The Dividend Machine is an investing newsletter from Bill Spetrino.

He claims he can show you his investing secrets that turned him into a self made millionaire.

Is he telling the truth or is this just another scam.

We'll get to the bottom of that question in this review.

Additionally, we'll look at background information and I'll share any red flags that I find.

You'll know if The Dividend Machine is worth it by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

The Complete Investor Summary

Creator: Bill Spetrino

Price to join: $109

Do I recommend? Yes!

   Overall rating: 4/5

The Dividend Machine is a good investing newsletter if you're interested in dividend stocks.

This product has been around for over a decade and has a lot of good customer reviews.

Plus the price is fair.

Not the best stock picking service but it's definitely one of the better ones. 

Better opportunity: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

Who Is Bill Spetrino?

Bill Spetrino seems like a guy that's been around for a long time but unfortunately there's not too much out there about him.

He claims he started with $7,000 and was able to turn it into $7 million through the years by  investing.

Not sure if this is true or just some marketing gimmick.

He originally got his accounting degree from John Carrol University and is president of a company called Compeer, which deals with sports and entertainment memorabilia. 

After this it seems Bill became a senior editor at Newsmax media and has been selling investing services through Newsmax.

Customer reviews are very positive for Bill which is really the only thing that matters (we'll cover these reviews shortly).

What Is The Dividend Machine?

The Dividend Machine is the flagship product form Bill Spetrino and it's been around for a long time.. over a decade.

This is a very good sign for an investing newsletter.

Bad stock pickers are constantly having to rebrand and relaunch their services under new names.

Their products produce such bad results customers catch on and stop buying.

When you see a newsletter that's been around for over a decade that means people are making money.

Furthermore, The Dividend Machine focuses on dividend investments like the name suggests.

Dividends are stocks that pay some of their profits to investors monthly or quarterly.

There's pros and cons to these kinds of stocks:

Dividend Pro #1 - Passive Income

Passive income should be what you're striving for in life.

Like Warren Buffet says "if you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you'll work until you die."

Dividend stocks provide a way for you to make money while you sleep.

You don't have to lift a finger to earn this money - just simply invest in the right dividend stocks.

Dividend Pro #2 - Good For Retirement

Another benefit of dividend stocks is they're great for retirement.

However, you need a lot of money to retire on them.

A lot of people start with a little money when they're young and reinvest the dividend payments back into the stocks.

You can start with $10,000 in your 30's and by the time you're ready to retire have have enough to live off.

Dividend Con #1 - Smaller Growth

Companies that pay dividends are usually safe and are large corporations that are past their growth stage.

For example, some dividend stocks include:

  • Verizon
  • Exxon
  • Walgreens
  • Citigroup
  • Coca Cola

These are all companies that I'm sure you've heard of.

The stock price on these stocks aren't going to explode for 1000% or anything like that.

Dividend Con #2 - Cutting Dividends

Another con about dividends is they can be cut.

When a company is struggling or the economy is in an recession companies may slash or eliminate their dividends.

They'll use the dividend cash in other ways to keep the company safe.

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Great Customer Reviews

The Dividend Machine has some awesome customer reviews, which is refreshing to see.

So many stock picking services lead to people losing money and customers will show their displeasure on the internet.

This isn't the case for The Dividend Machine, though.

The best place to check customer reviews for newsletters is Stock Gumshoe.

This is a website for customer to share their insights on investing services and overall this newsletter has a 4.1/5 rating which is excellent:

This comes from over 760 people too!

A 4.1/5 is about as good as you'll find for a stock picking newsletter.

The reviews go all the way back to 2010 as well and they're consistently positive.

For example, here's a review from 2010 from one man saying this is the best newsletter he's ever bought:

In 2011 this customer claims none of the stocks he bought based on Bill's recommendations have lost:

In 2013 this customer claims he couldn't be more pleased with the service:

In 2017 this customer claims Bill's picks have doubled his family's portfolio:

And you have more recent reviews of customers claiming to have made hundreds of thousands:

There's negative reviews too.

Some people complain of big loses with some stock recommendations.

For example, Bill seemed to recommend RIG in the past and that lost big time.

But there's more happy reviews than bad ones.

What Is The Dividend Machine Offering?

In terms of The Dividend Machine works, it's the same as basically every other investing newsletter out there.

Here's a breakdown of everything you get:

Monthly Investment Newsletter

This is the core part of the offer and basically what you're paying for.

Once a month you'll get a new copy of The Dividend Machine with new investment ideas.

Typically you'll get one new investment idea per issue.

The Great American Dividend Machine

This is the book Bill wrote about dividends and it's included in your subscription.

In it Bill talks about his investing strategies and teaches you about dividends.

It revolves around his "5 simple strategies" that he uses when investing.

Weekly Updates

These updates go out every Tuesday and you'll get insights into the markets and the stocks in your portfolio.


Along with the the weekly updates you also get a weekly podcast.

These are sent out every Thursday and you'll get coverage of the markets, stocks, your portfolio and more.

Special Reports

This is something that every investment service offers as well.

Once you sign up you'll get access to a bunch of long form reports.

These reports focus on markets and individual stocks.

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The Dividend Machine FAQ's

Still have some questions about The Dividend Machine?

Here's answers to any questions you might have:

1) What Does The Dividend Machine Cost? 

The cost is $4.95 for the first 3 months of the subscription.

This gives you access to Bill's book The Great American Dividend Machine.

You also get 3 editions of The Dividend Machine newsletter.

After that it renews for $109 a year.

This is a very good price for what you're getting and plenty of similar newsletters cost way more.

2) Is There A Refund Policy?

There isn't but that's fine in this case.

The reason being is you get to try it for 3 months for basically free.

If there wasn't this three month trial I'd be concerned.

3) Is Bill Spetrino Legit?

I believe so.

I saw some people make some wild accusations like he doesn't actually have a degree in accounting and is lying about going to college.

I have no clue if this is true but I couldn't find evidence it's true.

Either way I wouldn't really care if he was lying about his degree.

All that matters is that he can pick good stocks.

And there's a lot of evidence he's been doing that for over 10 years with The Dividend Machine.

4) Are There Similar Newsletters?

Yes there's many newsletters just like this one.

Some include:

There's plenty more as well.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Picks

The Dividend Machine Pros And Cons

  • Affordable: This newsletter is practically free for 3 months and then is only $109 per year after. A great deal.
  • Good strategy: Dividends are excellent investments and can be your path to a full time, passive income.
  • Good customer reviews: Most of the reviews are very positive and many people claim to have made big money from Bill's picks. 
  • Long running: This newsletter has been around for over a decade and that's a good sign people are making money. 
  • Bill has a bad haircut: There weren't any real negatives.. Bill does have a horrible haircut, though.

The Dividend Machine Conclusion

I typically don't give out positive reviews.

For me to like an investing service it needs to deliver high quality picks over a long period of time, have plenty of happy customers and be affordable.

The Dividend Machines reaches all of these criteria and then some.

Investing newsletters only last over a decade if they're making people money.

If The Dividend Machine was losing people money you'd know.

There would be horrible customer reviews and the name would have changed a dozen times over the years.

This doesn't mean all of Bill's picks will be winners.

I looked at one that lost really big.

But what matters is if he's positive overall and he seems to be.

I would definitely recommend buying this newsletter.

Here's A Better Opportunity

The Dividend Machine is a good newsletter but there's better out there.

I've reviewed hundreds of investing newsletters..

To see my favorite place to get (which is very affordable), click below:

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Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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