Are you thinking about purchasing The Ecommerce Bootcamp Mentor from Justin Cener and wondering if it's a scam or not?

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this program including background information, price to join, content overview and more.

You'll know if Ecommerce Bootcamp Mentor is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

The Ecommerce Bootcamp Mentor Summary

Creator: Justin Cener

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? No

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

This isn't the worst ecommerce program I've reviewed but it's nowhere near the best.

The training is decent but it's really generic - it's not very cohesive and jumps all over the place.

The mentorship isn't really a mentorship and is just access to a private Facebook.

The price is WAY too high as well. This course is not worth $997. 

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Justin Cener?

Justin Cener became well known after he ran a bunch of Youtube ads explaining how he sold wolf mugs and made money from them.

Here's a video where he explains that:

This video was absolutely everywhere on Youtube for a while.

Apparently he and his partner spent over a million dollar on that ad campaign.

For the most part Justin teaches ecommerce and print on demand (POD).

If you head over to his Youtube channel, where he as 30,000+ subscribers, you'll see those are the two main topics he talks about:

A lot of ecommerce gurus spend more time talking about their (rented) lambos and (rented) houses but Justin avoids that.

This is a good thing.

You want to avoid any marketer that solely talks about how much they make and try to sell you a lifestyle.

Overall Justin seems like a decent enough guy. 

What Do You Get With This Course?

The Ecommerce Bootcamp Mentor is a mish mosh of different ecommerce training.

Here's a look at each section in the training:

  • Choosing a niche
  • Shopify setup
  • Print on demand setup
  • Email marketing
  • Dropship bootcamp
  • Print on demand bootcamp
  • Facebook Ads bootcamp
  • Clickfunnels bootcamp
  • Instagram bootcamp

There's also "mentoring" but it's not actually mentoring - it's just access to a Facebook group where you get questions answered (I'll dive more into this in a little).

Course Overview

Here's an in depth look at each of the modules:

Picking A Niche

A niche is just the market that you're going to be selling in. For example, if you wanted to sell camping gear you would be in the camping niche. 

In this module you'll look at what makes a good niche, niches to avoid and things like that. 

Shopify Setup

Shopify is the platform that you're going to be building your ecommerce store on. 

In this module you'll learn everything there is to know about starting a Shopify store and what you'll need.

This includes what pages to include, how to import products, setting up taxes, checkout, how to set up a payment processor and more.

Creating an ecommerce store online is pretty easy and you'll be able to make a nice looking store in no time.

Print on demand setup

In this section you'll get instructions on how to sign up for GearLaunch. 

GearLaunch is a website that allows you to personalize various products like mugs, shirts, phone cases, pillow and tote bags. 

Email marketing

In the email marketing section you'll learn how to run a basic email marketing campaign.

The email autoresponder recommended here is Mailchimp.

Mailchimp is free but it's not the best autoresponder.

But if you just need to learn email marketing it's definitely worth using.

Dropship Bootcamp

The dropship training is very basic and pretty much teaches what every other course teaches.

Here you'll learn about Aliexpress and how to find products you want to sell.

You'll also learn how to get these products on your store. 

Lastly, you'll learn about arbitrage which is different than dropshipping.

A lot of this stuff you can honestly just find on Youtube for free (there's nothing new about dropshipping in this module).

Print On Demand Bootcamp

Print On Demand has some similarities to dropshipping but is different at the same time.

Other companies handle your shipping and product creation (which is similar to dropshipping) but you actually have to design your products.

Print on demand can be selling shirts, coffee mugs, pillows, jewelry and things like that.

In this module you'll learn how to sell your POD products and you'll get access to Justin's designers and suppliers.

Facebook Ads Bootcamp

The Facebook ads training is the longest module in the course but when compared to other Facebook trainings, it's average.

In total you get 40 shorter videos explaining Facebook.

These ads go from very basic to more intermediate type training.

For example, the basic stuff covers setting up a Facebook account, explaining what a Facebook Pixel is and things like that. 

The more advanced training goes over scaling, ad copy and other techniques to ensure more sales. 

Influencer Marketing Bootcamp

The influencer bootcamp is a pretty standard training module about Instagram. 

In this section you're going to learn how to reach out to influencers and pages that are popular on Instagram to sell your product.

You pay an advertising fee and they show the product to their audience. 

Additionally, you'll get a copy and paste template to reach out to influencers.

Clickfunnels Bootcamp

Clickfunnels is an alternative to Shopify.

Instead of having a store you would have a sales funnel. Some people think funnels convert better.

This section just kind of seems like a way for Justin to make money, though.

The reason is he has his affiliate link in the training.

So if you click on his link to Clickfunnels he makes money on that.

Clickfunnels is $99 per month so you need to decide if it's right for you and if you can afford it. 

Bonus Material + Case Studies

There's a couple of extra bonuses at the end of this course. 

This includes how to price products and a pricing calculator that helps you determine your margins. 

You'll get a look at previous student's stores and Justin's critiques of them.

Additionally, you'll take a look at some unique niches that you can enter like wall art and canvases. 

Lastly, you get a case study on his infamous wolf mug campaign.

Want The Best Ecommerce Training?

I've reviewed all the top ecommerce courses and programs. To see my top pick, click below:

A Look At The Mentorship

When I first saw this program (and it's name) I was expecting mentorship but you don't actually get that.

Instead of getting 1 on 1 mentorship you get access to a private Facebook group where you can get your questions answered.

This is a decent community and it's active but almost every ecommerce training program comes with a private Facebook Group.

However, most programs don't market these group as a "mentorship."

This Course Is Too Expensive

Making money with ecommerce isn't a secret.

You build a store, find products, market them and try to make more than how much you spend on marketing.

There's more advanced strategies to ensure you make the most as possible but that's the jist of ecommerce.

So many people in the ecommerce world try to sell courses for thousands of dollars and it's just not worth paying that much.

This course just straight up isn't worth $997.

There's ecommerce courses with 3 times the training for 1/3rd the price

So I'd personally invest in a different course and use the money you saved on advertising your products. 

24 Hour Refund Policy

This course comes with a very, very weak refund policy:

Most reputable courses I review have at the minimum a 7 to 30 day refund policy or you get to try it for free before trying. 

Nobody can really determine if a course or opportunity is right for them in 24 hours.

With this price you'd expect there to be a better refund policy as well.

The Ecommerce Bootcamp Mentor Pros And Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about this program

  • Justin is legit: There's a lot of fake ecommerce gurus out there. Justin has legit success and it's pretty easy to prove. His wolf mug ad campaign was very successful.
  • Generic training: There's nothing unique or special about the training. Every course teaches the same thing and I'd say this course doesn't even do as good of a job as most. 
  • Way too expensive: This course just isn't worth $997. Maybe if it were $199 I'd be more positive but it's not even close to that. 
  • Bad refund policy: 24 hours is not a good refund policy at all. Typically you want to see 7 day return policy minimum and 30 days is even better.
  • No real mentoring: Mentoring makes it seem like you're going to get 1 on 1 training. In reality you get access to a private Facebook page with their students. It helps but it certainly isn't mentring. 
Is Ecommerce Mentor Bootcamp A Scam?

I wouldn't go so far to call this a scam.

You get training and Justin has had some success in what he teaches.

However, the training is overpriced and doesn't deliver.

There's way better courses out there that are much more affordable - I'd go for one of those.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd definitely skip over The Ecommerce Mentor Bootcamp.

There's a lot of other good options for ecommerce, though, and the best is Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites has the best training and affordable too (costs between $197 to $297).

To learn more, click below:

Here's The Best Ecommerce Course

Ecom Elites is by far the best training program available. To learn more about it, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • He’s a fraud. He charges an insane amount of money to give everyone the same lists and same info. Currently he is charging 5k for a half out of guidance in Facebook Marketplace. It’s something you can teach yourself for free. When called out on anything he blocks you from his groups. He’s a dbag

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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