The Digital Payments Revolution is a course offered by Residual Payments (run by David and Patricia).

If you're here you're probably wondering if this course is a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this program including background information, price to join, overview of what you get and more.

You'll know if The Digital Payments Revolution is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into!

The Digital Payments Revolution Summary

Creator: David and Patricia Carlin

Price to join: $17 + upsells ($197 to $297 for course #2 and thousands for mentorship)

Do I recommend? Not really

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

The Digital Payments Revolution is really just an appetizer for more expensive upsells.

It doesn't really teach you how to make money in the merchant service industry and just explains what the industry is.

To actually learn how to create a business in the merchant service industry you need to buy the upsell which will cost between $197 to $297.

After that you'll be pressured to spend thousands to work with the creators directly.

While I think there's some opportunity here it's really only suitable for type "a" personalities.

You're going to have to go out there and hustle up business.. this isn't for people looking for a laid back way to earn money.

Better opportunity: If you're interested in building an online business in a legit and affordable way, click below:

Who Is David And Patricia Carlin?

David and Patricia Carline are the creators of The Digital Payments Revolution and they run the Residual Payments brand as well.

Apparently Patricia has extensive history in the payment industry and worked in the field for over 20 years.

David's experience is in the ecommerce and retail business world.

There's really not much out there about these two.

They have a bunch of social media accounts you can follow but that's a bad way to gauge whether someone is successful or legitimate.

A lot of people fake it on social media to seem rich when they're not.

To their credit, though, I don't think they're doing that.

They seem to genuinely be successful.

What Does The Digital Payment Revolution Teach?

I've been reviewing various passive income opportunities for that last few years and make a full time passive income.

I've seen all kinds of business models.. from internet marketing.. to ecommerce.. to digital agencies.. to trading stocks.. real estate.. AirBNB rentals.. to residential senior living facilities and more.

This is the first time I've come across the business model taught in this course which is the merchant service industry.

So while I'm an expert at building online businesses and passive income, I'm not exactly an expert in this field. 

However, after some research I've been able to get the jist of how it works.

Here's how it looks visually:

 Basically you come in the acquirer step.

Your goals is to provide merchants with a cheaper payment processor and to provide better customer service.

You can do this with both brick and mortar businesses and online processors.

You make a small percentage on every sale and your goal is to build a portfolio of businesses you work with.

It's definitely interesting and it seems like it can make some serious money when done right.

However, you're going to have to hustle up business.

This means cold calling businesses, sending emails and even going directly into stores and trying to get contracts.

If that doesn't sound like something you want to do there's other ways to make money online that's way more laid back.

To learn more about this, click below:

#1 recommended passive income opportunity

The Digital Payments Revolution Isn't A Full Course

Before we go into what's taught in The Digital Payments Revolution I want to make one thing clear:

This course doesn't actually teach the merchant service business model.

The Digital Payments Revolution is just the first step in a sales funnel and just explains the business model.

It doesn't actually teach you how to set up your business.

For that you'll have to buy the second course called Becoming A Highly Paid Agent.

The second you buy The Digital Payments Revolution you're pressured to buy the second course:

The course is $197 if you buy it then and goes up $100 if you want to buy it later.

There's a second upsell after as well:

The reason The Digital Payments Revolution only costs $17 is they just want to get you in the door.

Once you already spent $17 you're more likely to buy the more expensive courses.

So, again, if you actually want to learn the entire system you'll need to buy the second course that costs between $197 to $297.. David and Patricia stress this constantly in The Digital Payments Revolution. 

Lastly, at the end of The Digital Payments Revolution you'll be pressured into a sales call to work directly with David and Patricia.. this will cost thousands.

The Digital Payments Revolution Overview

This really isn't a course and is much more like a webinar.

You're not getting training on creating a business and instead are just getting an idea of what you'll be doing.

It's broken up into 9 modules and each video is around 15 to 20 minutes long.

Here's a look at what you'll learn in each section:

  • Module 1: What To Expect - The first module just quickly goes over what you're getting and an idea of what you'll be do doing. It's only 90 seconds long.
  • Module 2: Meet Your Instructions - This video is 22 minutes long and here you'll meet both the instructors, David and Patricia Carlin. You'll learn about  their background and why they created the course.
  • Module 3: What Is Credit Card Processing - Module 3 talks about how credit cards are processed and how you can make money in the process.
  • Module 4: Why This Is A Lucrative Business - Module 4 goes over the benefits of this business model. You'll get an idea of the money you can make and why it's so inexpensive to get started with.
  • Module 5: Real Residual Income - This module explains how this business model creates residual income.. for instance, their oldest account is over 15 years and they've been making money off it that whole time. 
  • Module 6: The Size And Scope Of This Opportunity - This module is similar to the last one and just goes over how big of an opportunity this is.
  • Module 7: Who Is A Potential Customers - Module 7 explains which customers are worth pursuing and which aren't. For example. Shopify websites aren't worth pursuing because they make it hard for 3rd party payment processors to integrate into their system.
  • Module 8: Getting Your First Account - The 8th module explains the steps you'll need to take to get your first processing account.
  • Module 9: Your Next Steps: The last step is to get you sign up for a call with an agent that works for David and Patricia. You're going to be pressured to get 1 on 1 mentorship with David And Patricia which will costs thousands.

Want To Start An Online Business?

I've reviewed all the top courses that teach building an online passive income. To see the best, click below:

The Digital Payments Revolution FAQs

1) Is Digital Payments Revolution worth its price tag?

Depends how you look at it.

You're not learning how to make money with Digital Payments Revolution.. you're just getting an idea of how the merchant service industry works.

If you want to actually learn how to make money with this business model you'll need to spend $197 to $297 on the second course or thousands to work with David and Patricia.

You better make sure this is what you'll want to do before spending anymore money on their training.

Make sure you're fine with cold calling or visiting businesses directly before spending hundreds or thousands.

2) Is David And Patricia Carlin legit?

There's not that much out there about them so I can't say definitively yes or no.

They do so seem successful but you should ask yourself if their wealth comes from doing what they teach or from just selling courses.

3) What does The Digital Payments Revolution teach?

This course teaches a pretty unique business model called the merchant service industry.

Basically you work with businesses to try and save them money on payment processing.

You get a percent of all transactions.

If you're good at drumming up business I can definitely see this being profitable.

4) Who is this course for?

You need to be a hustler for this course to work.

So if you're an introvert or more of a creative personality I wouldn't really bother with this course.

To make money you'll need to email, call and straight up visit businesses and set up appointments.

If you're good at that stuff this course may work for you.

5) Is there a refund policy?

Yes there's a good refund policy.. you can get your money back 30 days after buying.

5) Are there any better alternatives?

There's many courses that will teach you how to make passive income from home and online.

To see my favorite course that teaches this, click below:

#1 recommended training program

The Digital Payments Revolution Pros And Cons

  • Good refund policy: If you decide the business model isn't right for you, you get 30 days to get your money back.. that's pretty solid. 
  • Interesting business model: I'm not expert in this field but it's at least interesting. I can see how a person could make good money this way.
  • Not a complete course: This isn't really a course and is basically just a webinar.. you're not actually learning how to build a business.
  • Expensive upsells: The Digital Payments Revolution is just meant to get you to buy the more expensive course and pay thousands for 1 on 1 mentoring. 
Is Digital Payments Revolution a scam?

I don't know if I'd call it scam but it's misleading.

David and Patricia make it very clear you need to buy the second, more expensive course or pay thousands for 1 on 1 training if you want to succeed.

This isn't made clear before you buy Digital Payments Revolution. But you do get a chance for a refund if you feel ripped off.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd probably pass on The Digital Payments Revolution.

There's a ton of ways to earn residual and passive income online.. ways that are much easier than the merchant service industry business model.

I've reviewed hundreds of courses that teach making money online and from home.

To see my favorite course, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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