Savage University is an Amazon FBA course from Paul J. Savage.

This training program promises to help you make money selling on Amazon..

Does it deliver? Is it a scam? Is it legit?

That's what this review will answer.

You'll find everything you need to know about Savage University below including an overview of what you get, price and more.

You'll know if this course is worth it by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Savage University Summary

Creator: Paul Savage

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? It depends (read summary)

   Overall rating: 3.5/5

Savage University is a decent course that teaches you how to sell on Amazon.. which is a legitimate online business model.

The problem is Amazon is expensive to get started with and the margins for each sale is low.

Additionally, the course is pretty expensive.

Overall I think there's better ways to make money with ecommerce. 

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Paul Savage?

Paul J. Savage is the creator of Savage University and he's not like a lot of other ecommerce and Amazon gurus.

This is a good thing.

A lot of people in the ecommerce world like to flaunt their wealth and try to sell the millionaire lifestyle.

Many fake their wealth to try and sell their courses.

There's basically none of this from Paul.

His Youtube channel has over 25k subscribers and almost every video is informational and related to Amazon.

There's no showing off his money or cars or anything like that.

It's refreshing to see an ecommerce personality just stick to teaching.

What Does Savage University Teach?

Savage University teaches Amazon FBA which is selling on Amazon.

FBA stands for fulfillment by Amazon.. basically you buy products at wholesale and send them to Amazon's warehouses.

They store and ship your products for a fee.

This is a legitimate business model and many people are making serious money with Amazon.

The main problem with selling on Amazon is it's expensive.

You'll need to buy products in bulk and this will cost thousands of dollars.

The next big problem with selling on Amazon is your margins per sale will be small.

Amazon takes 15% of each sale for storing your products and shipping them.

Additionally, you'll need to do paid advertising which eats into your profits as well.

This is definitely one of the pricier online business models out there.

You can sell products online without having to buy products in bulk or lose 15% to Amazon.

To learn this ecommerce business model, click below:

#1 Recommended Ecommerce Course (Affordable)

What Do You Get With Savage University?

Savage University is a good course and comes with a lot of training.

Here's what you get:

  • 160+ Videos
  • 25 hours of training
  • 5 product resource downloads
  • 3 expert interviews
  • 2 live monthly Q&A's
  • Community and mastermind
  • Discounts with Freight Forwarders
  • Discounts with Professional Listing Agency

Want The Best Ecommerce Training?

I've reviewed all the best ecommerce courses.. to see my favorite one, click below:

Savage University FAQ's

1) Is Savage University worth $997?

Amazon training is usually pretty expensive.. the courses for this business model is typically higher than other online business models.

I'd say most are around $997.

So compared to other Amazon courses $997 it isn't too bad.

But compared to other courses that teach making money online it is pretty expensive.

2) Is Paul J Savage legit?

I believe so.

He releases a lot of videos on his Youtube channel that go over selling on Amazon.

These videos are high quality and he puts out a few different ones a week.

You can tell he knows what he's talking about. 

3) How much money will I need to sell on Amazon?

Amazon is pricey to get started with and the main two costs come from stock and the price for paid ads. 

Stock is going to cost you thousands of dollars.

Keep in mind you're not guaranteed to make any money either.

Paid ads will cost thousands as well because you need to test your ads.

All together I would say you need $10,000 minimum to get started with Amazon FBA. 

4) Is there a refund policy?

Not that I could see.

5) Are there better alternatives?

Yes, there's better ecommerce courses out there.

To see my favorite, click below:

#1 Recommended Ecommerce Course

What I Like About Savage University

There's a couple things I like about this course.

Here's what I like the most:

Paul is legit

There's a lot of nefarious characters online.. some over exaggerate how much they make and some are straight up scammers.

Paul seems legit and doesn't do any unethical marketing or anything like that.

Plus he really seems to know what he's talking about when it comes to Amazon.

Legit business model

Amazon is not my favorite online business model but it's legitimate.

There's many people making serious money on Amazon. Some even become millionaires with this business model

What I Don't Like About Savage University

There's a few things I don't like here.

Here's what I don't like:

Too expensive

I've reviewed hundreds of courses that teach making money online. Most are under $997.

However, this one is $997 and that's a lot to learn making money online.

Not a fan of Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA is definitely a legit way to make money but it's not my favorite way.

It's expensive to get started with, the margins for each sale is slim and it's hard.

There's just easier ways to make money online.

No refunds

There's no refunds which isn't good. You definitely want to see one of these and it's a red flag there isn't one. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd probably pass on Savage University. 

There's a lot of good ecommerce courses that are more affordable and teach better business models.

My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites has high quality training, is taught by an expert and affordable.

To learn more, click below:

Get The Best Ecommerce Training!

Ecom Elites is the best ecommerce training.. to read my full review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • Hi Dylan!

    Paul J. Savage here.

    Thanks for reviewing my course. I appreciate your kind words.

    It seems this review is from before I made some major changes to the program, so id love to leave some thoughts here! 🙂

    In regards to price, your right. $997 is too high for most and while originally I thought this would attract a crowd that is more committed, it just took it out of reach for a lot of people. I have since lowered the price to $297 to be more in line with what I would have wanted to pay when I first started. I also realized a huge part of student success is having consistent accountability and the ability to get their questions answered in real time. So for an additional $49 per month you can take part in our weekly group meetings on zoom where I answer questions and update everyone on the newest strategies.

    In regards to you not being a huge fan of Amazon FBA, fair enough. You’re right, its not all smooth sailing and I wouldn’t classify it as easy myself. There are indeed easier ways of making money. We are actually focusing heavily on the importance of brand building and audience building now instead of the traditional act of just ordering something from Alibaba and listing it on So, I would say if someone is looking for a quick and easy way to make money dont buy my course, go learn arbitrage or affiliate marketing instead. If you are looking to build a brand that means something to you and connect with a group of customers that are enthusiastic about a niche, Savage University will be a good place for you to call home. 🙂

    As far as refunds are concerned, any user can reach out to myself or my business partner at and we will get you your money back if you’re not satisfied. I believe our TOS claims sales are nonrefundable so that people dont just storm the course learn half of the info and request a refund 3 days later, however if you honestly dont like what I have made I have no problem giving you your money back.

    Again thanks for reviewing my course and I appreciate you taking the time write something about it.

    – Paul J. Savage

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