promoting Crowd1:
A very similar ponzi scheme was Onecoin which scammed people out of billions.
Promoters were sued and charged with crimes for PROMOTING Onecoin:
Why need to attacked crowd 1…mind your own business. Why you should put down other business. If you want to promote your business…you don’t need to put down others. I am new in Crowd1 and I earned 50k pesos in 1 month with a starting of 99euros…how can u said that no money guarantee. You should only promote your business… not promoting others to catch the attention of the viewers. Funny you…
Crowd1 is almost done.. getting banned in a lot of countries now.
Hey Kuvoto, I have done my own due diligent research on CROWD1 Impact Crowd Technology and lots of people on the internet are accusing that CROWD1 have no products to sell and that they are accusing CROWD1 that the income of the upline members are only coming from the down line recruits – That is a false statement – Ever since last year they are already marketing Digital Products – not owned by the company but owned by other companies – CROWD1 business model is to do marketing of those Digital companies just like UBER – Uber does not own the cars or Taxis – but they are using the private vehicles of private individuals to generate income and profit out of it – The ignorance of the Public creates a wrong impression about CROWD1 as just a mere MLM company that does NOT have any product to sell but just a Ponzi Scheme or Scam – I think before they accuse CROWD1 of this – they need to see the networking the this company first – One of the website link that defines their Bsuness is this one – https://impactct.com/about/our-business
Crowd1 has already lied about their products once:
They’re being investigated in Norway, Philippines, Nambia and other countries.
Only a matter of time before they’re done.
I really agree with you Kuvoto…Its okay Dylan if you are trying to attacked Crowd1 but be sure you are not promoting other business. Every time you are attacking Crowd 1 then you will invites viewer to invest in some sort of investment. What kind of human are you? Trying to put down others to lift the others. Just go do your business by promoting wealthy affiliates. You are so embarrassing. Have you been invested in Crowd? Have you been scammed? Funny coz you don’t even tried but you are trying to attacked crowd1 and make it sound like scam so they will invest in the other one you promoting.
I’m not soliciting investments. What I offer is training. Crowd1 is an outright scam.
Is it urs that isn’t a scam, u criticise what others do, then y are u too in a networking activity, it’s better if u create your own enterprise, just Bc u want more down lines, you discourage others from joining competitive affiliate marketing platform as urs, it’s uncalled for, continue with urs and let others continue with theirs. Life itself is risk. Don’t sabotage, if one decides to invest his or her money, the individual shld know that investment is risk, U’ll either gain or loss.
You’re not in affiliate marketing with Crowd1.. you’re in a ponzi scheme.
Good day Dlyan,I tired registering into Wealthy Affiliate but was told that my country is not supported. Am feeling so bad.I want to earn a living, My family is So poor.
Google affiliate marketing on Youtube! You’ll find free information there!
This is a pretty tricky analysis)) The main point of this article to draw reader’s attention to his own business idea…which is smart from the other hand) Anyway, it’s never worked to blame some one and get benefits and prosper out of it… There is no prove that author of this article earned $100,000.00 ))) Anyone can put any figures like $1,000,000.00 or even higher)) but there is no actual proove…we got to believe someone and invest our personal money according to someone’s words…)) tricky… Best way to educate ourself! There a lots of resources on internet regarding any topic. It’s a real free blessing! Then start to do actions according to your level of education.
I can easily prove what I’ve made:
I like how those against crowd1 actually speak in coherent sentences.
LOL thanks!
I like it too especially with the comparison statistics at the Alexa Ranking below:
crowd1.com vs. wealthyaffiliate.com
Domain:crowd1.com crowd1.com wealthyaffiliate.com wealthyaffiliate.com
HTTP/2 Support:
HTTPS Support:
Daily Unique Visitors: (CROWD1)562,495 vs. (WA) 289,413
Monthly Unique Visitors: (CROWD1)13,499,880 vs. (WA)6,945,912
Daily Pageviews: (CROWD1) 2,896,848 vs. (WA)2,121,395
Alexa Rank: (CROWD1) 4,309 vs. (WA) 7,859
Alexa Reach: (CROWD1) 0.0124% vs. (WA)0.00638%
Why doesn’t anybody talk about the fact that members are being paid every time they sign-up somebody new. When a package is being bought, the new member pays the money into an existing member’s account. This money doesn’t ever reach Crowd1. According to Crowd1, you accumulate “money”, a digital currency called “owner rights and other various bonuses, that is usable to “purchase” packages for new members. I.e. The existing member gets paid real money to issue a new member a package bought with a digital currency.
Nobody will say that because they all want to kill crowd1 that refuses to die? imagine all the attacks and crowd1 is cruising to its second anniversary. Lol??
It’s been active for 1 year. And it’s dying.
Didn’t get the supposed mail
Must all these radios without batteries run someone else’s effort down just to promote their scamming business.
Crowd1 is a scam and yet members are making millions day in day out and chaging and making life style statements everywhere. For more than one year going, it still stands strong and churning out products upon products. Every week, members receive their crowd1 rewards for keeps. It is quite unfortunate, the writer of this epileptic and kwashiokored write up lacks in-depth understanding of the workings of Crowd1.
You got it right Kingsley, All I see here is lack of information and greed for self enrichment, the comments about crowd 1 are screwed to benefit individual interest, this business is growing bigger and better, Its going to sweep these other companies before they know it!!
I was scam yesterday
This is very informative! Kudos