​​​​Bonus 2: Outsource Mastery


First of all, Welcome to my course - Hiring Writer Like a PRO Even If You've Never Hired Before!

I know this has been a long-awaited course as I've been updating the community about this for the past few weeks.

So, THANK YOU for waiting!

In this lesson, we'll be focusing on debunking the Top 3 Misconceptions about hiring...

What I need you to do now is to:

  1. Close your Facebook
  2. Put away your phone
  3. Basically get rid of all the distractions around you
  4. Grab a pen & paper

And start taking notes as you go along with the course.

The estimated time you need to complete this course is around 1-2 hours.

But I guarantee you that this 1-2 hour can save you lots of time and struggle when hiring a writer should you choose to do it on your own.

Before we get started, let me just give you the overall idea of WHO is this course for and WHY you should take this course...

1. WHO is This Course For?

This course is mainly for people who:

  1. Suck at writing either because English is not your mother tongue language or you simply feel that you don't have the talent to write.
  2. Don't have time to write because you have a full-time job, family to take care or other commitments.
  3. Want to scale your business by outsourcing so that you can have multiple projects going on at the same time.
  4. Have tried outsourcing & hiring before but didn't have good results

2. WHY You Should Take This Course

Here's my promise to you for my course:

  1. I'm going to show you a Little-known Platform where you can hire high quality writers at very affordable prices (I hired my Full-Time writer at just $400/month and he is doing an amazing job!)
  2. Your writer will willingly write as many posts as you want at a fixed price! (Not based on word counts or number of posts)
  3. I've broken down the entire hiring process into 5 Simple Stages that you can easily follow and implement
  4. Most importantly, I've prepared ALL the Proven Templates you need to interview and communicate with your job applicants. All you need to do is to copy, paste & customize the proven Templates and send them to your applicants. This will help you immensely in choosing the BEST Writer for you to hire!

So, even if you've never hired anybody before, I promise that by the end of this course, you'll be able to have the confidence in hiring the right writer that's most suitable for you.

Are you ready with your pen & paper?

Let's get started by sharing with you a little bit of my own outsourcing story...

3. My Outsourcing Story

If you went through the main course (100k Amazon Profits) you'll see I developed a strategy that can be used for basically free to make a $100,000+. 

Here's the thing, though: This strategy can be replicated in a million different niches but one person couldn't possibly handle more than one website following my strategy. 

This was a major issue for me because I saw so many ways I could make money but knew I was just one person.

Luckily, I belong to the best affiliate marketing community out there, Wealthy Affiliate, and a friend in there told me how to hire full time writers for extremely cheap (only $400 to $450 a month).

Since then I've hired three writers and now I can finally make as many websites as I want!

Let me tell you, it’s not easy.

If you’ve tried hiring before, you’ll know there are a lot of issues and problem, such as finding a good writer, ensuring that your writer meets your expectations, training your writer and many many more.

But here’s what happened…

After spending lots of time learning about the entire process of outsourcing and hiring, I managed to find a really really great writer at just $400/month, who is now:

  • Working for me full-time
  • Writing 5 posts per week
  • Each post is at least 1500 to 2000 words
  • And most importantly, he is very trainable

Some of you may think I’m just lucky. But let me tell you, hiring is a learnable and trainable skill.

If you’re able to apply the strategies I’ll be teaching you in this course, I can guarantee you that you’ll able to achieve similar or even better results than me.

So, that’s my little outsourcing story. Now, let’s take a look at an overview of this course...

4. What to Expect in this Course?

First of all, we'll start by debunking some of your misconceptions about outsourcing. For example, outsourcing is very expensive, it’s hard to find a good writer and it will take a long time.

We need to get these misconceptions out of the way before you can really absorb the new mindset and strategy I’ll be sharing with you.

Right after that, I’ll cover the basics of outsourcing, such as which platform to use, what type of writer you should and should not hire and most importantly, you’ll learn what are the right mindsets to have as an employer.

Yes, you’re going to be an employer! Many of you have never been an employer before. But don’t worry, I’ll show you how.

And finally, we’ll dive into the 5 different stages of outsourcing:

  1. Getting Job Applicants
  2. Filtering (Job interviews)
  3. Recruiting
  4. Training
  5. Long-Term Relationship

Take note! You need to stay till the end of the course because throughout this course, I’ll be providing you with various proven templates you can use directly to hire people.

Every single lesson has crucial knowledge you need to successfully hire a suitable writer for you.

So, let’s get started!

Misconception #1: Hiring Writer is Expensive!

The very first misconception most people have with hiring a writer is that it’s very expensive.

Many people will start telling you that if you want to have long and in-depth content, you need to spend a lot. For example, you’ll most probably need to spend a minimum of $50 to $100 per 1000 word in-depth article, things like that.

And if you want 20 of these articles on your blog per month (just like me), this will add up to at least $1000 to $2000 per month.

In this case, I agree hiring a writer a expensive and you’ll most likely spend a lot more than you actually earn.

But here’s the first paradigm shift I want you to have.

Everyone who told you hiring writer is expensive are all hiring on a Freelance basis.

In other words, they’re paying writers based on word counts and the number of posts.

Isn’t that very restrictive?

Instead of hiring on the freelance basis, what I’ll be teaching you is how to hiring writers on a Full-time basis.

What this means is that you no longer have to pay your writers based on the number of words they write. You now have full control on how long you want your writer to write per article and how many posts you want him or her to write, all at a fixed price.

In my case, if I were to hire a writer on a freelance basis, there’s no way I can find someone who is willing to write 20 in-depth and quality posts per month at just $400.

No freelancer will do that.

So this is the first mindset shift I want you to have.

Right now, don’t worry too much about HOW all these can be done because I’ve arranged this course in a way that it’s easy to understand and implement.

So, just follow along and you’ll be able to hire your ideal writer one step at a time.

Misconception #2: Does the "Best" Writer Even Exists?

The second misconception is that most people think they need to find the “Best” and the “Perfect” writer first before they can even start outsourcing.

That’s why many people never even take the first step because their own perfectionism is holding them back.

Some people have tried finding a good writer before but they simply gave up after a few failures.

Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t look for the “Best” writer as much as possible. But we need to know the right definition of a good writer.

I would say there are 4 main types of writer:

  1. There are highly professional writers whom you most likely can’t afford unless you have a company and you’re willing to pay a few thousand bucks per month to hire this kind of professional writers.
  2. There are affordable writers who have very clear writing styles of their own.
  3. There are affordable writers who are very learnable and trainable.
  4. There are writers who only cares about the money and not so much about the content.

I’m sure it’s very clear that our ideal writers are those learnable and trainable ones, right?

And these writers DON'T even need to be native-English speakers.

It’s one of the biggest misconceptions that in order to have the best content, you need to hire writers from the US, UK or Canada.

Nope, not at all.

The 4 types of writers I mentioned just now can appear anywhere. There are a lot of lousy writers in the US, UK or Canada as well. It doesn’t mean they’ll always be better at writing just because English is their first language.

The only thing I can guarantee you about writers from the US, UK and Canada is that they’ll definitely be much more expensive.

On the other hand, there are many good writers from the Philippines, Vietnam or India.

Listen carefully!

Whether you hire a native English-speaking writer or not, the amount of work you need to put into searching and filtering the most suitable writer for you is almost the same.

It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easier for you to find a good writer from the US, UK or Canada. Like I’ve mentioned, the only guarantee is that your cost will be much higher.

If I insisted on hiring a writer from the US, UK or Canada, it’s impossible for me to find such a quality writer at just $400/month.

My writer is a Filipino by the way.

So, the second mindset shift I want you to have is to stop looking for the “Perfect” writer. Instead, start focusing on whether the writer is a good learner. That’s the most important character you need in the long run.

Even if the writer is very good at writing, if he is not a good learner and he can’t follow your instructions carefully, he’s out.

The right definition of a good writer should be his or her ability to learn and follow instructions!

Got it?

Misconception #3: Hiring Takes a Long Time

The last misconception I want to talk about here is that many people think hiring takes a long time and a lot of effort.

I agree hiring is a tedious process IF you don’t have the right mindset and skill.

For me, I found my “perfect” writer within a week. And I trained him for another week before he started writing for me.

So I believe if you’re able to adopt the right skill in searching and filtering your applicants, it’s a very simple process.

And there’s another huge advantage for YOU because like I’ve mentioned, I’ll provide you with ALL the proven templates I personally use in this course.

All you need to do is to simply copy, paste and customize the template.

So whether hiring takes a long time or not, you’ll figure that out yourself after this course!

It's important to understand what are the reasons that are holding us back. That's why I covered the misconceptions first.

After getting rid of the misconceptions, now it's time to understand some of the basics of outsourcing...

1. When Should I Outsource?

So, When should I outsource? Am I ready to hire a writer and outsource content?

In order to answer that question, we need to understand the purpose for hiring a writer.

The ultimate Goal for hiring a writer is to free our time and still get our contents done.

At the same time, we don’t want to put extra financial burden on ourselves in the process of outsourcing.

So my advice to you is to ONLY consider outsourcing if your website or your blog is earning you at least double of what you have to pay for your writer.

For example, I’m paying my writer $400/month. Ideally, I would need to be earning at least $800 from my blog before I start outsourcing.

You don’t want to spend your other income to pay your writer. That's the ideal situation.

So, if your website is not making any money yet or it’s earning very little, I would advise you to continue writing yourself and increase the income you earn from your website.

But if you're fine with spending your own hard earned money from other income source to pay your writer and grow your business, by all means please go ahead as long as you know exactly what you're doing.

Even if you're not ready to start hiring a writer, I would still recommend you to complete this course because this will give you a great head-start when you’re ready to outsource and scale your business.

2. Which is the Best Platform to Outsource Content?

So, we’ve understand WHEN we should start outsourcing. Now, the question is - WHERE to outsource?

The most common places people will think of include FiverrUpwork and Textbroker.

In fact, there are a ton of platforms but most of them are all for hiring freelance writers, including Fiverr. Upwork and Textbroker.

Do you still remember what kind of writer are we looking for?

Yes, Full-Time writers, not Freelance, so that we can cut down our costs.

(By the way, if you want to hire freelance writers to help you with some articles, please go ahead and use Fiverr, Upwork or Textbroker. But that's not the main focus in this training.)

To hire affordable full-time writer, I recommend this platform called Onlinejobs.ph.

Onlinejobs.ph is the platform dedicated to help you hire Filipino workers.

Now, let me explain why this is the best platform for you to outsource content…

  1. The average salary and cost of living in Philippines is significantly lower than more developed countries like the US. That’s why you’re actually not underpaying your writer. You’re just taking advantage of the difference in the cost of living between Philippines and your country.
  2. You might be thinking... Yea, I can pay lesser, but what about the quality of their work? Let me share with you something interesting about Philippines. Some of you might think Filipinos generally don’t have a good command of English. You’re wrong. English is a commonly used language, not just in their daily lives, but also in schools, business and government. English is part of their Filipino culture. That’s why it’s a smart idea to hire someone from Philippines to be your writer.
  3. Apart from that, most Filipinos are honest, loyal and dedicated. After filtering your applicants through the strategies I’ll be sharing with you in the later part of the course, you can easily find the suitable writer that you can trust.

So in my opinion, the best place for you to find the most cost-effective writer is Onlinejobs.ph.

5 Stages of Outsourcing Content

After going through all the mindset and the basics of outsourcing, we’re finally getting started with the actual hiring process.

I’ve broken down the entire process into 5 simple stages that’s easy for you to follow and implement.

Let me give you a quick overview…

  • Stage 1: Getting Job Applicants. Your goal at this stage is to get as many relevant applicants to your writing job offer as much as possible.
  • Stage 2: Filtering. This is where you’ll start to conduct interviews and filter out the unqualified applicants.
  • Stage 3: Recruiting. I’ll talk about what are the things you need to do when you’ve found the writer you want. (e.g. how to recruit and sign contract, etc.)
  • Stage 4: Training. I’ll be teaching you how to train your writer so that he or she knows your expectations, including the content, research, tone, writing style, etc.
  • Stage 5: Long-Term Relationship. This is where you’ll learn how to keep your writer for a long time.

So, are you ready to get started?

Let’s Go!

Your Task: Create an account with Onlinejobs.ph.

In order for you to search and hire Filipino writers, you'll need to rely on Onlinejobs.ph as they have tens of thousands of skilled workers ready to start working.

Simply go to their website and create a FREE account first. They have other pricing options which I'll explain in the next lesson.

By the way, I'm not allowed to post my affiliate link for Onlinejobs.ph in Wealthy Affiliate. So, if you want to use my affiliate link as a gesture to thank me, you can PM me or leave a comment below and I'll give you my affiliate link to use.

How To Get Job Applicants

There are 2 main ways for you to get job applicants:

  1. Post your job offer on Onlinejobs.ph so that interested applicants can see and send their application to you (Passive method)
  2. Search for workers based on their skills. This is what I called "writer hunting". (Active method)

For this lesson, it's much easier for me to explain the whole process through screencast video. So, I've prepared 2 videos for you to watch in this lesson for the respective method of getting applicants...

Step 1: Job Listing/Post a Job

Listing is where you post the job and all members of Onlinejobs.ph can see it.

​I've prepared a Template for your Job Description. Just customize this template and use it to post your job following the video:


Step 2: Writer "Hunting"

Hunting is when you go to writer profiles and message them about the job. 

Below is the Template message for you to send to your potential writer during the "hunting" phase:


Important Tip:

Searching, filtering and recruiting is really a “Numbers Game”. Pick at least 10-30 applicants initially and filter them during interviews!

Explaining Onlinejobs.ph Pricing Options

By now, you should have created a FREE account with onlinejobs.ph following my previous lesson.

Now I just want to talk about the pricing options:

Just like Wealthy Affiliate, Onlinejobs.ph FREE account is FREE FOR LIFE.

You can post your job post with the FREE membership. But it'll take up to 2 days for your job post to be approved.

In order for you to contact and hire workers on onlinejobs.ph, you have to get the PRO Membership.

They say it's $69/month. But don't worry about this.


  1. Like I've mentioned in the previous lesson, if you're considering to hire a writer, you should already be making some money consistently from your website. That's the most ideal situation. So, $69 shouldn't be a problem for you.
  2. This is NOT an ongoing or recurring fee despite they put it $69/month. You can cancel your PRO Membership once you've hired your desired writer. This means you only need to pay $69 one time, unless you can't hire a writer within 30 days (which is quite impossible by following my course)

In fact, they recommend you to cancel your membership once you've hired your writer:

After you've hired your writer, you won't need onlinejobs.ph anymore because you'll be communicating with your writer via Email or Skype.

So this is a one-time investment. Once you've found your writer, you'll most likely to be working with him for months or years to come (if you implement the tips I'll be sharing with you in the coming lessons).

Interviewing Your Applicants

In the previous lesson, we talked about how to get job applicants to your job offer.

You'll probably need around 2 for that and start getting messages from your job applicants.

Your goal in the previous lesson is to get as many job applicants as possible. (At least 10 to 30)

And then, this lesson is to help you interview them and select the one that's most suitable to you.

So, let's get started...

1. How to Interview Your Applicants?

Quick answer for this question is - Conduct Email interview.

Some of you might be wondering, shouldn’t we conduct Skype interview so that we can talk to our applicants?

That’s a good question. But let me share with you 2 downsides to Skype interviews:

  1. Many Filipinos are good at writing but not really good at speaking especially with their accent. So you may lose some potential candidates if you require Skype interview. Also, because of their accent, many are shy and not confident speaking. But this doesn’t mean they can’t write.
  2. Remember I told you that hiring is a numbers game? So if you need to conduct Skype interview for each applicant, it’s going to take you a lot of time. That’s why it’s not necessary for you to conduct a Skype interview.

There’s only one exception. Unless the job you’re offering requires them to speak, such as customer service type of jobs, then it’s best for you to conduct Skype interview.

However, in this case, we’re hiring a writer, so Email interview is enough.

2. Step-by-Step Interview Templates

Now, this is one of the most important part of the course so please pay attention!

To help you interview your applicants, I've prepared a Proven Interview Template with 4 very important messages you need to send to your applicants in the sequence provided.

All you need to do is to customize the details based on your own need and then send them to your applicants.

You can send it via Onlinejobs.ph messaging platform or via Email.

Here we go:


3. How to Identify the Right Writer?

Now, you've gotten step-by-step interview questions.

But how do you actually filter out unqualified applicants and identify the right person?

That’s what we’ll be discussing here.

In total, there are 7 main characteristics we’ll be looking out for:

#1 Customized Application

One common problem is that some of the applicants already have a template message they created for job application. In other words, they’re simply copy and pasting that exact same application message to as many job posts as possible.

We should avoid this kind of application as we’re looking for quality writer. If they don’t want to spend the time to read through your job post, then there’s no reason for you to even offer them an opportunity, make sense?

The good news is that such applications are actually pretty easy to spot. Just by reading through their application, you can feel the tone they’re using and whether they’ve actually read through your job post or not.

#2 Good English

Like I’ve mentioned before, Filipinos generally have good command of English because it’s one of their commonly used language in their daily lives.

But during your interview process, you should still look out for their command of English through their messages.

This is the same regardless if you’re hiring people from the US, UK, Canada or Philippines.

So, please don’t give assumptions based on where the writer is from, alright?

#3 Prompt Reply

Having a prompt reply from your applicants is extremely important as this can imply the amount of time they’ll usually take to reply you should you hire the person.

So we should definitely give more priority to those you can always reply to your messages promptly. This is another advantage of having a series of interview questions.

Ideally, because of the time zone difference, we should give them up to 24 hours to reply to your individual message. (Time zone in Philippines is GMT+8)

If they need to take more than 24 hours or even up to 48 hours to reply, I’ll usually not consider them because we always want to look for people who can reply promptly.

#4 Follow Instructions & Answer ALL Your Questions CLEARLY

Again, this can be clearly seen through the series of interview questions. It’s very easy to spot if they skip any questions, be it on purpose or not.

It’s also very easy to judge if their answers are clear, targeted and specific. If you find that their reply is too generic and unclear, just turn them down. Don’t feel bad about it.

#5 Professional Response

For this one, I’m not saying their response must be super formal because you want to build a long term relationship in the long run and not just a employer - employee relationship.

But their response shouldn’t be too casual either.

What do I mean by casual?

Basically, you don’t want to see them being too colloquial in their job application and interview process. If they keep on using a lot of abbreviations, too many emojis? things like that.

They should only be casual and colloquial when you’ve hired them and you’ve been working together for some time.

#6 Detail Oriented

Remember in the job description template I provided you, I have a mini-task for job applicants, and that is to reply to my job offer starting with ‘Hola Jerry’.

This is an extremely awesome strategy to immediately filter out many job applicants from my experience.

Because this is a very efficient way to see if they pay attention to your details.

If they can’t even follow simple instructions in your job description, there’s no reason for you to work with them, right?

Anyway, you’ll be surprised by the amount of people who can’t even follow such simple instructions because many of them don’t even read through your job description thoroughly.

Below is a good example of a potential candidate:

  1. It's very clear that this message is not a pre-written message this applicants has created in advance.
  2. And he has also read through my job offer in full because this is a custom message starting with "Hola Jerry".
  3. He has clearly explained why he is a good fit for the job

#7 Dare to Ask Questions

One major reason why I’ve chosen my current writer is because he dared to ask me questions during the interview phase.

The reason for this is because there are many people who are simply too afraid to ask questions because they feel “questioning” their employers are bad.

But from the employers point of view, dare to ask questions is actually a really good characteristic as this is much better for long term partnership.

For example, if you’ve given a wrong or misleading instructions, you need people who dare to ask questions to point out your mistakes, right?

You wouldn’t want to hire someone who simply keeps their mouth shut even if the instruction is weird or wrong.

For my writer, during our interview phase, he asked me politely about his required working schedulehis paycheck and my content expectations even before I asked him those questions.

Those are good signs to look out for!

So, let's do a quick recap...

The 7 characteristic of a good potential candidate include:

  1. Customized Application
  2. Good English
  3. Prompt Reply
  4. Follow Instructions & Answer ALL Your Questions CLEARLY
  5. Professional Response
  6. Detailed Oriented
  7. Dare to Ask Questions

4. Final Filtering Tips

With all the tips and interview templates I’ve provided you in this Filtering phase, I’m sure choosing the right writer doesn’t feel that hard anymore, right?

Before we move on to our next stage which is our recruiting stage, I just want to share 2 more important tips with you regarding filtering your applicants:

#1 DO NOT Compare Salaries!

Some workers will ask for higher wages while some will ask for lower wages. The bottom line is that everyone has different needs. So there’s no point comparing salaries.

Also, the amount they ask for has no direct relationship with the quality of their work. Some people can provide you with amazing work but they only ask for a pretty low salary and vice versa.

The most important thing is still the actual interview and filtering process which we’ve talked about earlier on.

If they don’t accept your pay offer, don’t try to convince them to reduce the amount they’re asking for because this can directly reflect on the quality of their work in the future. Make sense?

So, if you can’t agree on the salary in the first place, just thank them and move on to finding others.


There's one part of the interview process inside my template where we can NEGOTIATE with them about their pay.

Take note! We're NOT convincing them to lower the amount they're asking for. We're simply asking them IF THEY'RE OKAY WITH OUR BUDGET.

There's a difference in tone between convincing them versus asking them if they're okay.

Because asking them if they're okay means it's totally fine for them to say NO.

But if you're saying something like, "I think the amount you're asking for is too high. Could you lower that to XXX amount?", the tone is completely different.

This may sound confusing. Just remember, don't convince. Just do a simple negotiation if the amount they're asking for is higher than your budget.

And then, if they say they're not okay with your budget, then just move on and find the next.

#2 DON'T Make Decisions Too Early During The Filtering & Recruiting Phase!

You’ll never know when will a better candidate suddenly appear.

Remember, it’s a numbers game.

There will likely be a tendency for you to accept a writer before you even completed the series of interview messages I’ve prepared for you.

If you have that intention, just remember my advice - don’t make decisions too early and make sure you complete the entire interview process before deciding!

P.S. This stage should occupy you for a few days getting back and forth with your applicants.

Congrats for Choosing Your Writer!

After the previous section, you should be able to easily identify the right person you want to work with.

If not, just go back to the previous lesson and go through it one more time or leave a comment below with the difficulties you're facing.

In this stage, we’ll be discussing about the recruiting details when you’ve chosen your writer.

To start off, I’ll just show you my hiring template I personally use.

All the details are in there. Take some time to go through it and I’ll talk to you about some of the most common questions after that.

1. Hiring Template

So, this is the first thing you need to send to your writer when you've made your decision on which one to hire:


Go through this document in full and you'll understand why I said this is a very important document to have.

2. Contract or No?

When hiring a writer online, one very common question is whether some sort of contract is needed.

If you’re hiring people on a Freelance basis, no contract is needed obviously and no taxes are involved.

In this case, although we’re hiring people on a Full-time basis, this type of hiring is actually not officially regulated by any authority or any country because you’re leveraging on a third-party platform and hiring a virtual worker from another country to work with you.

This concept is similar to hiring your neighbor’s son to help you do some errands and you reward him with some pocket money. In this scenario, you’re not hiring your neighbor’s son on official contract and you don’t need to pay any taxes for hiring your neighbor’s son, right?

So from my experience, no official contract is needed and no tax is involved as well when you’re hiring a virtual worker online.

If no official contract is needed, how do you make sure your writer will obey your rules?

This is why the document I prepared for you earlier on is very important.

You have to send that document to your writer immediately when you’ve decided to work with him or her.

Inside that document, that’s where all your rules and expectations should be layout properly upfront.

So, the very first thing is to ask your writer read through the document completely and if he or she accepts the terms and conditions inside that document.

If you’re a more careful person, you can even ask him or her to sign that document and both of you keep a copy of that.

So, it’s like an informal agreement between the two of you.

3. Communication with Your Writer

In the beginning, you’ll definitely contact your worker via the Onlinejobs.ph messaging platform. From there, you can slowly transition to contacting via Emails.

And then finally, for convenience sake, you can contact and chat with your writer via Skype.

For me right now, I only use Skype to chat with my writer everyday because I ask him to send me daily updates on his progress. This is something that you should do as well. (Instruction on daily updates is also included in the recruiting document).

4. How Does Your Writer Publish Posts on Your Site?

Some of you might be wondering do they send you their articles and you publish them yourself or do you give them access to your site? If so, what kind of access should I give them?

If you’re hiring someone on a Freelance basis, you should considering just letting them send you the post and you publish it yourself.

But we’re hiring someone on a Full-time basis. And do you still remember our ultimate goal for outsourcing?

Our goal is to FREE OUR TIME!

So we must give them access and let them write and publish posts for us. Of course, you need to train them along the way.

But the most important thing is that we want to minimize the time we spend on writing and publishing content. That’s why we can’t just ask them to send you their posts and you publish them yourself.

In the long run, it’s going to take you a lot of time so it’s definitely not going to be very efficient.

So, in WordPress, you can create additional users for your site. My recommendation is to set your writer as an "Author".

To create an Author login for your writer, just go to your WP dashboard > Users > Add New.

After you've added a new user using your writer's Email, he/she will be notified with the login details.

With the Author role, they don’t have access to all of your website except their own content. So, they can only write and edit their own contents. You don’t have to worry that they may screw up your site or anything like that.

However, if in some cases you need them to help you edit the contents you’ve created yourself, you have to set them as an “Editor”.

In this case, they can edit all the contents created by you as well. Of course, if you want to do this, you need to build good trust with your writer in the first place.

This is at your own risk but it’s also based on your own need.

But take note this is not recommended unless necessary!

5. Laying Your Expectations

Many of you are concerned about the quality of the contents written by your writer. But that part should be figured out before you even hired them when you offered them the sponsored test (trial article).

So the more important thing at this stage is whether they’re able to write in the style and the tone that fit your website.

I’ll cover that in detail in the next stage which is training.

But right now, there’s one important element you need to handle well at this recruiting stage - and that is your expectations.

As you can see in the document I provided you earlier on, I’m 100% clear on what are the things I’m looking for and what I expect my writer to do and obey.

For example, you need to tell them you expect them to only work for you and no one else.

(By the way, this is not being selfish. You’re paying them full-time so you have the right to request that to ensure the quality of their work.)

You also need to make it clear to them that you want this to be a long-term relationship.

On one hand, this is to make sure they have the right mindset and attitude. On the other hand, this is to give them confidence that you want to hire them for a long time and won’t anyhow fire them unless their work is really bad and they’re not improving.

Because most of these workers are looking for a safe and secured income source. They prefer people who can hire them for a long time.

If you can give them the security they need, they can give you the quality you want.

As for the content quality, many of you are probably concerned that they might use recycled content things like that.

Again, it’s all about communication and laying out your expectation 100% clear in the beginning.

As you can see from my document, I also included my content expectations.

For example, I said I’m expecting unique, original and well-researched contents. I also tell them my expected word count things like that.

So the lesson to take away from here is that it’s very important to lay your expectations clear upfront.

Remember, it’s all about communication!

6. How to Pay & How Much to Pay?

This is a very important and also one of the most commonly asked questions.

The first major factor that determines how much to pay is your own budget.

Of course, if you’re willing to pay more, more writers will be interested. But this doesn’t mean you must raise your own budget just to find a good writer.

For me, I think $400/month is a reasonable price for both parties. But this definitely depends on your budget and also your writer’s needs.

I recommend giving them a pay raise once a year if they perform well. And you should have some sort of incentives in place to motivate your writer.

For example, I give $100 bonus to my writer for every 100 posts he wrote for me. Some of you may think $100 bonus for 100 posts is too little. But you must put yourself in their shoes. This is a good incentive for them to write more and it's also not a huge financial burden for you if your website is generating income.

At the same time, I’ll also provide bonus for them go for the quality of the post, instead of just quantity. (Again, all these are clearly stated in the document.)

As for how to pay your writer, I recommend using PayPal. It’s very easy to transfer money via PayPal. And as the person who pays the money, you don't have to pay any transactions fees to PayPal.

Ideally, you should pay your writer once per week in the beginning to build trust. This is very important as many of them are afraid that you may just run away without paying them after they’ve put in weeks of work.

Such cases did happen in the past before from irresponsible employers.

So, building trust is a two way process. You need to trust them and they need to trust you as well.

That’s why paying them weekly in the beginning is crucial.

After the first month or two, you can pay them either biweekly or monthly, depending on their needs. You have to discuss this with your writer before hiring.

And then, I recommend you to set a weekly notification for yourself on the day of their paycheck to make sure you never pay them late or forgot to pay them. If not, this will affect their trust in you.

And since you’re simply transferring them money via PayPal, there’s no need for tax for anything like that.

Lastly, NEVER pay your writer in advance!

This doesn’t always happen but some workers may ask you for advance pay because of family issues or whatsoever.

If you’re still at the beginning stage of building trust, you don’t have any responsibility to pay them in advance.

Unless, you guys have been working together for some time and you trust each other.

If not, I recommend you to talk to your writer and learn more about his or her situation to show your care and concern.

If they have some financial issues, paying them in advance may not solve their problem. That’s your opportunity to learn more about them and help them via other means if you can or give them advice on what to do.

But don't worry! Such cases are not common.

Hire The Writer Of Your Dream!

Hopefully by now you've went through the entire training and have confidence you'll be able to find a great writer for only $400 per month.

I've been able to triple my output since hiring my writers and they do just as good of job as I do.

As long as you hire the right person, train them right and give them your expectations you will be satisfied!

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