Verified Dropshipping is an ecommerce course from Jimmy Hill and Adam Kalish..

If you're here you're probably wondering if this course is a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything there is to know about this course including background information, price to join, course overview and more.

You'll know if Verified Dropshipping is worth it by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Verified Dropshipping Summary

Creator: Jimmy Hill And Adam Kalish

Price to join: $297 to $597

Do I recommend? No.

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

This isn't a horrible course and the price isn't terrible at $197.

However, this is a very short course.

It doesn't give you enough training on really important topics like traffic and scaling.

It's a very basic course and there's better alternatives. 

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Are The Guys Behind The Course?

There really really isn't much out there about these two guys.

Most of the time ecommerce personalities have some sort of social media presence.

This could be a Youtube channel where they upload videos, an instagram account where they show off cars or a Facebook group.

Usually you can get free sales this way.

They have Instagram accounts and most of the posts are just day to day stuff.

According to these two they both had 9 to 5 jobs and were able to escape the daily grind with dropshipping.

I can't really verify if this is true of false.. you should always be skeptical about online income claims, though.

Verified Dropshipping Overview

This course is very short.

Instead of breaking it into modules like most ecommerce courses, you're just given 29 exercises.

These exercises will take you through the process of creating a store.

You'll learn:

  • How to create a store on Shopify
  • How to buy a domain and brand your store
  • How to set up shipping, payments and all legal pages
  • How to find and import products to your store
  • How to create a Facebook Ad
  • How to test products with Facebook ads and scale winners
  • How to convert your visitors 

and more.

Want The Best Ecommerce Course?

I've reviewed all the best ecommerce courses.. to see the very best, click below:

The Traffic Training Is WEAK

Traffic is the most important aspect to making money online - without it you have zero chance of making money online.

The problem with Verified Shopping is the traffic training isn't that good.

First off, you only get a few videos on Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ads is pretty complicated and it can cost a lot if you don't know what you're doing. 

The training here will not sufficiently teach you Facebook.

For example, my favorite ecommerce course has 40+ videos on Facebook Ads -that's more videos on Facebook than this entire course!

Additionally, Facebook Ads is the only method taught here.

There's many different ways to get traffic including:

  • Google Ads and Google Shopping Ads
  • SEO
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram

And more. 

Every traffic source is different and you need to find one that suits your skills.

I personally like Google Ads the most because you don't actually make ads - you just target keywords.

I find Facebook to be difficult and never really had much success with Facebook Ads.

Price And Refund Policy

The price of this course starts out at $297.. this gets you the course and access to the main course.

However, there's also two more options if you want to pay more.

If you want to pay $497 you also get one recommended product that has 6 figure potential, as well as a website and product review.

If you want to pay $597 you get more product recommendations, unlimited website and product reviews, custom ad strategy, 24/7 access to Jimmy and Adam through Instagram and scaling advice. 

One thing that you should keep in mind is there is no refunds.

I try to avoid courses without a refund policy and every course should have SOMETHING.

If you buy something and get something you weren't expecting, you should be able to get your money back.

Verified Dropshipping Pros And Cons



  • Very short: This is one of the shorter dropshipping courses I've reviewed. Some courses have longer Facebook sections than this entire course! You need more training if you expect to have success.
  • Only Facebook is taught: There's a lot of traffic sources out there. Only teaching Facebook is a mistake. You need to figure out which traffic source is right for you and you need a course that teaches them all.
  • No refunds: I wouldn't buy a course without a refund policy. It can fall short of expectations and you should have a grace period to get your money back. This course doesn't come with one. 

Is Verified Dropshipping A Scam?

No, I don't think it is.

However, I don't think you should buy this course. There's just too many flaws for me to recommend.

It's an extremely short course and the traffic training is subpar. 

There's other options that are more worth your money.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd skip over Verified Shopping.

If you're still interested in dropshipping you should check out Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites is by far the best ecommerce/dropshipping course on the market.

The training is high quality, you'll learn about every traffic source imaginable and it's affordable.

To learn more, click below:

Dominate Ecommerce!

I've reviewed all the top ecommerce courses - Ecom Elites is by far the best. To read my full review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • I don’t think Jimmy even sells products anymore. Maybe they were successful in the beginning but it’s very hard to do now with increasing Facebook ad costs, that’s why Jimmy sells you a course. When I took the course, they talked about their Parent Pouch product like it was making them so much money. They preach about organic sales thru social media posts, but did none of that with Parent Pouch because it did so amazing with just Facebook ads. However, if you go to, the last sale was over 100 days old. They were bragging it up much more recently than that. I don’t know for a 100% but if I was to bet, I’d bet Jimmy is not selling a single product and only selling a course full of information that previously worked but is no longer effective. He just wants your money and doesn’t care if you succeed or not. He will tell you you website and ad looks great and when your product is not profitable, he’ll tell you to make the smallest change that will obviously make no difference in sales. I believe he just wants to milk you dry as quickly as possible to get you to give up.

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