Ecom Empires offers an ecommerce training program (free and paid) and mentoring opportunity from Nick Peroni.

If you're here you're probably wondering if Ecom Empire is legit or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about Ecom Empires including background information, prices involved, a look at what you get and more.

By the time you're done you'll know if the offers from Nick Peroni are worth your time.

Let's get into it!

Ecom Empires Review

Creator: Nick Peroni

Price to join: Free for Ecom Empires, $497 for Dropship Academy 2.0

Do I recommend? Depends

   Overall rating: 3.5/5

Overall, the products and courses offered by Nick Peroni are solid. The free training, Ecom Empires, is definitely worth taking - it's better than a lot of paid courses I've taken.

I wouldn't invest in the paid mentoring or paid course, Dropship Academy 2.0, however.

The mentoring is too expensive and Dropship Academy is quality but not worth $497.

Better opportunity: My favorite ecommerce course is Ecom Elites. It has extremely high quality training and only costs between $197 to $297. To learn more, click below:

Who Is Nick Peroni?

Nicke Peroni isn't like a lot of the other ecommerce personalities out there which is a good thing.

One thing I like about Nick is he doesn't flaunt his wealthy or try to sell a lifestyle.

So many (immature) people in the ecommerce world talk more about their rented lambos and watches than they do about ecommerce.

Many of these people basically make all their money selling courses.. not actually from ecommerce.

However, Nick is basically the opposite. He only talks about ecommerce and gives away a ton of value in his courses. 

His Youtube channel is pretty popular and has over 16k subscribers:

He has an even more popular Instagram account that has over 100k subscribers.. His Instagram is mostly motivational stuff.

Overall, it's refreshing to see someone like Nick who is mature and actually focuses on the education side of things - not just pushing a fake lifestyle.

Ecom Empires Overview

Ecom Empires is a free course offered by Nick. He does promote some of his products in this course (that's how he makes money by offering a free course) but they certainly aren't necessary.

It's up to you whether you buy the products.

Overall Ecom Empires is an awesome free course that you should definitely take.

Here's what you'll learn:


The first module is just an introduction video.

Here you'll learn about some background information about Nick and his story.

He laters goes on to explain what to expect in the course and what you'll learn.

Ecommerce Introduction

This is an introduction module to ecommerce as a whole.

You'll learn about different ecommerce business modules, how to pick the one that suits you the best, why you should use Shopify and things like that. 

The Foundations For Success

Here we have another introduction type module.

In this section you'll learn about choosing a niche, researching different markets, how to look at competitors for ideas and more.

Building Your Shopify Store

This is a lengthy module and teaches you how to set up your Shopify store properly.

There's a few steps that are absolutely necessary to having a high converting Shopify.

This includes picking the right theme, selecting the right apps, setting up your payment processor, shipping rates and more.

There's nothing groundbreaking here but it's important to learn this stuff. 

How To Start Dropshipping

In this section you'll learn about dropshipping and dropshipping best practices.

The idea that you should be building a brand and sell quality products is really stressed.

You'll also learn about wiio, which is a tool that Nick created.

This is a tool that helps find products and to optimize them (very similar to Oberlo).

Optimize For Sales

This is another very important section and this ensures you get as many sales as possible.

Basically in this section you'll learn what a simple sales funnel is and how to use it to convert visitors.

Selling With Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads get a lot of attention in this course and this module is almost 5 hours long.

You'll learn how to look at audiences and use this platform to market products from your store. 

You'll also see the Facebook Ads strategy that Nick himself uses.

Selling With Google Ads

This section isn't as long as Facebook and that's because Google isn't as complicated as Facebook.

In this section you'll learn how to sell your products with Google Ads and Google Shopping Ads.

Google Analytics For Ecommerce

This is a quick module that's under 1 hour and it just goes over how to use Google analytics to track who comes to your website. 


The last section is just a list of resources you'll be using for your ecommerce store.

This includes Shopify, wiio, FreeeUp, Klavyio and Teespy.

Want The Best Ecommerce Training?

I've reviewed all the best ecommerce training programs - one stands out as the clear best. To see this course, click below:

Dropship Academy 2.0

At the end of the course you'll be pitched on the idea of joining Dropship Academy 2.0.

This course is not free, however, and will cost you $497.

Dropship Academy 2.0 goes more into detail on each ecommerce step and here's what you get with this course:

  • Mindset and Strategy
  • Niche Selection
  • Building Your Store
  • Product Research
  • Facebook Advertising 
  • Maximum Conversions 

You'll also get access to Nick's Facebook messenger and email if you sign up for the course.

Lastly, you get access to a mastermind group where you can ask questions and you'll get email templates.

This is a good course and $497 isn't too crazy. However, there's better training out there for less. 

Ecom Empires Coaching

The last thing Nick offers is Ecom Empires Coaching.

Here's the thing.. this coaching opportunity is done with Justin Woll of Beyond Six Figures.

Justin also advertises for coaching on his website and I'm guessing it's the same coaching program as this one.

If that's the case the mentoring will cost you $5000, which is very expensive.

If you're an absolute beginner there's no reason to sign up for this mentoring program.

The only people who should think about joining are people who are already having success.

Ecom Empires Pros And Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about this course

  • Free course: This is a quality course and won't cost you a dime. I'd definitely just take the course because there's a lot of value in it.
  • Nick is successful: There's a lot of scammers and fake it until you make it types in the ecommerce store. Nick is definitely successful and actually makes money with ecommerce.
  • Expensive mentoring: It may be tempting to get the mentoring program but I'd skip over it. $5000 is a lot of money and that can get you really far in terms of ads. Definitely don't buy if you're a beginner.
  • No refunds (possibly): When I reviewed Justin Woll and is mentoring program I couldn't find a refund policy. Since Nick is partnering I'd guess there's still no refund policy. If there is one it's not prominently displayed.
Is Ecom Empires A Scam?

Definitely not.

In fact, for a free course you get a lot of training here. Some paid courses don't offer this much training. 

You need to decide if the paid offers are for you. To be honest I don't think they're necessary. 

wiio is a nice tool but Oberlo is free and basically does the same thing. Dropship Academy 2.0 is a good course but there's better out there for less money.

The mentoring can be useful if you're already making money and want to take it to the next level.. it's not right for beginners, though. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

Ecom Empires is a good course, especially because it's free.

But you're only going to learn so much in a free course (which is why Nick offers a paid course too).

If you want the very best ecommerce training you should look into Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elties is taught by one of the best ecommerce experts, has phenomenal training and is very affordable. 

To learn more, click below:

Get The Best Ecommerce Training

I've reviewed all the top ecommerce training programs.. Ecom Elites is by far the best. To read my full Ecom Elites review, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • Thank you for this!!! I’m soo very new to the ecom world and was contemplating doing the $5K course, but just couldn’t wrap my mind around the cost. Thank you for your input.

  • Nick is a scammer. He is doing fraud in cryptocurrency right now. There is a game called
    I bought tokens in ‘prebuy’ earliest possible and now I can’t claim them. He took them all and sold them! The token value is only 0.05 right now because he dumped everything. He already scammed a bunch, and it’s actually ongoing. He even launched another token! He thinks it’s easy money! You can research if you want. He is scamming the poorest people in crypto!

    Don’t support a scammer!!

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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