NeuroGym is a company created by John Assaraf.. there you can find various courses and programs to help you make money/improve your mental game.

If you're here you're probably wondering if these programs are a scam.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about NeuroGym including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if these trainings are worth buying by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

NeuroGym Summary

Creator: John Assaraf

Price to join: Depends on program

Do I recommend? Not really

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

John Assaraf is much like other self help gurus I've reviewed in the past.

While I think his products have some value I don't they're worth their cost.

If you want to make money or start a business I suggest finding an actual business model that suits you.

Not just taking brain training.

Better opportunity: If you're interested in building an online business in a legit and affordable way, click below:

Who Is John Assaraf?

John Assaraf is a lot like some other gurus I've reviewed in the past.

This includes Kerwin Rae, T Harv Eker, Dean Graziosi, and more.

All these guys made millions of dollars selling self help programs and books.

If you're in need of confidence training or mindset training you would turn to these guys.

However, if your life is somewhat in order these programs won't be of too much help.

As for John he's had some great success in this field.

He's built several multi-million dollar businesses, written some NYTimes best sellers and was in the very popular movie The Secret.

So selling self help products has been very profitable for John.

The real question, though, is whether is programs will be profitable to you..

Let's look at them now to see.

NeuroGym Product Overview

There's many different programs and offers on NeuroGym's website.

Here's a look at what you get:

7 Days To A Millionaire Mindset ($197)

This course is broken up into 7 different lessons and covers the mental aspect of making money.

In the training you'll get the following:

  • Lesson 1: What Is Money, Really? - Here you'll get a brief history lesson on money and how it has evolved throughout time. This training is meant to shed light on why we believe certain things about money that we do.
  • Lesson 2: What Is Your Money Mindset? - In lesson 2 you'll learn more about your own subconscious beliefs about money. You'll also get training on how to change your mindset so you can achieve your money goals. 
  • Lesson 3 - How Much Are You Really Worth? - Lesson 3 will help you get rid of any thoughts that are keeping you down. You'll learn to improve your self worth so you can believe you're worth more.
  • Lesson 4: Financial Goal Setting - Lesson 4 is where you actually go over what your financial goals are and you'll get training on reaching them as fast as possible.
  • Lesson 5: Achieving Your Financial Goals - In lesson 5 you learn to take action on the goals you set and how to create a plan to reach those goals. 
  • Lesson 6: Getting Over The 4 Obstacles - In lesson 6 you'll learn what the main obstacles you'll face on your road to financial freedom and how to get over them.
  • Lesson 7: Priming Your Brain For Financial Success - In this section you'll learn how to program your subconscious to achieve your goals.

Winning The Game Of Fear ($397)

This program is very similar to the last one.. it mainly goes over your subconscious and thought patterns.

Here's a taste of what you'll get with this course:

  • How to recognize and defeat common fears that many people share
  • How to break unhealthy and destructive subconscious thinking patterns
  • How to use visualization to improve your thinking and improve your life
  •  9 "Innercise" exercises that are meant to help the way you think
  • 5 additional training modules from various experts to help you lead a happier and mentally healthier life
  • 5 live group sessions where you'll have a chance to ask John questions and get answers.

Winning The Game Of Procrastination ($197)

This course moves away from confidence training and deals with time management.

There's 6 levels in this program and they are:

  • Level 1: Step Into Your Power - The first level goes over finding why you procrastinate and how to install positive emotions through anchoring techniques.
  • Level 2: Spark Your Motivation - This section goes over finding the biggest obstacles in your life and how to defeat them.
  • Level 3: Mental Contrasting - Mental contrasting is a visualization technique and you learn how to use it in lesson 3.
  • Level 4: Affirm And Declare - In level 4 you'll learn affirmations that you can use to bust through proscritation.
  • Level 5 and 6 Advanced Programming - The last two lessons teach you more advanced techniques to overcome your subconscious mind and get over procrastination.

Having It All ($174)

This program is a combination of three courses,

Here's a look at what you get:

  • Having It All - In this program you'll learn about discovering your goals and how to achieve them. 
  • How To Get More Done In Less Time - This was actually included in the procrastination section as well. Here you'll learn to improve your productivity with various strategies and techniques. 
  • Values Based Living - This training teaches you how to live everyday according to your highest values and to live with more purpose.

Want To Start An Online Business?

I've reviewed all the best courses that teach this.. to see my favorite, click below:

No Business Models Taught

I just wanted to mention one thing quickly..

These trainings all primarily focus on mindset, goal settings and things like that.

While these have their place in money making methods you need to actually have a business model you can make money with.

If you spend all your time on mindset you'll never make money.

That's why I'm not really a big fan of these kind of training programs.

I'm sure right after you're done taking the courses you'll feel good.. you may improve your personality in some ways.

But what's next? Unless you know how to actually start a business you'll be stuck.

That's why I think your time is best served learning how to actually make money.. not just learning how to think better.

If that sounds good to you, click below:

#1 recommended online business model

NeuroGym FAQs

1) Are the programs at NeuroGym worth their price?

The courses aren't overly expensive but there's significant overlap between them.

You even get the same training in a couple of the courses.

So I definitely wouldn't buy every course if that's what you're thinking. If you buy one you'll get the jist of the other ones.

2) Is John Assaraf legit?

John is a guru.

He's built a few million dollar companies and he's helped others do the same. I'm sure his books and courses have made an impact in some people's lives as well.

But most of his money comes from mindset training and stuff like that.

I guess how legit you think John is depends how much legitimacy you give to this kind of work.

3) What does NeuroGym teach?

NeuroGym has a lot of different courses and books for sale.

The main focus is self help, though.

Most of these products are meant to improve the way you think and how to live by your values.

You'll learn tips on overcoming fear and stuff like that too.

4) Is there a refund policy?

Yes, there's a good refund policy. You have 30 days to decide if the training is right for you.

5) Are there any alternatives?

Yes, there's plenty of courses like this.

If you'd like to actually learn a business model you can use to create an online business, click below:

#1 recommended training program

NeuroGym Pros And Cons

  • John is successful: You can say what you want about the kind of stuff John teaches but he is successful.. he's made millions teaching this stuff.
  • Good refund policy: All of these programs come with a 30 day money back guarantee which is good.
  • No business model taught: If you want to actually make money you need more than just mindset training.. you need to actually learn a business model that suits your skillset. There's none of that in these programs. 
  • Training overlaps: Many of these programs barely differ from each other and some even have the exact same training as each other.
Is NeuroGym a scam?

I don't think so.

They pretty much deliver what they promise.. I just think mindset training is very overrated.

I'm sure his courses will improve some people's lives but for most it probably won't. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd pass over on the programs at NeuroGym.. I'm just not a big fan of mindset training.

I personally like courses that teach you how to directly make money and aren't filled with fluff.

I've reviewed hundreds of courses that teach various business models and making money online..

If you want to see my favorite one, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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