iSurveyWorld is a website that allows you to make money by taking surveys..

If you're thinking about joining you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you're going to find everything you need to know about iSurveyWorld including background information, how you make money and more.

You'll know if this site is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it.

iSurveyWorld Summary

Product: iSurveyWorld

Price to join: Free

Money making method: Surveys

Do I recommend? No!

Overall rating :  1 / 5

iSurveyWorld is legit in the sense that you can actually make money and they're not scamming you out of anything.

The problem is that it's low quality and there's not a lot of money to make here.

The surveys at this site only pay pennies and it's going to take a lot of effort just to make $10.

At the end of the day your time would be better served elsewhere.

Better opportunity: If you want to learn how to make serious money online, click the button below. There you'll see where I learned how to make 6 figures online:

Surveys Are A Bad Way To Make Money

Before I get into iSurveyWorld I just want to say a few things about survey sites and sites like them.

Almost in every instance they're not worth your time because they pay so little - this is a problem that you're going to find with iSurveyWorld.

Most of the surveys at these sites only offer you less than a dollar to do surveys that can last longer than 30 minutes.

Only a few sites will give you surveys where you can make $10 a survey or something like that.

Even then they're competitive and the company conducting the survey is looking for a specific demographic - meaning you're not going to qualify for every survey. 

There's much better ways to make money online.

For example, I do affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing you can basically get started for free and you can make thousands per month.

How Do You Make Money Here?

Many survey sites offer a lot of different ways to make money besides just surveys. 

For instance, they have games you can play where you can earn money or do other offers like downloading apps.

However, all you can do at iSurveyWorld is do surveys.

There's two types of surveys here:

  1. iSurveyWorld's own surveys
  2. Sponsored surveys on third party sites

The first are just surveys that companies pay iSurveyWorld to conduct.

The second is other survey sites that pay to be promoted by iSurveyWorld. They either get a commission everytime you click the link and sign up or they get a portion of the commission. 

The promotional surveys on this site are very aggressive and sometimes it's hard to tell them apart from iSurveyWorld's.

Also, keep in mind you'll have to sign up and create an account for every survey site that you join from iSurveyWorld as well. 

How Do You Get Your Money Out?

There's only one payment processor that you can use at iSurveyWorld and that's Paypal.

Paypal is probably the best way to get your money because it can be used worldwide and you can connect your bank account to it easily.

Additionally, you need to accumulate $25 before you can withdraw which will not be easy.

Most of the surveys you get offered will only pay out pennies and you'll have to do quite a bit to actually reach the $25 threshold.

I'm guessing a lot of people give up before reaching it, meaning they basically ended up doing surveys for free. 

Hey, I Make A Full Time Living Working Online!

4 years ago I figured out how to make money online and have been making money online since. In fact, I make more now than I ever have before in my life and work completely from home!

You Get $5 For Signing

One of the best things about iSurveyWorld is that you get $5 for signing up.

This makes the $25 that you have to reach a little more obtainable.

Keep in mind, though, you don't get to just withdraw th $5 right after you sign up if that's your plan.

You actually have to complete surveys and get to $25 before you can get it.

Who Can Join iSurveyWorld?

Technically anyone can join but that doesn't mean there's the same opportunity for everyone.

When surveys are looking for people to answer questions they're usually looking for a specific group.  

They want a certain age group, a certain sex, a person with a certain job and people from a certain country.

Usually people from America, U.K., Canada, Australia and countries like these get the most surveys. 

According to Alexa, most of the traffic for this website comes from Mexico, USA and India:

Other countries that apparently get a lot of survey are Argentina, Brazil and Spain. 

Is The Site Easy To Navigate?

In terms of how the site looks and how easy it is to navigate I like it. 

Everything is clearly labeled and I didn't feel confused while trying to get around.

Also, while there's not an app it is designed to work with mobile and work with mobile browsers.

However, I had a really hard time signing up.

When I put in my information and email address nothing would happen. The page would just refresh like I didn't sign up for anything.

That's was annoying and it took a long time to actually get past that.

iSurveyWorld Pros And Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about this site


  • Free to join: I don't think there's really much of a chance you make anything significant from iSurveyWorld but it is free. Worst case scenario you end up losing some time.
  • You get $5 when you sign up: Another thing I like about this site is you get $5 when you sign up. This is is a nice touch.


  • Low earning potential: At the end of the day there's just not a lot to make here. You're going to be doing surveys for pennies and it doesn't add to much.
  • High payment threshold: Even though you get $5 when you sign up it's still going to be pretty hard to get to the $25 threshold to withdraw. This means a lot of people will probably quit before being able to withdraw their earnings. 
  • Too many sponsored surveys: Another thing I don't like is how many sponsored surveys there are. These aren't as good as surveys offered by iSurveyWorld because you'll get less money.
  • Had a hard time signing up: I don't know if this is a problem everyone has but it was a problem for me. It took a lot of attempts to actually be able to sign up for me.

Is iSurveyWorld A Scam?

I don't know if scam is the right word.

You actually can earn money with this website and there's no indication they steal money from you.

The problem is it's just not a good opportunity.

It's going to make anything real here because you get paid so little and you won't get unlimited survey.

It's going to be hard to reach the $25 needed to get your money out.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd skip iSurveyWorld if I were you. 

If you're still interested in making money online you should check out Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is the single best place to learn how to make money online and it's where I learned how to.

Since joining I've been able to quit my job to work full time from home - I make more than I ever have in my life now!

The best part?

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Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • iSurvey world is definitely a scam, even if the user reach threshold of $25, he still need to wait till 4-5 of the next month to get those completed surveys money credited in your account.

    While Redeeming, (unlike other survey sites) iSurvey World didn’t ask you to put your PayPal details. I assume they transfer the money to the PayPal account registered with the same email ID with which user has registered on iSurvey World.

    Then after you press redeem, the money will never come to your PayPal. (iSurvey World FAQ says it will take 3-4 weeks, though that’s not gonna happen)

    There is no customer care contact number and the Contact Us button will show 404 error after submitting the complaint.

    In this age of internet this is what i found on iSurvey World portal ‘�2013 All rights reserved.’ Look at the year when the website has copy right for.

    Good Luck with your time and efforts!!!

  • I took surveys and reached payment threshold. Processed payment longer than a month ago but they won’t send payment. I emailed them several times but no reply. This is very unethical and unprofessional. It uses people to make money but won’t pay to people who spend a long time on surveys. Obviously Isurveyworld is scammer.

  • I finally got my payout from this…
    I finally got my payout from this company but had to wait a long time for it. I was beginning to wonder whether I would ever receive my reward for the time I had spent doing surveys and I tried on many occasions to contact them, but never had a single reply.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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