Trend Trader Daily is an investing newsletter service run by Lou Basenese.

He claims he can help you find the next big tech trends and big investment ideas.

Is Lou telling the truth or is he just another financial scam artist?

This will all be revealed in this review.

You'll get a lot more information as well.. you'll see background information on Lou, a look at his stock picking record and an overview of the products being sold.

You'll know if Trend Trader Daily is worth it by the time you're done reading.

Let's get started!

Trend Trader Daily Summary

Creator: Lou Basenese 

Price to join: Depends on newsletter (hundreds to thousands)

Do I recommend? No!

   Overall rating: 2.5/5

Trend Trader Daily isn't a place I'd recommend buying an investing newsletter from.

There's a million other identical services to these and ones that get better results.

Most of the stock picks I've looked at from Lou were big losers!

Better opportunity: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

Lou Basenese And Agora

Before we get into what Lou is trying to sell you, let's take a look at some background information about Lou.

Lou claims he worked for Morgan Stanley for a few years as an investment consultant and analyst.

After his short stint with Morgan Stanley Lou started selling newsletters to retail investors in 2005.

Since then Lou has been involved with many different newsletters.

However, there's one major red flag in Lou's past.

He was employed by Agora for a number of years.

Agora is the biggest distributor of financial newsletters and they make hundreds of millions a year.

The problem? They're extremely predatory and use some of the worst marketing practices imaginable.

To really understand how bad Agora is, take a look at what they were just fined millions for doing:

Targeting senior citizens with scams is about as low as you can get.

I don't believe Lou works for Agora anymore, though.

But you can see the influence they've had on him.

He markets his newsletters the exact same way that all Agora newsletters do.

He puts out very sensational headlines and overhypes stock opportunities.

Just realize if you do buy from Lou you're likely going to be promoted very expensive products in manipulative ways.

So while he might be selling affordable services, it's all geared to get you to buy the more expensive ones.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Picks

A Look At Lou's Past Picks

Lou likes to put out stock teasers to get people to buy his newsletters (again this is something Agora pioneered).

Basically he hypes a company up and doesn't reveal the name of the company.

You only get the name if you buy the newsletter - it acts like a sweetener.

He's done a number of these through out the years and looking how they've performed is a good way to see how competent Lou is.

Here's some results from these teasers:

Vuzix In August 2021

Last summer Lou was pitching a company he called "The iPhone Killer."

Basically it was a small manufacturer that makes smart glasses.

Apparently they're always being rumored to be working with Google or Apple.

The company he's hinting at is Vuzix.

Here's how the stock has performed since the roll out of this campaign:

Lou missed the boat on this one!

If he just recommended it a year earlier it would have been a great stock pick.

However, he recommended it at $12 and it currently is at around $6.

So that's a 50% loss in less than a year.

Cue Biopharma In October 2021

In October 2021 Lou was pitching a biotech stock called Cue Biopharma.

Apparently they were involved in fighting cancer and other diseases.

Biotech stocks are very popular among stock pickers and almost everyone in this business has a biotech stock to pitch.

However, many don't turn out well.. which is the case with Cue Biopharma:

This stock has lost nearly 75% of its value in just 7 months.

Another HUGE loser that lost value FAST.

C-Com Satellite Systems In March 2021

This pitch had to do with LEO satellite constellations which is another niche many stock pickers pitch stocks in.

When this campaign rolled out it was marketed as a $3 stock with 3,906% gain potential.

Let's see how the stock has performed:

Mama Mia!

That's another HUGE lose in a short period of time.

Lou seems to be constantly recommending stocks when they're peaking.

Buying high and selling low is not what you want to be doing!

Atomera In October 2019

Atomera is a company that developed a semiconductor coating called MST.

At the time they were testing their product with large chip makers.

This was a very high risk high reward stock and it actually turned out extremely well:

It was getting recommended at around $3 and peaked at around $41 in a little over a year.

Can't really get much better than that!

That's 13 times your money so if you had invested $10,000 you could have cashed out at $130,000.

It has come down to reality since the peak and is now at around $12.

Still good returns.

Neptune Wellness Solutions In April 2019

Back in 2019 Lou was pitching Neptune Wellness Solutions.

He called it the "safest way to profit from the marijuana gold rush."

Now if you hear the phrase "safest way to profit" you assume it's a pretty conservative investment right? 

When you use that kind of terminology you wouldn't expect there's a chance the stock could completely crash right?


It's essentially lost all value.

So anyone that invested in this stock likely lost everything if they held onto it. 

Gilat In December 2020

Gilat is a stock Lou pitched that, according to him, was the "secret $5 company behind Elon's race to own the internet."

This was definitely an overhyped presentation where Lou asked the question "is Elon Musk secretly working with the US government to schedule a massive disruption to your intent service on Mar 1st 2021."

Stock pickers like to evoke the names of Elon or Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates to grab attention.

This stock did pop quite a bit after Lou started this campaign:

It peaked at $21 so that would have been a fast opportunity to triple your money if you sold at the right time.

If you didn't sell then you're basically break even at the moment. 

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Picks

Overview Of Trend Trader Daily

Trend Trader Daily is the publisher Lou Basenese runs that focuses mainly on tech stocks.

As I'm writing this tech stocks are absolutely taking a beating:

There was a good time to invest in these growth stocks but that time isn't at the moment.

Anyway, here's everything offered at Trend Trader Daily:

Digital Fortunes 

Digital Fortunes is the introductory newsletter from Lou and costs up to $299 per year.

This is a standard newsletter and you get what pretty much any other newsletter is offering.

This includes:

  • Monthly newsletter where you get stock picks and market research
  • Model portfolio
  • Some special reports 
  • Alerts if action needs to be taken immediately

The main focus will be tech stocks in 5G, internet, self driving cars, AI, 3D printing, mobile payments and more.

Again, very standard for this kind of newsletter.

Micro-Cap Advantage

I'd really recommend most people stay far, far away from this newsletter.

The focus here is on "micro-cap" stocks - in other words penny stocks.

These stocks are extremely volatile and almost impossible to predict.

In fact, I have a hard time believing anyone could really be a microcap stock expert because of their volatility.

Additionally, there's a lot of fraud with these assets as well.

The only people that should even consider Micro-cap Advantage are people that can handle risk and have money to lose.

There's a chance you lose big with these stock picks and if you can't stomach that than don't bother.

Lastly, this product currently has a waiting list but it's likely going to cost thousands of dollars. 

Biotech Breakout Alert

Biotech Break Alert claims it's the only investment newsletter entirely focused on the biotech market.

This isn't true at all.

There's plenty of newsletter that focus on Biotech.. Behind The Markets is an example.

Here you'll get stock picks in vaccine development, medical devices, gene therapy, treatments for various diseases and more. 

This one has a waiting list as well. 

Takeover Trader

Takeover Trader hasn't launched yet but I have a pretty good idea what it's going to be about judging from its name.

Some people like to buy the stocks of companies that are about to be bought out by another, larger company.

A lot of times there's a pop in the stock price when this happens. 

There's many alternative stock newsletters like this one as well.

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Trend Trader Daily FAQ's

Still have questions about Trend Trader Daily?

Here's some answers to any remaining questions you might have:

1) Are The Prices Fair At Trend Trader Daily?

The prices are pretty much what you'll find from other newsletter publishers.

They all have the same marketing formula.. they offer a cheaper newsletter (in this case Digital Fortunes) and then try to upsell you after you buy.

So Digital Fortunes is the same price you'll pay for any other introductory newsletter and the upgrades cost thousands - which is what every other publisher prices their upgrades.

This marketing funnel is time tested and there's really no rhyme or reason to the prices.

The products that cost thousands aren't going to get you better results than the cheaper ones.

In fact, the cheaper ones usually get the best results. 

2) Is There A Refund Policy?

Yes but it's not very good - you only get 30 days to get your money back.

This is not enough time to test out stock picks or anything like that.

Additionally, you'll only get one newsletter in this time frame.. so it's not like you can judge how much you like the newsletter.

3) Is Lou Basenese Legit?

I believe Lou does a lot of research for his stock picks.

However, I just think the markets he's positioned himself in are too tough to be successful in for long stretches of time.

Tech stocks were good a few years ago but are horrible now.

Microcaps are insanely difficult to predict and so are biotech stocks.

That's why so many of the stocks we looked at earlier tanked after he recommended them.

They're just insanely hard to guess right.

4) How Much Do I Need To Invest?

I'd probably want at least $10,000 to invest.

Most of these stocks are high risk/high reward, though so keep that in mind.

Whatever you invest you should be comfortable with losing.

So if you have extra money and want to gamble with $10,000 that might work.

There's a chance you hit it big with a stock but also a chance you lose everything.

5) Are There Similar Newsletters?

Yes, there's plenty of newsletters that are very similar to this one.

Some include:

And more.

No shortage of tech and biotech newsletters out there!

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Picks

Trend Trader Daily Pros And Cons

  • Too risky: All the investing strategies in these newsletters are too risk in my opinion.
  • Big losers: Looking back on Lou's past picks were eye opening. There were way more losers than winners.
  • Expensive upsells: Once you buy Digital Fortunes you'll be pressured to buy expensive services.. these services won't perform better.
  • Agora influence: Lou runs Trend Trader Daily just like other Agora newsletters are run. You can see Lou learned these tricks from his time at Agora.

Trend Trader Daily Conclusion

Trend Trader Daily is just a clone of other publishers.

It's run just like any other Agora newsletter and is basically the same as Behind The Markets from Dylan Jovine.

If you look into Lou's past you'll see he's run many newsletters previoulsy.

Lou just seems to jump on the trends and use his marketing to get new subscribers.

I personally haven't seen any results that would make me want to recommend any of the products here.

In fact, the results make me want to do the opposite - tell people to run in the other direction.

The risk is too high in my opinion for most people.

Unless you have some extra cash to gamble I'd steer clear of this newsletter.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd pass on Trend Trader Daily and all the newsletters there.

The results just seem way too volatile for me.

The good news is there's still a lot of good places to get stock picks.

I've reviewed all the best places to get good stock ideas.

To see my favorite (which is very affordable), click below:

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I've reviewed 100+ stock picking services. To learn more about my favorite, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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