Total Product Blueprint is the newest course from Brendon Burchard..

If you're here you're probably wondering if it's a scam or not.

This review will answer that question.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this course.. including a look at Brendon, an overview of the training, price and more.

You'll know if Total Product Blueprint is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Total Product Blueprint Summary

Creator: Brendon Burchard

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? Not really

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

Total Product Blueprint will teach you how to create a digital product and market it.

This is a legitimate way to make money but it's definitely one of the more difficult ways to do it.

Creating a product, building intricate sales funnels and profiting will be tough.

Unless you have your heart set on creating an online course I would like at other ways to make money online.

Better opportunity: If you're interested in building an online business in a legit and affordable way, click below:

Who Is Brendon Burchard?

Brendon Burchard is a lot like other gurus out there.

He mixes in self help with business tips and I'd describe him as a life coach.

Do I personally like learning from someone like this? No lol.

Brendon is a little too cringey and I'm not into the new age, self development slang that he uses.

When I buy courses I just want to learn what's in the course.. I don't need to hear about spiritual laws and learn to rewire my brain or anything like that.

But that's a lot of what Brendon teaches.

Some people like that style of learning. Bredon has had a lot of success selling courses and training people.

Also, one thing to note is Brendon sells courses that are expensive.

Total Product Blueprint is currently $997 and being advertised as 50% off. He sold another course called Expert Academy that's around the same but it's yearly.

So anytime you buy from Brendon it's going to be pricey and you can usually find an alternative that's just as good and less expensive.

What Does Total Product Blueprint Teach?

Total Product Blueprint teaches you how to create a digital product/online course and how to market it.

This is definitely a business model that works and I have friends who have done quite well selling courses online.

However, this is not a business model for beginners.

Brendon markets this as a a simple 3 step process but it isn't.

First off, you're going to need to actually be an expert in something to be able to create a course around something.

If you have marketable skills like financial knowledge, internet marketing skills, fitness expertise and things like that you'll be fine.

Other expertises will be hard to turn into an online business, though.

After you create your product (will take a few months) you'll need to market them.

This is complicated as well and involves learning various online platforms and building sales funnels. 

You'll need to learn how to market on Facebook, Instagram, Google and more.. these platforms are not cheap to advertise on either.

You'll need to learn email sequences, webinars and landing pages.

It can be very profitable but again you're going to struggle if you're a beginner.

If you'd prefer a more laid back way to make money online, click below:

#1 recommended way to make money online

Total Product Blueprint Overview

Total Product Blueprint is a pretty short course and only has 5 modules.. these 5 modules walk you through the digital product creation process.

You also get a few bonuses as well.

Here's a look each module:

Module 1: Online Courses

The first module goes over how to create a digital product with online courses.

Brendon is an actual expert in this topic so he's worth listening too in that regard.

You'll learn how to figure out what to create a course about based on your expertise as well. 

Module 2: Memberships/Subscription Programs

The second online digital offer you'll learn about is a subscription service.

Subscription services are very profitable because you get repeat commissions and those add up month after month.

In Module 2 you'll learn how much to charge for your content, what content works with your market and more.

Module 3: Paid Or Free Webinars

Webinars is a popular lead magnet and can help you sell your product.

In Module 3 you'll learn how to use webinars to get potential customers and whether you should do it for free.

Module 4: Virtual Coaching Services/Programs

The next money making method you'll learn is about selling your services online.

This is probably my least favorite business model in the training.

I find online coaches to almost always be overrated and they usually charge way too much for their services.

Module 5: Live Online Training Events

The last module goes over how to create one time live events and how to make money from them.

This includes training on what your event should be about, what your audience will expect and how to market the event.


Along with the core training you also get a few extra bonuses as well.

Here's the bonuses you get:

  • Crafting Effective Presentations
  • Creating your ad strategy for Facebook, Instagram and Youtube
  • How to create your content and get people to share it
  • How to run online challenges to get more sales and subscribers

Want To Make Money Online?

I've reviewed all the best courses that teach this.. to see my favorite, click below:

Total Product Blueprint FAQs

1) Is Total Product Blueprint worth $997?

It really depends.

Most courses that teach launching a digital product are usually pretty expensive.. so it costs about the same as the other ones.

However, there's courses that teach other online money making methods that are much cheaper.

I'd probably go with one of those courses if you just want to start making money online.

2) Is Brendon Burchard legit?

I guess.

Brendon is a guru and these kind of guys are all the same. They teach some legit stuff but they're always over the top.

I can see why people would look at Brendon think he was a scammer.

But I wouldn't go that far. He's goofy but he definitely has some good stuff to share.

3) How long is Total Product Blueprint?

This course is actually pretty short.

It only has 5 modules and it covers a bunch of different business models.. typically you get a course on each business model.

So a lot of ground is covered in only 5 modules and some bonuses.

4) What will I learn in Total Product Blueprint?

This course focuses on creating a digital product or providing online services. 

You'll get training on the following business models:

  • Creating a course
  • Creating a subscriptions service
  • Selling online services
  • Creating online events

5) Are there any testimonials?

There wasn't any testimonials about the course. There was one testimonial from Oprah.. calling fim a successful online trainer.

Who knows the context of that statement, though.

6) Is there a payment plan option?

There is an option to pay for the course over 3 months.. this will cost you $367 per month.

This comes out to $1101.

7) Is there a refund policy?

Yes, there's a good refund policy. You get 30 days to decide if the course is right for you.

8) How much to get started with the businesses models taught?

The biggest cost will be the ads you'll have to run and the tools you'll need.

You'll likely be spending thousands on your ads. The goal would be to make money and then reinvest into your ads.

However, it's not always that simple.

You'll likely lose some money in the beginning as you refine your strategy.

Because of this you'll need a few thousand for ads.

Also, you'll need to pay for webinar software, email autoresponders, page builders and more. That will likely cost you a $1000ish as well.

9) Are there any alternatives?

Yes, there's many courses that will teach you how to make money online.

To see my favorite, click below:

#1 recommended training program

Total Product Blueprint Pros And Cons

  • Good refund policy: 30 days to get your money back is the best you can hope for.
  • Brendon is an expert in creating courses: Brendon has been around for a long time. He's created many courses, held in person and online events and made millions in the process. He knows what he's talking about.
  • Tough business models: Creating courses or offering online services can be stressful and takes a lot of work. There's easier ways to make money online.
  • Short course: Usually a course will just cover one business model and will be as long or longer than this course. This course covers 4 business models!
  • Will be pricey: Right now at $997 the price isn't terrible but it's apparently 50% right now. Nearly $2000 will be too much.
Is Total Product Blueprint a scam?

No I don't think so.

Brendon is an expert on the topics being taught and they're all legitimate ways to make money online.

However, the training is pretty skimpy and what's being taught is not for beginners despite what Brendon says.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd skip over Total Product Blueprint.

There's a lot of ways to make money online that are simpler.. and there's a lot of affordable courses that will teach you this.

I've reviewed all of these top courses over the last few years and have looked at hundreds of different programs.

To see my favorite course that teaches making money online, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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