Ecommerce Paradise is a dropshipping course from Trevor Fenner..

If you're here you're probably wondering if this course is a scam or not.

That's what this review will answer.

Below you'll find everything you need to know about Ecommerce Paradise including background information, price to join, course overview and more.

You'll know if this course is right for you by the time you're done.

Let's get into it!

Ecommerce Paradise Summary

Product: Ecommerce Paradise

Business model: Ecommerce, dropshipping

Price to join: $997

Do I recommend? It depends on your budget

Overall rating :  4 / 5

Ecommerce Paradise Academy is a course and training platform that teaches you how to do high ticket dropshipping. 

Overall this is a really solid course and is very thorough. Every step is explained in an easy to understand way.

Also, Trevor Fenner is a good person to learn from.

The only problem is the course is expensive and there's courses that are as quality for less.

Better opportunity: I've reviewed most ecommerce courses out there and if you want to see the best one (which is really affordable) click below:

Who Trevor Fenner?

Trevor Fenner is the creator of this course and claims he's been doing ecommerce for more than 10 years. 

One thing I like about Trevor is he's not immature and is not some 18 year old random kid on Youtube.

Ecommerce is FILLED with immature kids who just post pictures of there's cars and rented houses.

Mikey Kass is an example of this. 

Trevor doesn't flaunt how much money he has and he's not trying to sell a lifestyle.

If you go to his Youtube channel you'll see that almost all of his videos are informational in nature and are loaded with good teaching. 

Also, according to Trevor he's created multiple 6 figure and 7 figure ecommerce stores.

Course Overview

Overall, this is a very lengthy course and the training is definitely high quality. In total there's 27 modules.

Here's a breakdown of each module.

Module 1 And 2: Introduction And Mindset

Almost every course that teaches making money online has an introduction and mindset module.

If mindset is a major part of the course it should be a red flag. But there's 20+ other modules so it's fine to include some mindset training.

Module 3: The High Ticket Dropshipping Business Model

There's a couple different ways to do dropshipping and this course teaches the high ticket business model.

This means you'll be selling products that cost more and have higher margins.

Strategies to sell high ticket products is different than selling something that's $20. Here you'll learn the difference.

Module 4: Niche Selection Guidelines

A niche is the market you're going to be making your store around. 

This is a very thorough section that has 9 different lessons.

You'll get all the information you need on selecting a niche and learn things like pricing strategies, ideal target markets, search trends and more.

Module 5: Market Research

Here we have another module on niches and market. You'll learn more advanced techniques for finding the right markets and products to choose for your store. 

In Module 5 you'll learn about:

  • Using Google Shopping to find niches
  • Search for trending categories
  • Look at seasonal categories
  • Keyword research
  • Looking at competitiveness 

And more.

This is the kind of module where you get to see how much of an expert Trevor is. He clearly knows what he's talking about and you'll see that here. 

Module 6: Niche Reports:

Here you just get an indepth look at certain high ticket niches that you can choose.

Module 7: Deep Niche Research

This is the last module on niches and it provides more advanced strategies for you to use when looking into a niche. 

You'll learn to look at top selling products in certain niches and learn about upsells you can add on to each product.

​​Module 8: Business Formation

This section gets into the legal aspects of dropshipping. You'll need to be located in the US for any of this apply to you.

You'll learn about taxes, banking accounts and every other financial/business information you need to be compliant/legal in the US.

​Module 9: Shopify For Beginners

Shopify is a popular ecommerce platform where you'll be creating your store - this module will teach you how to do this. 

You'll get training on making menus, creating collections and more.

Module 10: Shopify Store Setup

In this section you'll get more advanced training on Shopify.

Here you'll learn about domains, creating a business email, creating a logo, premium themes and everything else.

Module 11: Supplier Recruiting

Eventually you'll need products to promote on your store.

This section you'll learn about finding potential suppliers to work with and reaching out to them.

Module 12: Supplier On-Boarding

After you find good suppliers you'll need to put their products on your store.

Here you'll learn how to import products properly on your site and to make them look good.

Also, you'll learn about SEO (search engine optimization) so your products show up Google and you get free traffic.

Module 13: Conversion Rate Optimization

This section will teach you how to get the most sales possible. 

You'll get training on getting positive customer reviews and using different apps to increase conversions. 

Module 14: Social Media Marketing

This section you'll get basic training on social media and creating Facebook pages, Pinterest pages and Instagram accounts.

Module 15: Email Marketing And Lead Generation

Emails are really important with online businesses and they can definitely increase sales when done right.

Here you'll learn how to collect emails with various methods. 

Module 16: Facebook Retargeting Ads

You'll get training here on installing an app that helps you retarget customers with Facebook ads. 

Module 17: Paid Search Engine Traffic

This section is one of the more lengthy in the entire course. Module 17 has training on paid traffic including training on:

  • Google Ads
  • Google Merchant Center
  • Tracking codes
  • Conversion Pixel
  • Bing ads

And more. 

Module 18: Conversion Rate, SEO And Content Marketing

Module 18 expands on a few things you learned about earlier. 

You get more in depth training on how to improve your seo and get free traffic/free sales.

Module 19: Youtube Video Marketing

You don't see to many dropshipping courses recommend creating a Youtube channel but you do get training on that in this course.

Module 20 And 21: Multi-Channel Selling + Managing Store

Selling high ticket products require more creative solutions than selling low ticket products - module 20 will show you how to use different methods and channels to make sales.

Here you'll learn about creating an Ebay account, closing sales on the phone, processing returns, backorders and more. 

Module 22: Order Fulfillment And Shipping

This module will teach you how to set up shipping, get the best shipping prices and how to manage shipping times. 

Module 23: Outsourcing

Once you start making money you'll be able to hire people to do some of the daily tasks.

Module 23 will teach you how to hire cheap workers from (the Philippines).

I've hired workers from there before and have been satisfied.

Module 24: Scaling Your Store

Another important strategy to making more money with your store is to scale. This means increasing how much you spend and hire to make more sales. 

Module 25: Selling Your Store

I've sold several online businesses before and it's a good way to get a lot of money at once. 

This section will teach you what to do when it comes time to sell like getting a valuation, preparing for the sale and more. 

Module 26: Buying A Store

This section is just the opposite of the last section.

Buying a store will help cut out a lot of time but you'll need a good amount of money to buy a good store.

​Module 27: Bonuses And Interviews

This is just a bonus section where you'll hear interviews about email strategies, niche research and sales. 

There's better courses than Ecommerce Paradise!

I like Ecommerce Paradise but there's better ecommerce courses out there.

If you want to see the best (that's very affordable), click below:

​30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Another good thing about this course is there's a 30 day money back guarantee.

However, it's not a no strings attached money back guarantee. You will have to show that you took action before you get your money back.

You can't just go though the course, do nothing and then get your money back.

This Course Is Expensive

This course is $997 and that's pretty expensive for an ecommerce course.

However, most dropshipping courses don't do high ticket products and most aren't as thorough as this one.

I always advise caution when it comes to spending a lot on a course that teaches making money online, though.

The reason is most people aren't going to make money and you're going to need money for ads.

If you spend less on a course and more on ads, you'll have a better chance at success.

You just have to find a course that's well made but doesn't cost a lot.

For instance, my favorite ecommerce course only costs $197.

Ecommerce Paradise Pros And Cons

Here's what I like and dislike about Ecommerce Paradise 


  • Successful teacher: I like Trevor Fenner a lot. He's successful but he's mature. He's not showing off leased cars and leased houses to sell a lifestyle. According to him he's created 7 figure stores before.
  • Thorough course: Every single aspect of dropshipping is covered here. You'll learn every single step of creating a successful high ticket ecommerce store in this training. 
  • Money back guarantee: You also get a 30 day money back guarantee. It's not a no question back guarantee but as long as you showed that you took action you can get your money back.


  • Expensive course: I usually don't recommend beginners spend $997 on a course. Only people with some success should be doing that. If you're an absolute beginner or not making money yet, I'd find a cheaper course. 

Is Ecommerce Paradise A Scam?

Definitely not.

This is a legit course that comes from a legit teacher.

You'll find everything you need to know about creating a successful high ticket ecommerce store in this training.

The only downside is the price.

If you can afford $997 plus have money left over for an ad budget I'd recommend this course to buy.

Here's A Better Opportunity

Ecommerce Paradise is a good course but it's a little expensive.

I don't think it's necessary to spend $997 on an ecommerce course because there's a lot of cheaper alternatives out there.

My personal favorite is Ecom Elites.

Ecom Elites is by far the best course on dropshipping out there and it only costs $197 to $297. 

If you want to learn dropshipping, I'd definitely start with Ecom Elites


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • Unfortunately Trevor Fenner revoked access to his course without warning (Feb 2021). He sold it as life time access, but gave no warning at all that he was simply ending it. His excuses were confusing–apparently he felt someone took advantage of him. Even if he wanted to stop selling the course until he got things figured out, he could have allowed access to those who paid the significant amount of money for life time access, but apparently he’d rather keep all that money for his nomad lifestyle!

    We also had purchased a “turnkey store” from Trevor. That turned out to be FAR from turnkey! A LOT of plagiarism in it. There were actual sections copied from other sites (including links to those sites, images of products from those sites, etc) in the one we purchased. Suppliers listed as approved and onboarded had never heard of the store we bought.

    You get the picture. Trevor comes across as knowledgeable and sincere. I have no idea what’s actually happening, BUT I would suggest that he is NOT a business person to be trusted. Regardless of reviews from the past or how sincere he seems, DON’T get involved in ANY business dealing with him. Let him live his nomad lifestyle abroad, but don’t help support it!

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