Luke Lango is out with another AI stock teaser.

This time he claims he has "7 AI Moonshots with 100X Upside."

This is all in his presentation called the AI Turning Point 2023.

Of course Luke wants you to pay him thousands of dollars to reveal these stocks, but he left enough clues in his presentation to figure all of them out.

I reveal them below for free and will give you information on each stock so you can determine if they're worth investing in.

Let's get started now!

7 AI Moonshots Summary

Luke Lango: Stephen Leeb

Newsletter: Early Stage Investor

Stock: IonQ, Symbotic, Unity, Palantir, Recursion Pharma, Mobileye, Appian, and Nice

This presentation is a near copy of another AI presentation Luke did early in the year, hyping up a bunch of AI stocks.

That presentation was called SUPRMAN.

This presentation adds two more stocks to the SUPRMAN stocks, which are IonQ and Synopsys (he gives this one away for free in the presentation).

IonQ is a quantum computing company that develops and operates trapped ion quantum computers. Trapped ion quantum computers are a type of quantum computer that uses individual ions, which are atoms that have been stripped of their electrons, as qubits.

Qubits are the basic units of information in quantum computers, and they can exist in a superposition of states, which means that they can be both 0 and 1 at the same time. This unique property of qubits allows quantum computers to perform calculations that are impossible for classical computers.

IonQ is also developing quantum machine learning (QML) algorithms, which use quantum computers to train AI models. QML can improve the performance of AI models in a number of ways, such as by making them more accurate and efficient. IonQ has already demonstrated the use of QML to improve the performance of image recognition and natural language processing models.

Is this new company worth investing in?

We'll answer that outside this summary.

Keep reading to learn.

Better opportunity: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

AI Turning Point 2023 Overview

Luke is someone that we've covered a lot on this website.

He likes to recommend these tech and AI stocks, and some of them do well.

But more often than not, his recommendations don't do well.

Keep that in mind if you're thinking about buying any services from him.

Anyway, this presentation is pretty much a copy of an AI presentation he did over the summer.

That presentation was called 2023 Tech Melt and hyped up six AI stocks that Luke called SUPRMAN.

The stocks he recommended there all make up a letter in SUPRMAN, and they were Symbotic, Unity Software, Palantir Tech, Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Mobileye Global, Appian Corp., and Nice.

This presentation is doing the same thing and adding two more stocks to the mix: IonQ and Synopsis.

The rest of the article will cover each stock and whether it's worth investing in.

One thing to note is that pretty much all of the SUPRMAN stocks are down since Luke recommended them over the summer besidse Palantir.


IonQ is a company that specializes in quantum computing. It's known for its development and commercialization of quantum computers, aiming to leverage the unique properties of quantum mechanics to solve complex computational problems that are intractable for classical computers. Here's an overview of the pros and cons of investing in IonQ:

Pros of Investing in IonQ

  1. Cutting-edge Technology: IonQ is at the forefront of quantum computing technology, which has the potential to revolutionize various fields like drug discovery, materials science, and financial modeling.

  2. Growing Market Potential: The quantum computing market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, offering a substantial opportunity for companies like IonQ.

  3. Strong Partnerships and Collaborations: IonQ has established partnerships with major tech companies and research institutions, which could lead to innovative developments and commercial applications.

  4. Intellectual Property and Expertise: The company holds valuable patents and possesses deep expertise in quantum computing, which can be a significant competitive advantage.

Cons of Investing in IonQ

  1. Early Stage and High Risk: Quantum computing is still in its early stages, and it's uncertain when it will achieve widespread commercial viability. This makes investments in IonQ relatively high risk.

  2. Competition: There is intense competition in the quantum computing space from other startups and major tech companies, which could impact IonQ's market position.

  3. Technical Challenges: Quantum computing faces significant technical hurdles, such as error correction and qubit coherence, which need to be overcome to realize practical applications.

  4. Market Volatility: The stock of companies like IonQ, which are based on emerging technologies, can be highly volatile, influenced by market perceptions and technological developments.

  5. Long-term ROI Uncertainty: Given the nascent stage of quantum computing technology, it might take a long time before investments in IonQ yield significant returns.


Synopsys is a leading company in the electronic design automation (EDA) industry. The company provides software, intellectual property (IP), and services used to design integrated circuits (ICs) and electronic systems. Here's an overview of the pros and cons of investing in Synopsys:

Pros of Investing in Synopsys

  1. Market Leadership: Synopsys is a leader in the EDA market, with a strong reputation and a wide range of products that are essential for semiconductor design.

  2. Growing Demand for Semiconductors: The increasing demand for advanced semiconductors in various industries, such as automotive, telecommunications, and consumer electronics, drives the need for EDA tools and IP offered by Synopsys.

  3. Stable Financial Performance: Synopsys has demonstrated stable financial performance with consistent revenue growth, which can be a positive sign for investors.

  4. Innovation and R&D: The company invests heavily in research and development, ensuring that its products remain at the cutting edge of technology.

  5. Strategic Acquisitions: Synopsys has a history of making strategic acquisitions to expand its product portfolio and market reach.

Cons of Investing in Synopsys

  1. Cyclical Nature of the Semiconductor Industry: The semiconductor industry is known for its cyclical nature, with periods of high growth followed by slowdowns, which can impact Synopsys' business.

  2. Competition: While Synopsys is a market leader, it faces competition from other established companies as well as emerging players in the EDA and IP markets.

  3. Dependence on a Few Large Customers: A significant portion of Synopsys' revenue comes from a limited number of large customers, which could pose a risk if any of these relationships are disrupted.

  4. Rapid Technological Changes: The rapid pace of technological change in the semiconductor industry requires constant innovation and adaptation, posing a challenge to maintaining market leadership.

  5. Regulatory and Geopolitical Risks: The global nature of the semiconductor industry exposes Synopsys to various regulatory and geopolitical risks, including trade tensions and export controls.

Symobotic (SUPRMAN Stock #1)

Symbotic is a technology company that specializes in supply chain automation using robotics and artificial intelligence. Their primary focus is on revolutionizing the way products are moved and stored in warehouses, aiming to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the speed of the supply chain.

Pros of Investing in Symbotic

  1. Innovative Technology: Symbotic's use of robotics and AI in supply chain management represents cutting-edge technology with the potential to transform logistics and warehouse operations.

  2. Growing Demand for Automation: There is an increasing trend towards automation in various industries, especially in logistics and warehousing, driven by the need for efficiency and cost reduction.

  3. Scalability Potential: Symbotic's solutions are scalable, which means they can cater to a wide range of customers, from small warehouses to large distribution centers.

  4. Strategic Partnerships: The company has established partnerships with major retailers and distribution companies, which could lead to long-term contracts and steady revenue streams.

  5. Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Symbotic's systems can significantly improve the efficiency of warehouse operations, which is a strong selling point to potential customers.

Cons of Investing in Symbotic

  1. Market Competition: The market for warehouse automation is competitive, with several established companies and new entrants vying for market share.

  2. High Capital Expenditure: The adoption of Symbotic's systems requires significant capital investment by customers, which could be a barrier, especially for smaller operations.

  3. Complexity and Integration Challenges: Implementing complex automation systems can pose integration challenges with existing warehouse operations and IT systems.

  4. Economic Sensitivity: The demand for warehouse automation solutions can be sensitive to economic conditions, as companies may reduce capital expenditures during downturns.

  5. Technology Obsolescence Risk: In a field that is rapidly evolving, there's always the risk that current technologies may become obsolete, requiring continuous investment in research and development.

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Unity Software (SUPRMAN Stock #2)

Unity Software is a leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D (RT3D) content. Developers use Unity's software to create a wide range of interactive experiences, including video games, animations, architectural renderings, and more. Here's an overview of the pros and cons of investing in Unity Software:

Pros of Investing in Unity Software

  1. Widespread Industry Usage: Unity is one of the most popular game development platforms, used by creators ranging from small indie developers to large gaming studios. Its versatility also extends to industries beyond gaming, like film, automotive, and architecture.

  2. Growing Market for Interactive Content: There is a growing demand for interactive 3D content across various industries, and Unity's platform is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend.

  3. Continuous Innovation and Expansion: Unity is continuously innovating and expanding its capabilities, including ventures into virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI).

  4. Strong Community and Developer Ecosystem: Unity has a large, active community of developers, which fosters a strong ecosystem for sharing knowledge, tools, and assets.

  5. Subscription-Based Revenue Model: Unity's subscription-based model provides a steady stream of revenue and the potential for scalability as its user base grows.

Cons of Investing in Unity Software

  1. Intense Competition: Unity faces competition from other game engines like Unreal Engine and proprietary systems developed by large gaming companies.

  2. Dependence on the Gaming Industry: While Unity is expanding into other sectors, a significant portion of its revenue is still tied to the gaming industry, which can be volatile.

  3. Rapid Technological Changes: The technology landscape in game development and interactive content is rapidly evolving, requiring constant innovation and adaptation.

  4. High Expectations and Valuation: High market expectations can lead to significant pressure on the company to continuously outperform, which can be a challenge.

  5. Risk of Technological Obsolescence: As with any tech company, there's a risk that new technologies could render Unity's current offerings less competitive or obsolete.

Palantir Tech (SUPRMAN Stock #3)

Palantir Technologies is a public American software company that specializes in big data analytics. It provides software that integrates, manages, secures, and analyzes data, serving government agencies, financial institutions, and large corporations. Here's an overview of the pros and cons of investing in Palantir Technologies:

Pros of Investing in Palantir Technologies

  1. Unique Data Analytics Solutions: Palantir offers advanced data analytics capabilities, enabling complex data integration and analysis, which is crucial for organizations dealing with large volumes of data.

  2. Strong Government and Corporate Clientele: The company has a robust client base in both government and corporate sectors, including significant contracts with defense and intelligence agencies.

  3. Growing Importance of Data Analytics: In a world increasingly driven by data, Palantir's services are becoming more vital for decision-making in various sectors, from national security to healthcare.

  4. Potential for Expansion: Palantir has the potential to expand its services to new industries and markets, given the universal need for data analysis and management.

  5. Innovative and Proprietary Technology: The company's technology is advanced and proprietary, providing a competitive edge in the field of data analytics.

Cons of Investing in Palantir Technologies

  1. Dependence on Government Contracts: A significant portion of Palantir's revenue comes from government contracts, making it susceptible to changes in government spending and policy.

  2. Controversial Use of Data: Palantir has been involved in controversies regarding the ethical use of data, particularly in government surveillance and immigration enforcement, which could affect its public image and business prospects.

  3. Competition in Data Analytics: The field of data analytics is highly competitive, with many companies offering similar services, which could challenge Palantir's market position.

  4. Market Volatility: As a relatively new public company with a unique business model, Palantir's stock may be subject to higher market volatility.

  5. Uncertainties in Scaling Commercial Business: While Palantir has been successful with government contracts, scaling its business in the commercial sector poses different challenges and uncertainties.

Recursion Pharmaceuticals (SUPRMAN Stock #4)

Recursion Pharmaceuticals is a biotechnology company that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to discover new drugs and improve the drug development process. The company focuses on accelerating drug discovery for various diseases, including rare genetic diseases and more common conditions. Here's an overview of the pros and cons of investing in Recursion Pharmaceuticals:

Pros of Investing in Recursion Pharmaceuticals

  1. Innovative Approach to Drug Discovery: Recursion's use of AI and machine learning represents a cutting-edge approach in the pharmaceutical industry, potentially revolutionizing how drugs are discovered and developed.

  2. Potential to Accelerate Drug Development: The AI-driven platform can significantly accelerate the drug discovery process, potentially leading to quicker introductions of new drugs to the market.

  3. Focus on a Wide Range of Diseases: Recursion's technology allows it to target a broad spectrum of diseases, including rare genetic disorders that are often overlooked by traditional pharmaceutical companies.

  4. Strong Pipeline of Drug Candidates: The company has a robust pipeline of drug candidates in various stages of development, which is promising for future growth and revenue.

  5. Collaborations and Partnerships: Recursion has established partnerships with major pharmaceutical companies, which can provide additional resources and expertise.

Cons of Investing in Recursion Pharmaceuticals

  1. High Risk of Drug Development: Drug development is inherently risky, with a high rate of failure, especially in early stages. This risk is compounded by the novel approach Recursion is taking.

  2. Long Timeframe for Returns: The process of drug discovery, clinical trials, and regulatory approval is lengthy, meaning it could take a long time before investments in Recursion yield financial returns.

  3. Dependence on Technology: Recursion's success is heavily dependent on its AI and machine learning technology. Any shortcomings or limitations in this technology could significantly impact its drug discovery process.

  4. Competition in Biotech and AI: The biotechnology sector is highly competitive, with numerous companies investing in AI and machine learning for drug discovery.

  5. Regulatory and Ethical Considerations: As with all pharmaceutical companies, Recursion must navigate complex regulatory environments, and its AI-driven approach could raise unique ethical questions.

Mobileye Global (SUPRMAN Stock #5)

Mobileye Global is a technology company specializing in the development of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving technologies. The company's products are based on computer vision, machine learning, data analysis, and mapping. Here's an overview of the pros and cons of investing in Mobileye Global:

Pros of Investing in Mobileye Global

  1. Leadership in ADAS Technology: Mobileye is a leader in the development of ADAS technology, which is increasingly becoming a standard feature in new vehicles.

  2. Growing Market for Autonomous Driving: The market for autonomous driving technology is expected to grow significantly, and Mobileye's expertise positions it well to capitalize on this trend.

  3. Strong Industry Partnerships: Mobileye has established partnerships with numerous automakers and technology companies, enhancing its market reach and development capabilities.

  4. Innovative Technology and IP: The company has a strong portfolio of intellectual property in computer vision and machine learning, which is critical for advancing ADAS and autonomous driving.

  5. Potential for Diverse Applications: Beyond automotive, Mobileye's technology has potential applications in other areas like smart city infrastructure and mobility-as-a-service.

Cons of Investing in Mobileye Global

  1. High Competition: The autonomous driving and ADAS market is highly competitive, with many established automotive companies and tech giants developing similar technologies.

  2. Regulatory and Safety Challenges: The autonomous driving industry faces significant regulatory hurdles and safety challenges, which can impact the speed of technology adoption.

  3. Technological Complexity and Reliability: Developing reliable and safe autonomous driving technology is complex, and any failures or setbacks could negatively impact the company's reputation and finances.

  4. Dependence on the Automotive Industry: Mobileye's business is heavily dependent on the automotive industry, which is cyclical and can be impacted by economic downturns.

  5. Uncertain Timeline for Full Autonomy: The timeline for widespread adoption of fully autonomous vehicles remains uncertain, which could delay the realization of significant revenues from these technologies.

Appian Corp (SUPRMAN Stock #6)

Appian Corporation is a cloud computing and enterprise software company that specializes in low-code automation and business process management (BPM) solutions. The company's platform allows users to create apps and automate workflows without extensive coding knowledge. Here's an overview of the pros and cons of investing in Appian Corporation:

Pros of Investing in Appian Corp

  1. Growing Demand for Low-Code Solutions: There is an increasing demand for low-code platforms that enable faster and more efficient app development, especially among businesses looking to digitize and automate processes.

  2. Leadership in Low-Code Development: Appian is recognized as a leader in the low-code development space, offering a robust platform for building apps and automating workflows.

  3. Expansion into New Markets: The company has the potential to expand its customer base across different industries and geographies, leveraging the versatility of its platform.

  4. Strong Customer Base: Appian has a strong and diverse customer base, including large enterprises, which can provide stable and recurring revenue streams.

  5. Innovation and Continuous Improvement: Appian consistently invests in improving its platform, ensuring it remains competitive and meets the evolving needs of its customers.

Cons of Investing in Appian Corp

  1. Intense Competition: The low-code platform market is highly competitive, with numerous established companies and new entrants offering similar solutions.

  2. Dependence on Platform Adoption: The company's success is highly dependent on the widespread adoption of its low-code platform, which may be influenced by market trends and customer preferences.

  3. Complexity of Customer Implementation: While low-code platforms are designed to be user-friendly, implementing enterprise-wide solutions can still be complex and require significant customer support.

  4. Economic Sensitivity: As with many enterprise software providers, Appian's business could be sensitive to economic downturns, as companies may reduce IT spending.

  5. Risk of Technological Obsolescence: In the rapidly evolving field of software development, there is always a risk that current technologies may become obsolete or less preferred over time.

Nice Ltd (SUPRMAN Stock #7)

Nice Ltd is an Israel-based company that specializes in enterprise software solutions, focusing on customer engagement, financial crime, and compliance solutions. They provide a range of products that include analytics, customer experience, and cloud-based services to help organizations improve their performance and compliance. Here's an overview of the pros and cons of investing in Nice Ltd:

Pros of Investing in Nice Ltd

  1. Diverse Product Offering: Nice Ltd offers a wide range of solutions in customer experience, data analytics, financial crime, and compliance, catering to a variety of industries.

  2. Strong Market Position: The company has established a strong market position in the fields of both customer engagement software and financial crime prevention.

  3. Growing Demand for Analytics and Compliance Solutions: With increasing focus on customer experience and stringent compliance requirements, there is a growing market demand for the solutions Nice Ltd provides.

  4. Innovation and Technological Leadership: Nice Ltd is known for its continuous innovation, investing in new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing.

  5. Global Customer Base: The company serves a global customer base, including large financial institutions, telecommunications companies, and other enterprises, offering a degree of market stability.

Cons of Investing in Nice Ltd

  1. Competitive Market: The markets for customer engagement software and financial crime solutions are highly competitive, with many players offering similar products.

  2. Technological Complexity and Rapid Change: The fast pace of technological change in areas like AI and cloud computing requires constant innovation and adaptation, which can be challenging.

  3. Dependence on Large Clients: A significant portion of revenue may come from a limited number of large clients, which could be a risk if any of these relationships are disrupted.

  4. Global Operations Risks: Being a global company, Nice Ltd faces risks associated with operating in multiple jurisdictions, including regulatory, political, and currency risks.

  5. High Expectations Embedded in Valuation: As with many technology companies, investor expectations can be high, leading to a valuation that assumes continued strong growth and performance.


So that's the end of my post covering Luke Lango's newest AI stock presentation.

There's a lot of stocks here to consider.

I'm curious to hear what you think about them.

Let me know in the comments if you plan on investing in any of them!

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