Dylan Jovine is out with a new stock teaser.

This time he's hinting at a potential conflict between China and Taiwan and how it's going to affect certain stocks.

He also recommends a stock he teases as a "little-known laser stock" with the potential to get 2,476% gains in 6 months.

This is all in his report, China vs. Taiwan: 3 Steps You Must Take To Prepare For War.

Dylan doesn't reveal the name of the stock in the presentation, but he left enough clues to figure it out.

I reveal it below, along with information on the company, so you can determine if it's right for you or not.

Let's get started!

Jovine's Little Known Laser Stock Summary

Creator: Dylan Jovine

Newsletter: Behind The Markets

Stock: Leidos

Leidos is a defense contractor that's a subsidiary of the biggest defense contractor, Lockheed Martin.

There's a lot to like about this company.

They compete in growing sectors like cyber security, AI and weapons.

Leidos has shown an ability to have regular growth and steady revenue as well.

The biggest risks for this company is dependence on government contracts and reputation damage if one of their products were to get hacked in a big way.

Overall a very solid company, though.

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China Vs. Taiwan Teaser FAQ's

Dylan Jovine is marketing his newsletter the same way all stock pickers do: by teasing a stock pick.

Here are a bunch of questions you might be wondering about this teaser:

1) What is the theme of this teaser?

The theme of the teaser is that China will be attacking Taiwan soon, and that will cause a lot of problems with different stocks.

America is connected to Taiwan in a lot of different ways, and according to Jovine, this will hurt many stocks.

Jovine claims this attack is happening any time now.

He is constantly re-running this teaser with different dates for when the attack will happen.

The date Jovine thinks the war will happen is always about a month away.

2) How Would A China-Taiwan Conflict Effect The World?

Well, there are a lot of different scenarios that can spring from a war between China and Taiwan.

But the main problem with this conflict is that Taiwan produces most of the world's semiconductor chips.

These chips are vital in basically any product that has any sort of technology in it.

Computers, smartphones, cars, farm equipment, etc. all use semiconductor chips.

There's been a chip shortage due to COVID, and you've seen the problems that has caused already.

A war between Taiwan and China would make this much worse.

So there would be many shortages in products that use chips from Taiwan.

This would affect Apple, car manufacturers (especially EV cars, which use more chips), laptop and TV companies, Microsoft, and more.

Many stocks would be affected by this.

And there's the question of what America does in this scenario.

It seems the majority of people in Washington are hell-bent on defending Taiwan.

Will they just supply weapons, or will we directly confront the Chinese army?

That would have HUGE impacts on the markets.

3) What Does Jovine Recommend Doing?

Jovine has put out a report on what he thinks you should do to prepare for this imminent war.

Dylan makes it clear in this teaser that it's not a matter of "if," but when.

So he recommends taking action now.

The first thing Jovine recommends doing is limiting your exposure to Taiwanese and Chinese stocks and assets.

He believes you should go through all your accounts, like your 401(k), IRA, retirement accounts, and more, to see what exposure you have.

The second thing Jovine recommends doing is increasing your investments in metals and mining stocks.

Jovine recommends this because these assets tend to do well in turbulent times.

People want to invest in something real and tangible instead of betting on a risky growth stock.

Additionally, if there is a massive global conflict, the need for precious metals goes up.

Weapons, aviation, and aerospace all use these materials.

The third thing Jovine recommends is to invest in a certain defense contractor.

Jovine doesn't reveal the name of the stock that he's teasing, but he does leave enough clues to figure out the company.

4) What Is The Stock That Jovine Is Teasing?

There aren't too many clues in this presentation, but there are enough to make a good guess.

However, based on the limited clues, I'm fairly certain the stock Jovine is teasing is Leidos.

One of the main clues left by Dylan was that this company has created ships for the Navy in the past.

Here's an article that details Leidos creating a ship for the Navy.

Additionally, Leidos is a company Dylan has been pitching for a long time.

For the last few years, he's found different angles to promote this company.

And if it's not Leidos, it's Aerojet Rocketdyne, which makes rockets and propulsion systems.

But I'm fairly certain it's Leidos.

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5) What Does Leidos Do?

Providing products and services for the defense, intelligence, civil, and health markets, Leidos is a multinational technology and engineering firm.

In 2013, SAIC, a technology corporation, divided into two distinct organizations, giving rise to the company. Federal, state, local, and private sector organizations are among the clients of Leidos, which specializes in government contracting.

Leidos offers a wide range of services, including assistance for mission operations, engineering and research, logistics, and cybersecurity.

In addition to operating in more than 40 nations worldwide, the business maintains its headquarters in Reston, Virginia.

6) What Are The Pros Of Investing In Leidos?

There are many benefits to investing in Leidos.

Some of them include:

  • Strong government contracts: Leidos is one of the bigger defense contractors in the country, which brings in a lot of stable revenue. It also provides a level of visibility other companies wouldn't have.
  • Diverse customer base: This company services customers in many different sectors, including defense, intelligence, civil, and health. This means they don't have to depend on one sector to be successful.
  • Technology expertise: The products that Leidos makes, including weapons, cybersecurity, cloud computing, AI, data analytics, and more, are in very high demand.
  • Strong financial performance: Leidos has proven that it can grow and remain profitable over the years.
  • Potential growth opportunities: Many of the markets Leidos operates in are growing, and Leidos should benefit from this.

So as you can see, there are many reasons to invest in this company.

7) What are the negatives of investing in Leidos?

Like all companies, this one comes with risks.

Here are the main negatives to investing in Leidos:

  • Dependence on government: Government contracts can provide stable revenue, but if there are budget cuts, Leidos could lose a lot of its revenue.
  • Competition: The markets Leidos operates in are lucrative, but they are highly competitive. Boeing, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin are just a few rival companies.
  • Cybersecurity risk: Leidos can only exist if it has a good reputation. A security breach into their company's systems would be a major hit to their reputation.

8) Is Dylan Jovine legit?

I've covered Jovine a few times on this website and have actually talked to him on the phone before.

I wrote a massive review of his newsletter, Behind The Markets, that you can read here.

Overall, I think Jovine is a decent stock picker, but he's not able to beat the market consistently.

His newsletter is down a lot right now because of current market conditions.

But even when things were going well, he was trailing the market.

His newsletter is cheap, and there are expensive upsells after you buy.

But since he can't beat the market, it's hard to recommend him.

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Wrapping Things Up

Alright, so that's the end of my post covering Dylan Jovine's newest stock teaser.

I'm not as sure as Dylan that China will attack Taiwan.

It's a vital country for China, but there are risks involved.

Russia doesn't seem to be doing too well in Ukraine, so maybe that will deter China for the time being.

but you never know.

I didn't think Russia would actually attack Ukraine, and I was wrong about that.

It's pretty clear that America will act if China does something.

At the very least, billions of weapons will be shipped to Taiwan, and Leidos will benefit from that.

Hopefully none of this happens, though.

I personally don't invest in weapon makers because I don't like profiting from war.

There was something very sick about that to me.

So regardless of my thoughts on the company, I won't be joining it.

What about you?

Do you think China invades Taiwan?

And do you think Leidos benefits from this?

Let me know below!

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